
By beauty-of-roses

344K 3.3K 520

[Formerly known as: Warzone] "I miss him so much. I wish he was here, that none of this ever happened and tha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note

Chapter 22

8.5K 120 46
By beauty-of-roses

You guys were pretty eager for an upload, weren't you? I liked it! Shows that you are enjoying the story. (:

PLEASE READ: Some of your comments on the last chapter tell me that you think Harry is the bad guy. That was never my intention. What he did in the last chapter was mean, yes, but you have to remember how he feels. He saw what he could only think was Lissa cheating. He is hurt and upset. I don't want Harry to be the bad guy. It's a mutual misunderstanding.

Sorry it took me so long to upload. I just moved and with the holidays, things have been crazy. I hope this chapter was worth the wait. Read on! 


~Harry's POV~

"What the heck was that?!" Liam exclaimed.

"Are you insane!? What were you thinking?! You idiot!" Niall shouted.

I sulked into the dressing room and collapsed on the couch. I shouldn't have done that.

Last night when Lissa came to my room, I was beyond angry. I watched her cheat on me and she thought that she could get away with it by making up some fake story. She lied right to me and that pissed me off.

When I'm upset, I go to my room and listen to music. Warzone by The Wanted came on and it fit the situation perfectly. I already knew the song by heart and I made the rash decision of calling Josh up. My anger was at it's highest and the song just added fuel to the fire.

When I was on stage and the first few notes rang, the arena went quieter than normal. I assume that many fans knew of the situation and recognized the song. The boys were clearly shocked. They had no idea of my song choice. I veered off course and that was unusual.

When I finished the song, Liam and Niall shot me disapproving looks that continued through the remainder of the concert. And as I expected, here I was, being lectured by them.

"That probably really hurt her! Then Tess will get mad and... No! Why would you do that?!" Well, Niall was pretty fired up.

Liam sighed heavily and rubbed his forehead. "Harry..."

"I know I messed up! It was a rash decision and it was stupid." I groaned.

I was never one to seek revenge. I guess Lissa brought out the worst in me...

"She's gotten you very upset, hasn't she? You're not the type for revenge.." Louis muttered, reading my mind.

"Yeah, well, with what she did.." Zayn trailed off.

"Nope. No, Zayn. Harry's got to be the bigger person and take the high road." Liam instructed.

"Well, it's too late for that now, Liam." I sighed.

"Let's forget it, yeah? S'not a big deal." Louis suggested. "Just ignore her now and she'll eventually go away."

"Yeah, after how many months of this tour?" I mumbled.

"Three." Liam answered.

I groaned. "Fun."

Being mad at Lissa hurt. I still love her and knowing that it was no longer mutual - if it ever was - was extremely painful. I wish I could go back in time and unsee what I saw. You know the saying, ignorance is bliss. Well, it really is.

I wanted to hold her hand again and kiss her and tell her I love her, but I can't anymore. Everything changed.

"As I once said, life is a funny thing because the minute you think you've got everything figured out something comes along and turns it all upside down." Zayn said. "I'm pretty sure that's relevant."

"Yeah. When I met Lissa, it was like everything fell in place. No it's all falling apart." I sighed.

"It will get better. It seems worse now then it will later. I promise." Liam comforted. He shot Louis a sympathetic look.

"What?" I mumbled, confused at Liam's gesture. "Is everything okay, Lou?"

He sighed and sat down beside me. "I didn't want to say anything, because things are... difficult enough right now, but last night Eleanor called and broke up with me."

"Oh Lou!" I exclaimed, shocked, and flung my arms around him. He immediately returned my hug.

"It's fine. You know, whatever. What happens, happens. After seeing you and Lissa, I'm not quite sure I ever loved her anyways." He confessed.



"Wow, that's, um, surprising to say the least." I replied honestly.

"Well, it's a good thing really. Makes her dumping me not as bad."

I glanced at Liam and then back at Louis. "How come you told Liam and not me?"

"He didn't tell me." Liam answered. "I overheard when he was on the phone."

"Oh. Well, I'm really sorry Boobear."

"I'm sorry too Hazza." He ruffled my hair.

"Aww!" Niall cooed from behind us. I'd completely forgotten that Niall and Zayn were there. "You guys are so cute!"

"Yeah, you would make a really cute couple." Zayn agreed.

My cheeks heated up and I scrunched up my nose. "What?"

"No offence Haz, or anything, but I like girls." Louis laughed.

"Yeah, me too."

"That's a shame really." Niall mumbled. "You would be so cute."

"Maybe in a different life." I muttered.

"Definitely Haz." He smirked and leaned forward, abruptly licking my nose.

"Louis!" I exclaimed.

"Oh ew. Maybe it's best that you're both straight." Zayn shuddered and I laughed.

"Hazza and I can be single buddies. S'not so bad." Louis decided.

I gave a half-hearted nod.

Paul came to our dressing room then and announced that he was ready to bring us back to the hotel. We followed him through the back halls of the arena to the van. We all climbed in and were greeted by a crying Tess. Niall rushed to her straight away and she told us that Lissa had disappeared.

She didn't fail to shoot me a nasty look when she mentioned that Lissa ran out of the arena during my song. Tess had run after her but was too late; Lissa was already gone.

I wanted to be glad that Lissa was gone, but I couldn't. I still love her and these feelings don't seem like they'll leave easily - if ever.

Once we arrived at the hotel, Tess rushed to her room to discover that all of Lissa's things were gone. Tess turned to me, fuming.

"It's all your fault! YOU! Why did you have to sing that song?! Now she's gone. GONE! Look what you've done!" She yelled.

I wanted to tell her that it was Lissa's fault. Had she not cheated on me, then I would never have had a reason to sing the song. How am I the bad guy in this situation? Apparently everything is all my fault because I won't believe the lies Lissa told me. How am I horrible for being heartbroken? How is being cheated on my fault? How is ANY of this MY FAULT?!

I kept my mouth shut, despite the yelling in my head. I was not going to fight with her now. She was convinced it was my fault and there was nothing I could say that would make her question her best friend.

Instead, I ignored her. I turned around and went to my room, making her even angrier. But I didn't care. I needed to think.

I collapsed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I still love Lissa even though she cheated; that much was clear. Did I want to forget what I saw, believe her lies and take her back, give her a second chance? My heart wanted to, yes, but my head said otherwise. How did I know she ever even loved me? How do I know she won't just go and do it again? I don't know, and that's what's keeping me from taking her back.

I thought and thought. Just about Lissa and our relationship. I know Lissa. She wouldn't just date me for fame and money. I realize that. I never imagined her to be .the type to cheat. It all just seems strange. But she did. I saw and there was no taking it back.

There was part of me that was glad that I saw her kiss that guy. Had I not seen that, I could have gotten hurt even worse in the future. Our relationship would have gotten even more serious and then finding out that she cheated would be even worse. There's another part of me that wishes I never saw. I could go on loving her. She could have two boyfriends, and I'd never know. I would be happy.

But is that what I really want? No. I want to be the only guy in Lissa's life. I want her to love me unconditionally. But that wasn't happening. Life really knows how to suck.

I came to a point where I couldn't stand being in this room anymore. My thoughts were driving me crazy. I need air.

I lazily pulled my shoes on and notified the boys of my leaving. Tess just glared at me, but the boys all gave me sad smiles. I sighed and made my way to the lift. As soon as I stepped in, I froze. You're kidding me. They chose that to play as elevator music now?

I quickly pushed the button for the lobby as the song lyrics floated through the small space.

It's clear to me, the lies you use. The ones that kill me ain't hurtin you. So I-I I know I just gotta let it go. I-I shoulda known. I gotta learn to say goodbye now. I throw my armor down and leave the battleground for the final time now. I-I I know, I'm runnin from a warzone.

Just my luck that this song would play while I was in the lift. Stupid elevator music.

Once the lift reached the main floor, I quickly exited the hotel and walked along the streets of New York City. It was already very dark - I had been in my room for a long time, it seemed - and extremely cold. I was lucky I had worn my hoodie.

I had my hood up, so I would hopefully be left unrecognized. I walked along the streets, passing all the shops, just thinking some more.

Lissa had seemed so sure of the story she told me. So convinced that what she said was true. Maybe, just maybe, she wasn't lying. She'd never done something even close to this, never given me a reason not to trust her.

If some girl came onto to me, I would want Lissa to believe that I didn't cheat. I wouldn't want her to thinking I'm lying when I'm telling the honest truth. Maybe she wasn't lying. Maybe I was wrong. It was just so hard accepting that because I had seen her kiss that guy. I had seen how her arms were wrapped around him. I had seen her hug him after.

But maybe she was pulling his head away. Maybe he was an old friend and she did feel bad for making him feel guilty. Maybe. Maybe I've been wrong this whole time and I let the perfect girl get away. I pushed her away.

The more I walked and the more I thought about, the more likely it seemed. And the worse I felt. I had yelled at her, I didn't believe her, I didn't trust her, I sung that song and then she ran away.

I immagined how she must feel. Having someone come and forcefully kiss you and then have your significant other do the things I did. She must feel awful.

I decided in that moment that I believed her.

I turned around and began my walk back to the hotel. I was getting hungry and decided to stop at a Starbucks to get a hot chocolate and a scone. I entered the shop and was welcomed with the strong smell of coffee. There were only a couple of people there, so I took off my hood and shook out my hair.

I suddenly caught sight of a guy my age who was sitting at a table with a magazine just staring at me in shock. Was he a fan, or...?

He glanced between me and the magazine before jumping up and approaching me.

"You're Harry Styles." He stated, a bit frazzled.

"Yeah, I am." I nodded.

"I'm Jesse." 


Okay. That cliffhanger! That's a bad one. I seem to do this a lot, don't I? Mwahahaha! >:D

Shout out to brookvice100!! She just finished a Harry fanfic. Go check it out. (:


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