Touch Starved

By SIytherinheadgirl

230K 7.1K 1.8K

You were there that day, the Battle of Hogwarts. A year and a half ago today The Dark Lord was defeated and H... More

Why save me
I don't think I miss him...
I can pay you!
For all this
Did you recognize him?
Honestly, you are
We will be there -HP
Turns out I was right...
I said no
I won
Knock them dead
The Prince returns to Hogwarts
...I am up to no good
She Clearly isn't interested
You f*cking moron
We Really couldn't impose
Finally meet
Can you imagine?
Maddest of all
Love Struck
Rich boy mentality
Stuck with me
Witness Protection
We Have a Family...
To Rot
Better than this
Would you please...
Who would have thought??
Did you have it
Crept In
Coming Onto me
Do it again...
He never was.
Lets do it
To be saved yet
Some traditions
Real kind.
Your word
Not even close
Will you..?
The Dress
We Always do
Get over here
Start Over
Break Mine
Make them go away...
Lets just go
Til Death
Its from...
Just might..
Don't you EVER
This meant war
Would he?
50 points
How did you?
to me...
A muggle
Once and for all
Dumb Luck
Plan all along
Don't know
Boy or girl
I hope so too
Do I want to know her....
Inmate XZ2343
I guess...
October 23rd


1.3K 39 11
By SIytherinheadgirl

You apperated with Draco to Hogwarts that Friday. He seemed so calm that he even made you wonder if you were over reacting. The last few nights were filled with practice tests and talking with friends who aced their NEWTS, even the ones whose aced in ones he wasn't taking.

"You can do it" you smiled at Draco as you held him close outside of the potions classroom.

"Come on in Malfoy" Minerva waved for Draco to come in. You kissed him quickly, trying your absolute best not to let him see how nervous you were.

You had to find something to do to ease your mind. You wandered around the halls of Hogwarts, seeing as it was class time most of the students wouldn't be roaming the halls which left them completely open to you.

You wandered deeper into the castle than you had allowed yourself before. Trying your hardest not to just let yourself pace in the same spot for too long. It wasn't until you started up a flight of moving stairs you were able to clear your mind.

"Pst" you heard as you let your legs carry you up another flight of stairs. You shot your eyes over to the wall, just barely catching as a flare of red hair flecked across the canvas.

"You're not sneaky Fred Weasley" you laughed as you saw him try and duck behind an elderly man a few paintings down.

"Ah y/n, I thought maybe I could trick you" he seemed disappointed as he went from frame to frame back to where you stood.

"You're one of the only tragically ginger paintings in this place Weasley, shouldn't you be at the Gryffindor common room door?" Fred had in the more recent years since his death taken the place of the fat lady who had once been there. Cracking jokes with new students and even locking some out at times.

"Ahh they'll be fine without me. I saw you pacing around and wanted to ask you some things"

You leaned against the staircase, watching as the people who were meant to be in the painting Fred now occupied roll their eyes.

"Go ahead Fred" you smiled at him, you had to admit sometimes you forgot he was just a painting. He seemed to much like himself, or the Fred you'd once known completely frozen in time.

"How's my brother?" He asked, though he had many you knew exactly who he meant

"He's well Fred, him and Angelina seem really happy together"

"I still can't believe that git stole my Yule ball date" he rolled his eyes. "And the others?"

"Ron is as annoying as ever, Ginny and the Harpies are actually training new players this week. Charlie is busy as ever, Bill and Fleur are expecting baby number two any week now. And Percy, well..." you thought for a second "Percy is just percy I guess"

"Still as much of a prat as ever?" he joked

"I don't see him much if I'm being honest. Draco and I have been busy" you smiled.

"Oh I am sure you have" Fred wiggled his eyebrows at you.

"Don't have me shake your frame Fred Weasley" you threatened.

"I'm only joking Y/n" he smiled "I like when you're here. All these older paintings are quite boring, and I can only play so many pranks of Collin and Lavender before they tell me to shove off forever." You knew Fred missed his family, though he and George had decided together that this was a better place for his portrait than the burrow, seeing Molly cry all the time was much for him to see. "Neville keeps me busy though. Having me snooping around the castle"

You cringed a little at the name, you hadn't bothered to tell Fred or anyone at Hogwarts really what had happened between you two. It was far too messy for all of that.

"Remember when I nearly caught your hair on fire in the courtyard playing with that spark?" He laughed.

"You know, I hadn't until now." you lifted your hand to your hair, feeling the slight scar on your scalp. "I wager I will pay you back for that one day"

"Ahh someday" he nodded "but no time soon I hope!" he laughed. Fred was always in such high spirits, even for a dead guy. "So lover boy is taking his NEWTs right now?" Fred asked.

"Yup he is." you nodded, of course being reminded of what you were trying to desperately to direct your mind from.

"Ooo I reckon I'll go have a listen" Fred stood from his seat suddenly, gashing away before you could protest.

"Fucking Fred Weasley" you laughed. Looking around as the staircase you were on started moving, directing you in the opposite way you had been going. Oh well, might as well keep walking.

You weren't sure how long you had been walking around, finding yourself deep into a hallway you had never seen before. Gentle ornaments hung from the ceiling lighting the floor in gentle orange light. It reminded you almost of the decorations Slughorn had used for his Christmas party 6th year.

It was odd how silent this part of the castle was, you figured students were exchanging classes now so you thought you'd hear something. It was nice, it reminded you so deeply of the nights you paced alone in the halls in school though now you couldn't get in trouble for it.

"This is teachers quarters" you heard a voice that made you jump. Turning, and looking at who else but Neville Longbottom.

"My apologies" you nodded. Turning to leave, as you did Fred popped into a large painting on the wall.

"He's all done!" He yelled, making you jump. "Oh hey Neville" Fred waved.

"Fred," he nodded. You barely looked back,

"Can you show me the way back to the class room? I fear I have no idea where I am"

"Oi Neville, can you bring y/n back to the class room? I have to be at the Gryffindor door to let students in." Fred called, taking off again before you could pretest.

"I can find my own way" you didn't even look back.

"You'll get lost. The way into the teachers quarters is easier than the way out" Neville spoke.

"I found my way in, I can find my way out. Thank you" you had started walking away when you heard him speak again.

"Tell Malfoy I am sorry" was all you heard as you ducked around the corner, not allowing yourself to turn back. As much as you loved these halls, and these paintings and even the smell of the building you wanted nothing more than to leave them now.

"Can you point me to the grand hall?" you asked an older painting, dust settled on their frame. It muttered things in a language you didn't understand. You lifted your hand, signally a thank you anyway to them before walking away.

"Fred Weasley!" you yelled, hoping maybe he would hear you.

"Rather Noisey" a far too familiar voice spoke, your eyes flashing to the frame beside you. Snape stood there, clad in his usual black robe.

"Snape" you couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't think you left the head master's office frame" you crossed your arms. Seems all the portraits had a mind of their own tonight.

"I don't, but your yelling was hard to avoid in the most quiet part of the castle" he crossed his arms in the same way you always remember him doing.

"Sorry, I am really lost" you admitted.

"Ahh" he nodded "Straight down that way" he pointed for a long hallway, "There is a tapestry, move it and find a small hiding staircase. It should bring you down just beside the front door of the building" he nodded.

"You're a life saver, don't want to starve in these hallways now do I" you grinned.

"Please tell everyone I said hello, even Ronald"

"Of course Professor" you nodded.

"Y/n, I am dead. You can call me Severus" he scoffed.

"Of course, see you around Severus"

"Well not too much, y/n you graduated you can't keep coming back here" he laughed.

"Says the guy wandering halls forever"

"Ahh yes, I guess you've got me there. Go, I am sure Draco is looking for you"

"Goodbye" you waved as you followed his direction.

You pulled the ornate unicorn tapestry to the side, seeing a dark winding staircase. Oh the things you wished you had known when you were a student here. The stairwell was so dark you had to use your hands to wind your way down, feeling every stone and indent as you made you way. Once you felt your feet settle on the landing you looked around for a way out. It wasn't until you leaned against a wall that you found it, stammering out into the light of the massive grand entrance hallway. A similar spell it seemed to the one at platform 9 ¾ was at work on the wall, hiding away the stairwell from those unaware of it.

You let your eyes skim the hallway, it was easy enough to blend into the herds of moving students without pulling much attention aside from our lack of house robes that is.

You managed to weigh your way through the crowds, watching the sight of course. Draco's hair.

He was standing with Minerva, talking and nodding at the words she spoke to him. You had just reached then as she shook his hand.

"Congratulations Mr. Malfoy" she smiled. "You finally finished school"

She gasped a little as Draco hugged her, even causing you to stop in your tracks. He pulled away, shaking his head his face flushing.

"I am so sorry" he looked like he wanted to crawl out of his own skin. You tried so hard not to laugh, or risk him seeing you.

"It's alright Mr. Malfoy. I know how hard life has been. I am happy to see you living a life you deserve" Minerva had never been the type to hold grudges, in fact she had been nothing but welcoming and accommodating to the two of you every time you found yourselves back here at Hogwarts. It was no wonder Draco hugged her, you had stopped yourself from doing so a handful of times. "I will also be writing a letter of recommendation to that college you told me about" she smiled.

"I can never thank you enough Professor Mcgonagal" Draco held his books to his chest.

"Please, Draco. Call me Minerva"

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