Touch Starved

By SIytherinheadgirl

230K 7.1K 1.8K

You were there that day, the Battle of Hogwarts. A year and a half ago today The Dark Lord was defeated and H... More

Why save me
I don't think I miss him...
I can pay you!
For all this
Did you recognize him?
Honestly, you are
We will be there -HP
Turns out I was right...
I said no
I won
Knock them dead
The Prince returns to Hogwarts
...I am up to no good
She Clearly isn't interested
You f*cking moron
We Really couldn't impose
Finally meet
Can you imagine?
Maddest of all
Love Struck
Rich boy mentality
Stuck with me
Witness Protection
We Have a Family...
To Rot
Better than this
Would you please...
Who would have thought??
Did you have it
Crept In
Coming Onto me
Do it again...
He never was.
Lets do it
To be saved yet
Some traditions
Real kind.
Your word
Not even close
Will you..?
The Dress
We Always do
Get over here
Start Over
Break Mine
Make them go away...
Lets just go
Til Death
Its from...
Just might..
Don't you EVER
This meant war
Would he?
50 points
How did you?
to me...
A muggle
Once and for all
Dumb Luck
Plan all along
Don't know
Boy or girl
I hope so too
Do I want to know her....
Inmate XZ2343
I guess...
October 23rd


3.7K 115 49
By SIytherinheadgirl

You and Draco kept in touch with everyone from that night. Having dinners here and there. Doing couple like things with other couples. It was really nice actually. You'd sat with a lot of the girls from that night, turned out Zabini was a serial offender. It was hard, he had a high position in the Ministry of Magic. So if you had no evidence, there wasn't anything you could do.

You were sitting with Draco at home, just reading when your owl came in. Hooting with a letter, dropping it to you. It had Draco's name on it.

"Open it" he said, he was invested in his book. You peeled open the letter. Skimming it.

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

We regret to inform you that your mother and father were both killed at an attempted break out of Azkaban.

Contact attorney at law, Longbottom at your earlier convenience to receive your inheritance.


You looked at Draco, not even sure how to say what you had to say. He peeked up from his book, with questioning eyes.

"Draco, I don't know how to tell you this" you held the letter tight. "Your mother and father are gone Draco" He had to adjust for a second.

"They're... what?" He couldn't believe his ears.

"They're gone, babe."

"What happened?"

"Uhh, it says they were killed at an attempted prison break from Azkaban"

"Oh.. I- I don't know how to feel" he admitted to you. Guilt rushing over him.

"You don't have to feel anything if you don't feel it. Come here" you held you arms out to him, he laid there for a long time. Not talking, not doing anything. Draco reached for the letter, which you set on the coffee table ahead of you. Reading it for himself.

"Wait, NLB? Longbottom? Like Neville Longbottom?" He asked, holding the letter out to you.

"I think so, it must be"

"Inheritance? We lost everything when my dad went to Azkaban." He was mostly talking to himself now, you let him talk as he worked through that he needed to.


Draco we dressing in a pair of dress pants and a button up. You sat watching him on the bed, smiling at yourself as you watched him fix his hair the first 100th time. He was perfect as usual. He was getting ready to go talk with Neville, you had decided you would try to avoid that as much as possible. You hadn't seen Neville since the battle, and haven't really talked to him since he confessed his feelings for you at the beginning of 5th year, when you told him you couldn't be with him because you had to care for your dad. More than anyone you thought he would understand what it meant to watch your parents change. He ignored you after that, completely. You lost someone you considered a close friend. You hadn't told Draco any of this, infact, you never told anyone. You and Neville spent the next few years at Hogwarts avoiding eye contact. You watched in pain as he was tortured in your 7th year. Wishing you could just help him, you were deep in your memories before you realized Draco was talking to you.

"Y/n?" He was leaning on the bed watching you.

"I'm sorry I was thinking. What's up?"

"I said you'd better get up you lazy ass, we're going to be late"

"Oh" you stopped "I didn't think"

"I need you," you walked over grabbing your chin "I don't know how well I'll do alone"

And he wasn't alone, you felt yourself falling for him more and more everyday. The way he would chuckle at the funnies on the tv. Or how he nervously shuffled his shirt cuffs when he was anxious. Or even the way he kissed you.

"Okay. I can get dressed fast. Something casual?" He still regularly wore nice clothes, something about that made him feel safe. And honestly you kind of enjoyed it.

"Wear that black dress, the short one with the v neck" he had fallen in love with that dress when you went to dinner with a few friends from Slytherin. "I may need a little distraction" the cut of the dress did something to him. He couldn't keep his hands off you when you wore it. You dressed quickly, pairing it with some darling thigh high stockings, he watched closely as you pulled them into place. Fixated on you.

"We should go" you smirked at him, biting your lip.

"You do that one purpose I swear"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" he squinted at you. You definitely knew.

You were sitting in the waiting room, you had both worn cloaks, his was straight and simple with a small hood. Yours was a little more lush. With a deep hood and a neat silver clasp. He was watching you methodically as you crossed your legs, brushing on your stocking. He leaned to you whispering in your ear.

"I fully intend on leaving those on you later" you knew exactly what he meant. You flushed red, he had gotten into this habit of saying heavily sexual things in your ear in public. Including small gestures like running his fingers over your thighs at the table at restaurants or kissing your neck softly in the grocery store.

Draco Malfoy had ravaged your existence, you ached for him like an addict. You were giggling and biting your lip as Draco continued whispering to you when Neville came out.

"Malfoy" he held out his long arm to shake Draco's. Neville had matured so much since the battle. His shoulders were thick, his smile was perfect. You did a double take. The years had been good to him.

Draco stood, shaking his hand. You stood slower, your stomach was filled with butterflies. What the hell was going on. Neville looked at your after Draco and him finished their greeting. His eyes widened a little.

"Hello Neville" you spoke, you both gazed at one another. He was shocked to see you. You had somehow gotten even more beautiful.

"Y/n" was all he said as he stared at you. Draco's eyes shifted between you two. Confused. Neville reached for your hand, not shaking it but just holding it still there. Leaning down kissing the top of it.

"Uhh yeah Neville, I hope it's okay if y/n joins us." A twinkle of jealousy stung through Draco. What was going on here?

"Absolutely." He let go of your hand, it fell to your side. You all walked into Neville's office. You debated turning and running away, this could not go over well.

You sat down beside Draco, still and rigid against the fine leather.

"So Mr. Malfoy we have some things to discuss." Neville was trying too hard not to stare at you from the other side of his desk. What on earth were you doing here? "Your parents account at Gringotts"

"I assumed there wasn't anything left. That's what my mother had told me"

"Well, that's not the case, Mr. Malfoy. It looks here, you have about this much" Neville pulled a piece of paper from his desk, handing it to Draco. As Draco scanned the paper you avoided Neville's watching gaze intently. You could feel his burning eyes on you.

"Wait. I don't understand" Draco spoke, Neville's eyes snapped back to Draco hastily.

"It seems your parents had quite a bit of money stashed away. All of it is yours"

"Y/n please tell me I'm not seeing things" Draco handed the paper to you. Your jaw dropped, the number at the bottom of the paper was many, many digits long.

"Good idea Malfoy. Y/l/N" Neville spoke properly now. "As Draco's lawyer, you can help him with the legal portions of this case if you'd like."

"I'm not..." you squeaked.

"Oh she's not my lawyer, she's my partner. But yes y/n you have a history with all this stuff" he wasn't wrong of course. Neville's face sank.

"Right of course I'm sorry. Last I heard you were pre-law so I just assumed"

"I was, I took a year off for... personal reasons" you fully intended on going back, you just didn't know when. The idea of being alone like that on campus still scared you at times. There were plenty of people out there still angry about what Draco's family did. And now they associated you with him. That part was obvious. How had Neville not heard the rumors? Or maybe he had and didn't believe them.

"So how long have you two been married?" Neville asked. Oh boy. Why did Draco say partner like he did.

"Oh, we're not... uhh. We live together. He's my...Boyfriend" it was really starting to get hot in here. Both do the men stared at you. Why were you sweating? Oh no. You looked down at the paper.

"It looks like the account is in your parent's name but you're the beneficiary. You're going to want to move everything into an account with your name on it"

"Yes. I can owl Gringotts now and have that set up for you"

"I'd like to add y/n on the account as well" Draco spoke, you looked at him in shock.

"Draco you don't have to"

"I want to" he reached his hand out, touching your face. "You took care of me this whole time. And now I can finally take care of you" you lay your hand on his. Leaning into his touch.

"You know I would never expect you to"

"I know. And what's exactly why I know I can trust you"

You smiled at him. "So yes Neville I would like y/n on the account as well" Neville watched intently at this intimate moment. How on earth did you end up with him? It was insane how much Draco had changed since Neville last saw him. He was toner, healthier-looking. And surprisingly kind. Even the way he spoke to you was surprising to Neville. How much life has changed since Hogwarts.

Neville wrote quickly, sending the letter out.

"How have you been?" Neville was talking to you now, looking directly at you. "I heard about what happened at The Leaky cauldron. I am really proud of you"

You blushed, of course he heard about that. The wizarding world was riddled with gossip.

"Yeah. Uhh... he deserved it" you shrugged

"I agree" Neville smiled, Draco sat quietly, taking in the situation. Why were you both acting so weird? Has something happened here?

The letter came in, breaking the now awkward silence.

"You are all set, Mr. Malfoy. You can go to Gringotts as you wish and take out whatever you'd like" things worked fast. You all stood, Draco shook Neville's hand. Thanking him for helping, you simply nodded. Draco was headed out of the door when Neville grabbed your arm.

"What are you doing with him?" He whispered. You didn't respond, you couldn't think of the words. You just slowly pulled your hand from his grasp.

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