TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

165K 4.6K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Suvira Book 1

1.4K 40 11
By PinkRathian

Guys I'm doing a Suvira series sorry not sorry. I don't know how long its going to be yet, but likely not longer than four parts, also if you're here for the kyalin content (I mean duh it is in the tittle of the book) don't worry, I got more coming i will try to drizzle inbetween chapters. The plan for this one is do to like, one chapter per Korra book, the first chapter (this one) takes place around/during book 1 and so on. (Also let's assume Kuvira is a solid 30 at least in the fourth one and just count  from there because thats some red territory i don't want to get into) Uh, yeah, anyway, I hope that you enjoy it, and aren't too upset I'm derailing. But yeah, enjoy. Rated M by the way, incase you were wondering. Okay starting now.

"You like that? Well tell me how you like this," Kuvira climbed on top of her, stretching her fingers out as if to showcase her tools before placing them just outside Su's core.

"Kuvira please!"

"Beg, Su, beg."

"Kuvira!" She moaned as the fingers were plunged into her, causing her to writhe.
"Oh!" She chanted, "Kuvira!"

Suyin snapped awake, sitting upright and heaving. Sweat coated her arms and forhead, she pushed the blankets off herself in attempt to dry it. Her hand reached between her thighs, looking to her husband who remained motionless, his rhythmic breathing letting her know he was asleep. Her fingers came back damp, wet with the same fluids Kuvira had so masterfully handled in her dream. Panting, she got out of her bed, walking lightly to the adjoined bathroom, turning on the light only after closing the door. She looked at herself in the mirror, bedraggled from previous sleepless nights, her eyes dark, and sweating. Always sweating. With a deep inhale she started the shower, keeping the temperature cold when she stepped in. Her night robe fell to the floor, and she stared at it with blank eyes. After a while she became disgusted by it, the robe, it mocked her with its knowledge of her dreams.

"Honey? You okay?"

She gasped, instinctively covering her mouth with her hand, giving her time to think before issuing her husband a reply.

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

"Can I come in?" No, please not right now.

"Uh, sure, just give me a second here!" She increased the temperature of the water, looking to the door frantically as she waited for the glass the fog up.
"Okay, you can come in!" She shouted, when she had enough privacy from the eyes of her husband. The door opened, allowing a yawning Bataar to walk in in his briefs. She kept her back turned to him, biting her bottom lip as he spoke.

"You know, the kids will be out of the house tomorrow, maybe you and I could have a day to ourselves?" He asked, opening the lid to the toilet.

"I have practice at ten thirty, but after then, sure." She replied, casting him a glance over her shoulder.

"Sounds like a plan. I'm heading back to bed, will you be joining me?"

"Not sure yet, I might head down to my study and get a head start." She said. The door to the shower opened behind her and she took a deep inhale.

"You sure you're feeling okay?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"Positive." She lied.

"Alright, well, don't over work yourself. And try to get some sleep, you've been restless recently." She nodded as he kissed her shoulder, backing out of the shower. When the bathroom door closed, and she was alone again, she exhaled. Get yourself together, Suyin.


Kuvira took a deep breath, bringing herself to the starting platform. She reached her arms out before her, grasping the steel handle in her hands, feeling it, familiarizing herself with its design. The weight was good, nice and light, but it lack strength. She was certain it would break if it hit anything harder than ice. To prove her theory, she raised it about her head, bringing it down with all her force onto the rough concrete of the barracks floor. The metal folded into itself, leaving the spear crumpled like an aluminum can.

"The weight is good, but its weak. It will never puncture armor like a proper spear."

"Well thats what happens when-"

"Enough excuses, Bataar, make me a weapon that is worthy of being a weapon of Zaofu." Bataar sighed, nodding as he slunk back to his desk. Kuvira brushed off her hands, heading out of barracks and to the pristine streets of Zaofu. Class was in twenty minutes, and she had no intention of being late. Her graceful walk transcended into a jog as she made her way to the studio, waving at the various passer-by's. When the studio was in sight she saw the Matriach exit her personal car, and she called out to her.

"Hey Su!" She shouted, breaking into a run for the last 10 feet. Su stopped and waited for her, a grin on her face.

"Dont tire yourself before we even begin, Kuvira," she said as Kuvira held the door open for her.

"Me? Tire out, never." She matched her pace with the Matriarch's watching as Suyin kept her eyes trained forward.

"So," Kuvira started, "Baatar came to the barracks today-"

"He did? Why, what did he want?"

"Whoa, relax. He just had another prototype ready." Suyin relaxed, releasing a breath of relief.

"You mean Jr."

"Yeah, Bataar. You know Jr is kind of juvenile, he's grown out of it." Kuvira said, tossing Su a side eye.

"And what would you know about that?"

"Well I'm just saying, if I had a mom, and she kept calling me 'Jr.' I'd be tired of it by now. How am I supposed to grow and be my own person if I can't even use my own name?"

"What would you know about being grown?" Su asked, setting her bag on the bench.

"You tell me, whats different from a few years ago?" Kuvira stretched out her arms, purposely showcasing her arm muscles.

"Well...." Su started, looking the prodigy up and down, "for starters, you have this now" Su ran a finger over the beauty mark on her cheek. What started as a freckle had grown alongside Kuvira, she used to hate it, until one day Su said it made her stand out.

"And I guess you've... grown into yourself." Su finished with a blush.

"Oh do explain, I would love to hear more." Kuvira teased, pulling off her T-shirt and leaving herself in her sports bra.

"I wou- are you going to wear that?" Su asked with a slight gulp.

"Well yeah, truthfully, I forgot about practice, I just started running here, I forgot everything and if I wear this now I'll have nothing to wear on the run the back." Su looked at Kuvira, and then to the shirt she held in her left hand, her lips pursed in thought.

"Wear it, if you want, I can offer you a ride back to your apartment, if you'd like." Kuvira raised her eyebrows, an offer from the matriarch, today was her special day.

"Sure, that'd be great, thank you." Su nodded, leaving their intimate bubble of conversation to address the dancers. Kuvira slid her tee back on, watching as the matriarch directed the crowd. Suyin was no stranger to a loose fitting robe, but it seemed like today it was extra loose, and Kuvira was taking it in. The v-neckline dropped lower than usual, and the band tightening around her waist had Kuvira wonder what size it really was. Had her wondering just how many times she could wrap her arm around it. Her eyes darted to Suyin's arms which, despite the attempt at hiding it, had toned muscle to them. Not like Kuvira' which were large and defined, they were... gentle. Like they knew exactly how hard you could be choked before passing out. Okay, Kuvira, let's tone it down a notch. Think of things that bore you... pro bending, reading, Bataar.


"Yeah?" She snapped her head around to see Suyin standing with her hands on her hips.

"You just going to stand there or?"

"Sorry, yeah. Just um... got distracted." She deflected as she pulled herself a platform from the ground, matching the heights of the others.

"Okay, everyone, let's do this full out!"


Suyin had never dreaded a drive more than she had this one. It was bad enough she'd be spending the day with her husband, but right after she had accompanied Kuvira home? It was like a sick prophecy she had delivered herself.

"So, Su, how's the Twins? I don't hear from them much." Kuvira said, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

"Oh, energetic as always." Su replied, trying not to meet the younger woman's eye out of fear of getting lost in them.

"That game of theirs is going to be big one day," Kuvira said, "I can feel it."

"I hope you're right."  They rode in silence for a moment, the driver looking at Suyin in the mirror.

"Hey, I was wondering if you know of any good bars in town," the younger woman started, "I mean I don't know if you get out much because of your schedule but I just mean that I'm looking for a spot to ummm... meet people." Kuvira finished, clearing her throat and looking out the window. Su had a pretty good feeling of what she was talking about, in fact Su had thought on multiple occasions where the best place to start a nightlife would be, not for her, of course, but she'd considered her friends. And her sister, if it ever came to that.

"Yurigama's is always active," Su suggested, trying to keep a neutral tone.

"I don't know if it'll be people your age but-"

"Age is just a number," Kuvira blurted. As if recognizing what she had said the girl blushed and rushed to fix it. "I mean I have a thing for older women. Fuck, I mean men. No I mean... fuck." She looked down, placing her head in her palms with a slap. Su smiled, she had always suspected Kuvira to have a sort of undefined sexuality, but this certainly wasn't how she expected it to be confirmed. She placed her arm on the girls shoulder, stifling a chuckle.

"Its alright, Kuvira," she said, "I'm sure you'll find someone at Yurigama's that fits your.... fortè." Kuvira scoffed, nodding and recovering from her embarrassment.

"Thanks, Su. I'm sorry this was so weird I totally understand if you never want this to happen again. Actually, I'll just avoid you from now on." Su laughed, stretching her arm to the girl's back.

"Well then what am I supposed to do for fun?" Su said, "as much as I love my city, there are only so many here, and let's be honest most of them are rather dull." Kuvira laughed  her eyes glancing down to Su's hand on her leg, neither of them had noticed it fell to that position. Su pulled away, getting caught in Kuvira's eyes for a second to long before looking away.

"This is my stop." Kuvira said, opening the door. "I'll see you on Thursday, thanks for the ride." She smiled before closing the door. Su watch her walk up to the complex steps before collapsing in her seat.

"Fuck..." she whispered, her hand on her head.

"Where to next, Matriarch.?" The driver asked.

"Home." She replied, staring out the window. She couldn't remember a time where she felt as much dread going home as she did now. Bataar was already there, waiting for her. He'd ask her where she was and she'd lie to him for no reason. He had no idea what she was feeling, he had no reason to think this was anything other than platonic. Frankly neither did she... until Kuvira met her gaze. Suddenly everything made sense and Su didn't know what to do about it. Kuvira couldn't have been more clear, age was just a number. It didn't have to be romantic, it didn't have to be anything at all. But at the same time, it did. People wouldn't see it the same way she did no matter how real it was, people would doubt her intentions. It wasn't until the car pulled up to the front gate that she realized by telling Kuvira about Yurigama's she had coincidentally set herself up on her first date with the girl. Kuvira didn't know it yet, but Suyin wasn't like most other residents. She was definitely the type to take someone home on the first date. Incidentally, so was Kuvira.


"What can I get you?" The bartender asked, cleaning a glass.

"Suprise me," Kuvira answered, with a smirk. He got to work fixing her something and she took the moment to glance around the bar. Suyin was right, it was busy, she was also right about the crowd. She stuck out here, like a sore thumb. Eyes from the room landed on her and she hid her grin, the attention was cute, she thought, a nice change of pace.

"Here," the bartender said, sliding her a glass.

"What is it?"

"Try it." She shrugged, raising the glass to her lips letting the liquid fall into her mouth. She hissed, putting the glass down and nodding with approval.

"Its good," she said.

"I know." She scoffed, turning around in her seat to what the fuss was about with crowd. Murmurs began as people bustled and Kuvira pursed her lips as she made put the all to familiar silhouette of the Matriarch entering the club. She watched as Suyin made her way to the bar, alone, and sat next to her. Su sighed, ordering herself a whiskey, to which Kuvira raised an eyebrow.

"Its only 6," Kuvira informed her.

"Thats it? God it feels so much later." Su said her thanks as the glass was set down in front of her. She raised the glass to her lips and tipped her chin up, almost drinking the entire thing in one go.

"Long day?" Kuvira asked. She'd rode home with the matriarch over six hours ago, Suyin had been her usual enticing self.

"You have no idea." She finished her drink, wasting no time in getting a new one.

"So enlighten me," Kuvira said, taking the risk of moving slightly closer. Su scoffed at first, resisting, but after a moment, she started to spill.


"You're home!" Bataar said, grinning when he saw his wife. Su returned the grin, although weakly as he came up to her.

"How was rehearsal?" He asked, placing an arm around her waist. She looked down at his hand on her hip, pursing her lips.

"Fine." She replied briskly.

"Glad to hear it, you know Jr has been having a hard time pleasing Kuvira recently." Su raised her eyebrows. Hard time pleasing Kuvira? Was this some sort of sick joke? She was almost certain there was nothing between the two of them. Kuvira had told her she was going out tonight for...



"You okay?"

"Yeah fine. Sorry what were you saying?"

"Well you know how the two of them are working on a design for spears, Kuvira is certain in what she wants, but Jr says it just isn't possible. Anyway, I helped him out, and he should have an exemplary example to show her tomorrow." Su nodded, glancing again to the hand on her waist.

"Thats good. Between the two of them, Zaofu is in good hands."

"Well don't sell yourself short, dear. You do still run this place."

"It runs itself." She said, turning into the bedroom. Bataar took a seat on the bed, she made her way to bathroom, making an effort to change her earrings, drawing out the process as much as she could. She braced herself when she felt his movements on the floor, his feet making his way to her, and he held her waist, placing a kiss on her neck. Gentle, soft, it was one of the things she loved about him most. She looked up to him and smiled.

"Hi." He said, his lips meeting hers.

"Hey." She replied after pulling away. She bit her bottom lip, anticipating their next kiss. One of his hands found the small of her back and she held onto his forearms. She allowed herself to be pulled out of the bathroom, releasing an excitable yelp as she fell onto the bed. He crawled on top of her, pulling her deep beneath his weight. His lips met her neck and his hand roamed her stomach, searching for a point of entry into her robes.

"On the side," she said and he groaned with appreciation. His warm hand met her skin, and winced slightly at the touch. She felt the top half of her robe being slid down her shoulders and she shuffled to make it easier. His lips dangled over her chest, threatening to leave her coated in love bites.

"Tell me if you like this," he whispered and Su froze. He leaned toward her breasts and she pushed him off, leaving him on his knees in shock.

"What the hell? What happened?" He asked. She panted, pushing herself up to the headboard, covering her chest with a pillow.

"Sorry, I just. I'm sorry." She apologized, "I can't do this right now."

"Su, these windows rarely come anymore."

"I know, I'm sorry, I just..." she trailed off and he stood up.

"Couldn't have told me before we started?" He said.

"I didn't... I thought I could. It just came on."

"What just came on? Talk to me Suyin. Was it something I said? I did?"

"No, its not you. It's just me. It's almost my time of the month, just one of those... phases." He sighed, taking his shirt off the floor and buttoning it up.

"I'm going back to the garage. When you're ready to talk find me."

"Bataar..." he raised his hand before exiting their bedroom. Su sighed, looking to her robe on the floor. What is wrong with me? She thought with a frown. She slipped her robe back on and cleaned herself up in the bathroom, fixing the bed before making way to her study. She sat at her desk, thinking and half heartedly signing papers when Aiwei entered.

"Suyin," he greeted when he stepped in.

"What is it Aiwe" she said, unenthused.

"Theres been a mishap with janitor I was hoping-"

"Do whatever you think." She said, and the old man frowned.

"Something wrong, Matriarch?" He asked.

"I'm fine." She knew he would see past her lie, but she didn't care.

"I can tell you are lying." She put down her papers, with a frustrated sigh.

"I'm fine, Aiwei. I'm going out for a bit, tell my husband I'll be back tonight."

"Are you sure?" She didn't answer him as she pushed past, setting her internal GPS to Yurigama's.

"Dont get married," Su concluded, finishing her second whiskey. Kuvira scoffed, finishing her own.

"Got it."

"Dont get me wrong, I love my family, I would do anything for them, but it comes with so many extra problems. So many burdens and sometimes I just... I just wish I could go back to these days."

"What days would that be?"

"These ones, where I sit at the bar, waiting for someone to get me a drink." Kuvira looked at her, Su was really was upset. She looked to the bartender,

"Get me her favorite," Kuvira said, smiling when Su looked at her.

"What are you doing?" The Matriarch asked.

"Getting you a drink." She replied, dropping money onto the counter.


"What? I can buy my friend a drink when she's down? Look I know you were hoping for a man but the guys in here are not coming up to their married leader and risking eviction for a piece of you." Su blushed and Kuvira looked away, silently hoping she didn't push it too far. Yeah, she flirted with Su, yeah she knew it would never happen, but it was still fun.

"Thanks, Ken," Su said when he handed her the drink.

"See, it's working already," kuvira nudged her on the shoulder as Su took a sip through the straw. Kuvira tried not to focused on Su's lips as she did so, taking a deep inhale to clear her head.

"Bataar is going to have some words to say when I come back tipsy."

"Enough about Bataar, you're a grown woman, you deserve to take the edge off every now and then." Su smiled, placing her hand lightly over Kuvira's, who nearly short circuited at the touch.

"Thanks Kuvira," she said.

"Sure. Anytime."  Before Kuvira could leave, she was pulled back by a grip on her arm. She paused before turning around. Su looked at her, her eyes confused but desperate and Kuvira waited for her to come up with the words.

"Let me give you a ride home, it's the least I can do." Su said. Kuvira nodded, not caring to bring up that Suyin had already driven her home once today. Su finished her drink and they both paid their tabs before going out onto the street to wait for the driver. The night was brisk, and Kuvira noticed the matriarch shivering a bit while they waited. She took the jacket she held in her hand, offering it to the older woman.

"I'm okay," Su said rejecting her offer and bringing her hands to her arms.

"Su you're shivering, honestly I don't mind. Su looked around, as if checking to see if any one was watching before accepting it and wrapping it around her shoulders. Kuvira tried not to smile.


It felt like the two of them had been standing out in the cold forever before their ride came. Su went into the back alongside Kuvira, returning the jacket as soon as she could.

"Su, tell me if I'm crazy but... we really connected tonight. Right?" Su looked at Kuvira, then driver, tapping the latter on the shoulder.

"Can you put the barrier up?" She asked. He nodded, and the barrier between the front and back met the ceiling and the two of them were alone in the backseat.

"You're not crazy," she said, aware of Kuvira's relaxed exhale. Su looked over, biting her bottom lip like a guilty puppy. Kuvira met her eyes, appearing much more confident than Suyin, a lopsided grin on her face. Kuvira put her hand on top of Su's, interlocking their fingers. Su began to breath heavily, flashbacks of her recent dreams flooding her mind at the contact.

"Can I kiss you?" Kuvira asked. Su didn't reply, instead sliding her free hand to Kuvira's cheek abruptly pulling her into a kiss. Her lips were met by Kuvira's own, the younger girl unfazed by the suprise gesture. She felt their tongues clashing and the cab grew hot with their breathing. Kuvira kissed in the curve.of her neck and Su let her, allowing herself to succumb to the younger girl. The car came to an abrupt stop, and so did they. They both fixed their hair, Kuvira's lopsided look returning to her face.

"I take it you won't be joining me?" She said before opening the door."

"I shouldn't." She nodded, pushing the handle.

"Well you know where to find me." She winked before closing the car door. The car began to drive again and Su considered lower the barrier but decided against it. She had roughly ten minutes to herself before she was bombarded with questions and she planned to use every second of it.

"Beg, Su, Beg." Su couldn't deny that the kiss had officially peaked her interest, and Kuvira's interest with her was admittedly a turn on. Her lips had felt even better than She had dreamed, although she planned on doing it again, just to be sure.

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