TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

161K 4.5K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Suvira Book 2

937 31 20
By PinkRathian

Okay, here's "book" 2, um yeah basically Suvira is in its prime right now and it continues with its M rating.

Suyin glanced across the long table, the missionaries sent by the Earth Queen were reading off a scroll the various reasons as to why Zaofu should pledge its allegiance. Su nodded, lazily as she glanced across the room at the door. Either side of the large door had a Zaofu Guard, each armed with Zaofian spears. One of the guards, however, raised a hand to her face, as if to cough. The forced sound echoed and Su focused on the changing gesture of her fist. The tightly wound fingers stretched into a palm, her index and middle finger being placed on either side of her mouth. Su blushed, acutely aware of what was being implied as the guard stuck her tongue through her fingers.

"Well this has been very nice," Su said, standing up.

"But we havent-"

"You don't need to finish, I get the gist of it. Tell the Queen my decision has not changed, nor will it. Please, enjoy the city before you leave." The missionaries shared a glance before shrugging, bowing before leaving the conference room.

"You're dismissed," she spoke to her personal guards. The followed the missionaries and Su made way for the side corridor, stopping halfway at the sound of boots behind her.

"You ignored me," Kuvira said, brushing against her shoulder.

"I didn't ignore you, I just didn't think my response would have been appropriate in front of the audience." Kuvira smirked, stopping beside the familiar metal door in the hallway.

"Perhaps you'd be more willing to talk in private?" Su bit her bottom lip as Kuvira leaned in close to her. Her hand reached behind her for the door, sliding it open with a flick of her finger. Kuvira looked down at her, Su hadn't noticd the younger woman was taller than her until recently, she didn't have any complaints. They walked in unison, Su backward and Kuvira pushing her. The door closed behind them at the same moment Kuvira's lips met hers. Suyin hummed at the connection, engulfed by the bliss. Kuvira's hands were already on her waist, her fingers prying at her robe. They had learned to be quick, or they had to answer questions. Kuvira's teeth met her neck and Suyin brushed her away with a soft swipe.

"More discreet," she whispered into the guards ear, "someone will see it there." Kuvira grinned, finally pulling the robe off of Suyin and wasting no time leaving her mark next to an older one on her breast.

"Oh Kuvira..." she moaned as the younger stimulated her. Kuvira held one of her legs in hand, as it wrapped around her thigh. Su let her hips loose, allowing them to grind against the younger girl.

"We... still on for Tomorrow?" Kuvira asked in-between kisses.

"Yes, Bataars heading to the University to give a speech or something he'll be gone most of the day."

"Good. I'd hate to have to share you on my birthday." Su gasped as one of her partners cool fingers breached the pantyline on her skin.

"Do it." Su said desperately. Kuvira leaned into Su, holding her up as she inserted her fingers into her vulva. Su moaned, to which Kuvira held her hand over the older woman's mouth, silencing the sound. Su's eyes met hers as Kuvjra pumped her into a climax, the same look of lightness appearing on Suyin's face as the times prior. Kuvira had gotten attached to that look. Attached to bringing the Matriarch to her knees. It was an art she had perfected.

"I'll see you in a few hours, for... your return." Kuvira smirked as Suyin gripped the wall behind her panting. Su huffed as she watched the younger girl leave, as if she had been totally unaffected. Suyin knew it was a facade, but still... if it didn't egg her on. She picked up her robe, making sure to flatten it out after putting it back on, fixing her hair before leaving the tight room. She looked both ways before leaving down the opposite end of her suitor. No one would expect a thing.



"Hey Bataar."

"I was beggining to think you forgot."

"Nah, just ran late. The Earth Queen's goodies would talk through the entire era of Korra if they could."

"Huh, my Mother complains about them often."

"Oh yeah, you should see her in there. Never in my life have I seen the great Suyin Beifong so bored."

"She gets it from my grandmother, or so my father says." Kuvura laughed, flopping on the rugged sofa adjacent to the table.

"Any new developments?" She asked, pulling her hair back and tying it up.

"Well, I went over the blueprints with a friend, he said the same thing, it just isn't possible."

"Why not?"

"Not enough energy in this world to fuel it, aside from the raw power of the Avatar state that is." Kuvjra chuckled, leaning over to look at Bataars drawings. She had always had a creative mind, and she used it to benefit Zaofu, but she wasn't good at the hard parts, actually putting her idea together. That's what Bataar was for.

"Well, forget that, I'm not calling up the avatar and asking her to blast fire into an engine."

"Something tells me she'd say no." Bataar added. It was silent for a few moments, Kuvira went into the barracks washroom and changed out her uniform. The end of her shift was always a blessing. When she came out Bataar had everything pretty much cleaned up.

"You hungry?" He asked. She felt a rumble in her stomach and nodded.

"Starving, you read my mind. Tak's place sound alright?" She asked.


"Imagine if the whole earth kingdom could be like Zaofu," she explained, "no one went hungry, everyone was trying their best. There was peace, and order."

"Well, you know how it is under the monarchy, all the money goes to the top." Bataar said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Forget the monarchy, it needs a leader that is willing to do anything for its citizens."

"Well, the Earth Kingdom isn't exactly pumping out citizens that are 'leadership material'" he replied.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Its a nice thought though, I often wondered why my mother never opted to expand. I'm almost certain Omashu would much rather partner with us then the Queen."

"Yeah, I wonder." Food was brought before them and they spent the rest of the time talking about their plans. Bataar was insistent on staying in Zaofu, but Kuvira had plans. She wanted to explore, see Republic City and the Fire Nation.

"You have nothing keeping you here? Really?" He asked, looking at her thoughtfully.

"Well I mean I have you, and dance, but there's so much out there. Zaofu will always be my home, but I wouldn't mind renting for awhile."

"Wow great metaphor."

"Thank you."

"Well," Bataar said, "dont be gone for too long, the 'Matriarch' will miss her right hand man."

"She'll manage." Kuvira almost choked at her words. She knew Su well by now, and she knew that the older woman wouldn't take her leaving kindly. It would only be a vacation, she would make that clear."

"You know, I overheard her talking to my dad, like last week," Bataar started, "she thinks you're her successor." Kuvira put her food down.


"Yeah, she said you have all the right qualities for a good leader. Strong, smart, not to mention you are one of the best metslbenders in the city."

"Bending has nothing to do with it."

"Maybe, but how would it look if the leader of the Metal Clan had no connection to the metal." Kuvira frowned. She hadnt expected this, or had she? A small part of her felt like that maybe she'd known all along, maybe thats why- no. It was a suprise to her.

"Well, I guess we'll see what happens."

"I guess we will," he said, locking his eyes with her own. She looked to the side in panic. Oh no. Abort. Abort.

"I have to run, but I'll see tomorrow," she said getting up.

"Oh? Now?"

"Yeah sorry, just remembered I promised Anika I'd help her move."

"Alright, I'll see you Kuvira!" She waved as she pushed open the door, standing on the street with a sigh. The last thing she needed was Bataar catching feelings for her.


Suyin made her way to the kitchen, pleasantly suprised to find Opal and Huan making themselves some lunch.

"And how are my babies?" She asked, kissing Huan on the head.

"Moooommmm. God, I'm like, almost an adult."

"Well you'll always be my baby." Opal laughed, sliding a dish Su's way.

"I made a cake, saved you a piece." Su smiled, taking the dish and the fork next to it.

"This looks amazing, Opal." She took a bite, humming her approval.

"Oh its delicious."

"Chefs recipe."

"Well you'll have to share."

"He swore me to secrecy." Suyin gaped her mouth in jest.

"Choosing the chef over your own mother?" Opal laughed and Huan made a sound that could only be described as his individual iteration of a snort. Bataar (Sr) came in and gripped her waste, pulling her into a quick kiss has he sat down at the island. She brushed off the gesture, ignoring the feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"All ready for your trip tomorrow?" Sje asked, taking another bite.

"Think so, they've allowed me three hours of lecture time. So I prepared a presentation on Zaofu and upcoming projects."

"I'm suprised they let you preach our city over there." She said.

"Probably trying to get in you're good graces," he replied. "How did the meeting go, anyway?"

"Ugh, painfully long. Nothing new to add. They just can't take a hint."

"Well, hopefully they'll stop showing up at our doorstep."

"A girl can hope." She said, finishing with her dish and leaving it on the stack. "I'm going to go change, we should meet outside later, all of us for a game."

"Sure!" Opal replied.

"Whatever." Huan added, not quite matching his sister's enthusiastic tone. She made her way to the bedroom, caught completely off guard when Bataar stepped in behind her.

"Honey," he said gently and suddenly she was on edge. She knew how these conversations went, they'd had their fair share of them over the past year.


"I was hoping, that before I go we could.. . Spend some time together. Just the two of us?" His hand trailed up her back and her breath hitched in her throat.

"You won't be gone long."

"I know, but we hardly get time anymore, we've done it like what... five times in the past year?"

"I don't have the stamina I used too." I have more.

"And that's fine, I can lead, we can take it slow. I know you're in a bit of funk, and I respect that, so I've waited for a few weeks but I think its time we talked about it. Are you feeling okay?" He asked, massaging her shoulders.

"I'm fine, honestly."

"You can tell me, is it.. you know?" He gestured to her stomach, more specifically her uterus.

"No. No. I just.." she paused. What? She just what? Been getting her needs filled by a younger woman.
"I had some issues, down there, a while ago after one time and I guess I am just more comfortable..." Suyin you are trapping yourself do not say it. "doing it myself, recently." His eyes widened and she cringed, not because she lied, but because of the lie she came up with.

"Oh. I see."

"Its not you," she said, turning to face him, putting her hands on his shoulders. "I have talked to a doctor about it, she said its normal for woman at my age to start... losing interest, in sex."

"You... do it yourself? How often." What kind of question is that?

"Not often, sweetie, once every two weeks maybe, if that." His eyes dropped and she felt terrible, like she had just crushed her own husband's self esteem.

"Look, I'll get on some pills from the doctor, and when you get back we can spend the whole night together... just the two of us." He nodded, returning to the other side of the bed. "Sound like a deal?"

"Yeah, I'll see you outside." He replied, rubbing a hand over his face and leaving. Su sighed, letting herself fall onto the bed. She looked at the clock, groaning. It was only one in the afternoon, and she was already exhausted.


"I think Bataar has feelings for me."

"What?" Kuvira pushed past Su, in a frantic panic.

"He was looking at me today."

"He was looking at you?"

"Not just any look, the look."

"How do you know its 'the look'?" The older woman asked, crossing her arms.

"Because I used to do it all the time. Its the same way I used to look at you."


"Yeah. What am I supposed to do, Su?"

"Just... tell him no."

"Then he'll asked questions, that I won't have the answers too." Su was about to protest, she raised Bataar to mind his own business, but then she thought of her husband, and how persistent he could be.

"So tell him your seeing someone." Su suggested. Kuvira glared at her and Su just shrugged.

"I'm cutting him out. I'll tell him tomorrow I can't see him any more."

"Whoa whoa whoa, Kuvira, calm down." Su said, walking over to her and placing her hands on gesticulating arms.

"He likes me Su. Don't you see how weird this is?" Su sighed, pulling her into a hug.

"We'll figure it out, we always do." Kuvira nodded, smiling a little when she pulled away.

"Now, come on, I prepared us something special." Su said, swaying on her feet with Kuvira in her arms.

"Something to impress me?" Kuvira replied, meeting Su's lips.

"I hope so." The older woman slid a hand into her robe pocket, her lips still enticed by Kuvira's when she lifted it into the air. Kuvira raised an eyebrow at the metal object Su held against her cheek.

"Is that what I think it is?" Kuvira asked, side eyeing it.

"Made it myself. I can adjust it but I think you'll find the size adequate. I did a trial run earlier." Kuvira raised an eyebrow, a flush of color appearing on her cheeks. She took it out of the older woman's fingers, ignoring the feeling in the pit of her stomach as she held it, pushing down the one thought that kept making its way to her mind: is it his?

"What are you thinking?" Suyin asked, brushing her nails over Kuvira's cheek.

"I think... I want you to fuck me with it." A smile crept up on both of their faces.


"Agh!" Kuvira exclaimed as the chunk of cake was splattered onto her face. Su smeared the icing across Kuvira's lips, laughing innocently.

"That was a perfectly good cake," Kuvira said, licking pieces off her face.

"And now its all over your face." Su said, taking her finger and pulling a piece off, planting it on her tongue.  Kuvira wiped it off with a napkin, looking at Su who sat suspiciously beside her.

"What?" Kuvira asked at the older woman's tight-lipped smile.

"I got you something." Kuvira raised her eyebrows.

"You did?"

"Yeah, I mean its not muc, but I think you'll like it." Su placed a box on the table and Kuvira took it, untying the bow and opening the lid. Inside were a set of steel gloves.

"Su wha-"

"Try them on!" Kuvira blinked and took them out of the box, suprisingly they fell loose in her hands, a trick only a master metalbender could perfect. She slid them onto her hands, exaggerating the snap on her wrist when she let them go.

"Well? Do they fit?" Kuvira admired them on her hands, the glint of the light. The power they made her feel.

"Perfectly," she replied. "Thank you."  Suyin planted a kiss on her cheek, clicking her tongue.

"Mmm, you taste like cake."

"Gee, I wonder why." Su laughed, pushing herself away from the table and Kuvira stood up, stopping her from going anywhere.
"Where are you going?" Kuvira asked.

"Relax, Kuv, I'm just going to the bathroom." Su stepped past her, not before getting in a quick pinch of her ass first.

"What are we watching? Put on some pro bending or something," Kuvira said  flipping the channel.

"Its called the adventures of Nuktuk, its some sort of promo for the water tribe war."

"Well this isn't the water tribe." Kuvira finalized, taking the remote and flipping through availible programs, which wasn't a lot. Suyin was curled up under her arm, the sweet scent of her hair filled Kuvira's nose and her warmth was comforting.
"Su," she spoke nervously.


"Thank you, for spending my birthday with me." Su looked up at her and smiled.

"You're welcome." Su returned her attention to the TV and Kuvira looked down at her. The Matriarch, in her arms.



"Are we... we're more than fuck buddies, right?" She felt Su stiffened, and she felt she had ruined it.

"I... I don't know."


"I'm sorry... does that upset you?"

"I don't know."


"I just... sometimes it feels pretty black and white. You call me, or I call you and we meet up and leave. But then-"


"Yeah. Feels like more, thats all."

"I have to think about my family, Kuvira."

"I know. Forget about it." Su didn't reply, and instead Kuvira leaned down for a kiss, to which she was met by Suyin's lips.

"You still taste sweet." Su mumbled in between their sweet, sloppy kisses.

"I washed my face like three times, thats not possible."

"Must just be you then." Su smiled, climbing up to Kuvira's level. The lazily, wet kisses quickly turned into something more. Perhaps it was because the television was so boring, or it was because they couldn't keep their hands off each other, even on a regular day. Su pushed herself into a straddle on top of Kuvira's waste, a mischievous glint in her eye. Kuvura watched as the older woman crossed her arms, pulling them up with her robe in her hands. She ran a tongue over her teeth as Suyin sat on top of her, her lithe form chisled like deity. Suyin was putting on a show that Kuvira couldn't stop watching. Her cold hands and long nails tugged at Kuvira's shirt, and Kuvira would have loved to just tear it all off then an there. But Su wanted her to wait, so she would.

"Do you do this for all your partners or just me?" Kuvira asked. Su stopped, frowning slightly and Kuvira felt her heart drop. Nice one, dumbass. They never talked about the nature of their relationship, Kuvira knew how Su felt, she didn't need the older girl to spell it out for her. Su was doing this behind Bataar's back, which was wrong, for sure. But Kuvira couldn't, wouldn't judge her. She knew better than anyone what being lonely felt like.

"I'm sorry. Don't stop because of me." She said, trying to bring back the mood.

"I haven't had sex with him in a while, if that's what you mean." Su said. Kuvira bit her bottom lip, rolling her head to the side so she didn't have to look at Suyin.

"Its not business, It doesn't matter."

"It does. We both know it does." Su said. Su's thighs relaxed their grip on Kuvira's hip, signaling that the moment was indeed over.

"Su, honestly I get it. He's your husband you have kids with him. You love him." Not in anyway you could love me.

"I don't know if thats true anymore." Su mumbled. Kuvira got the sense she wasn't supposed to hear that part, but it didn't change the fact that her heart rate picked up again.  She looked to clock, biting her jaw when she saw the time.

"Maybe we should start cleaning up. Its almost midnight, Opal will wonder where you are." Kuvjra said, sitting herself up.


"Su, its fine. Honestly. We might have over done it yesterday, honestly I just want..."

"What? Anything."

"I just want you to spend the night. Just once, but I know the rules." Su stopped her from getting up with her palm.

"So I'll stay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I can leave at seven, be back by quarter after. She should still be asleep by then." Kuvira smiled, pulling her secret girlfriend onto her. I love you. She thought.


Su pushed open the front door, silently praying to herself she was quiet. She took off her boots, making her feet hit the hardwood of the estate floor.

"Mom?" She froze, looking to her left where Opal sat at the kitchen counter.

"Hey honey," she said. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Oh. Well usually laying down helps." Opal glared at her and Suyin glanced at the corridor that now seemed out of reach.

"Where were you?" Her daughter asked, folding her arms onto the counter.

"I needed some air."

"For the entire day?'

"Well, no. I had errands to run, and without your father here I just needed-"

"Without dad here? Mom, you're lying."

"Opal, I'm not ly-"

"Yes you are!" She yelled, and Su winced, hoping no one else heard it.

"Okay, please  keep your voice down."

"Sorry. Its just, I'm worried about you. He's worried about you." Su pursed her lips, moving to stand next to her daughter.

"Opal have I ever told you about your aunt?"

"Yeah, not a lot."

"Well, she's a good woman, she's chief of police in Republic City."


"Yeah, brilliant too. There's no crime she can't solve."


"Her and I... we had a fight, years ago. And I haven't talked to her since. I've tried... but she doesn't want anything to do with me."

"Why?" Su smiled at her, kissing her daughter on the forhead.

"We had an argument, she got hurt."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because, I want you to know that I trust you. I would never lie to you. So I'm telling you the truth. It was Kuvira's birthday today, the dance girls and I suprised her for dinner, and we got a little out of hand." Opal laughed into her hand, causing Su to blush.

"That was a very dramatic way of getting to the point, mom."

"Well, I guess I just got a little lost on the way."

Honestly this took much longer to write then I thought. I think because this was the only one I didn't really have a plan for, where like the rest.of then I knew what was going on, I got them mapped out. So I wanted to spend some time building tension, doing some fluff because I feel like with this pairing I ignore that a lot. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and happy new year 😁

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