A Jori Story: After The Plati...

By Darkob996

310K 3.7K 2.9K

Read for days with this Jori fanfic with over 50 chapters! The first 16 are the complete main story, the foll... More

Chapter 1 - After the Platinum Awards
Chapter 2 - ...It wasn't true right?
Chapter 3 - Caught
Chapter 4 - We want to be a secret...?
Chapter 5 - School time
Chapter 6 - We are together!
Chapter 7 - First Date
Chapter 8 - Tori's first time
Chapter 9 - The morning after...
Chapter 10 - Jade meets Tori's parents
Chapter 11 - You don't know me
Chapter 12 - After the Full Moon Jam
Chapter 13 - Jade's mom
Chapter 14 - Love is in the air
Chapter 15 - Parents and jealousy
Final Chapter - Jori and the Killer Tuna Jump
Special Chapter - Brain Squeezers
Special Chapter 2 - Jori and Sam & Cat
Special Chapter 3 - The Chat
Special Chapter 4 - The proposal
Special Chapter 5 - Flashbacks and shocking news
Prequel Chapter
Special Chapter 6 - Tori and Jade talk to Trina
Special Chapter 7 - I kissed a girl...
Special Chapter 8 - Star Spangled Jori
Special Chapter 9 - The Vega-West family
Special Chapter 10 - The 100 days kiss
Special Chapter 11 - During Tori and Jade's first year
Special Chapter 12 - Tori and Jade's family life
Special Chapter 13 - Jealous Jade
Special Chapter 14 - Night of passion
Special Chapter 15 - Jori through the years
Special Chapter 16 - Guess who comes to dinner...
Special Chapter 17 - Love is love
Special Chapter 18 - You are my everything
Special Chapter 19 - Sleepover at Tori's
Special Chapter 20 - Jennifer and Lola
Special Chapter 21 - The Prom
Special Chapter 22 - She is my girl
Special Chapter 23 - Sweet moments
Special Chapter 24 - A crazy return
Special Chapter 25 - Married life then and now
Special Chapter 26 - Jori and their careers
Special Chapter 27 - Teenage girlfriends
Special Chapter 28 - Birthdays
Special Chapter 29 - No photoshoot
Special Chapter 30 - Ex, fans and friends
Special Chapter 31 - Doppelgangers
Special Chapter 32 - J + T = Forever

Special Chapter 33 - A Christmas Jori

2.7K 34 47
By Darkob996

*Set back when Tori and Jade were still in high school and had been together from a few months*

Come on, come on

Jade threw a tiny rock at Tori's window.

Then another and another, but her girlfriend wouldn't open up. 

Seems like sleeping beauty doesn't want to wake the fuck up- Jade thought Last time I go Christmas shopping at the mall with Cat! She's corrupting my fucking mind!

Jade was getting impatient, she had been throwing flat rocks for the past twenty minutes and Tori wouldn't open up. She was about to not give a damn and instead break the window with her boot.

That is if she wasn't in her slippers or pyjamas for that matter.

"This is the last time I come here with so little on." Jade muttered, then realised what she said "Now that was just plain stupid, ugh Vega you're going to be the death of me."

The Goth wasn't about to wait another twenty minutes, so there was only one thing to do.

She warily looked up, oh how she hated this tree, but it was a necessary evil just so she could secretly see her dorky girlfriend.

Ugh, it's one thing to climb this shit for a booty call every other night- Jade thought But doing it without a reward by the end of it? It's hardly worth the effort.

Thankfully for her, Tori opened her window in the nick of time.

The Half-Latina sleepily rubbed her eyes, with an annoyed expression, ready to chew out whoever interrupted her rest but once she noticed who was in her backyard, Tori was alert as ever.


"About damn time Vega!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh I was in the neighbourhood and thought going all Shakespeare on you" Jade replied sarcastically "You know, starting the day acting like Romeo and Juliet is a nice way to keep the romance alive."

"At seven A.M.?" Tori shot back "Normal people are sleeping at this hour, Jade."

"Three things Vega!" Jade hissed with the aforementioned fingers up "One, I was being sarcastic!"


"Yeah, oh!" The pale teen shouted, her fingers still up "Two, I'm not normal by any stretch of the imagination, and three I've been throwing rocks at your fucking window to wake you up for almost half an hour and only now you decide to come out and play! Well guess what?! I'm freezing my boobs out here! So open your damn front door because I'm sure as hell not climbing this big ass tree!"

"Those are all very good points Jade." Tori giggles "But you know, next time you should wear something other than your skeleton pyjamas, I don't think those are very warm."

"Thanks for the advice." Jade sneered "Now are you going to let me in or what?!"

"Why didn't you use my house's keys that I gave you?" Tori asked her

Jade blushed lightly "I was already here when I realized I forgot them, okay? I didn't know it would have been so hard to get your attention" 

"You could have just called me baby!" Tori continued

"You have your phone off, genius!" Jade exclaimed 

"Oh right... I forgot to charge it last night. But you have Trina's number too!" Tori told her

Jade let out a sarcastic laugh "You really think I would call Trina? Just so your banshee of a sister could wake up the entire house?"

"That only happened once!" Tori countered "And only because she's bitter enough to tattle on me cause she says that if she can't get any with Beck in the house then neither can I with you."

"Exactly my point Tor!" Jade snapped "I wasn't going to risk it, which is why I threw rocks at your window instead!"

"Because throwing rocks at a cop's house is a better alternative?" Tori replied with heave sarcasm. "I'm sure that doesn't look suspicious."

"Just let me in, I'm freezing!" Jade groaned

"Of course, just a second love!" Tori told her before going downstairs to open the door. 

Once Jade was inside Tori squeezed her girlfriend in a tight hug brushing her shoulders vigorously to make her warm, before kissing her on the mouth "Hey you!" she greeted her with a huge smile

"Hey babe" Jade replied with her usual smirk, before she released Tori and plopped on her red couch.

"Do you want me to give you a blanket to help you get warm? Or maybe I can make you an hot chocolate?" Tori asked her

"No I'm good. But thank you Tor" Jade replied

"Are you sure?" Tori asked. 

Jade nodded. 

"So, why are you here so early, babe?" Tori inquired "I mean you know you're invited to the Christmas party my parents are hosting tonight, right?"

"That's exactly why I'm here this early!"

"Aww! So you were also excited about our first Christmas together as a couple! Jade you're a sweetie!" Tori cooed

"No. I mean yes I'm excited, but I have another reason to be here right now" Jade said

"Huh?" Tori looked at her a bit suspiciously "You're not here for a quickie are you? Because you could have just slept here last night if you were in the mood for..."

"God, keep your mind out of the gutter you dork!" Jade snapped "Although now that you mention it, it wouldn't be such a bad idea..."

"My god Jade!" Tori blushed "My parents are upstairs, they could come down at any minute!"

"Then you better take me quickly!" Jade said spreading her legs with a smirk

Tori blushed and actually thought about it for a second (even in her PJs Jade was so freaking sexy...) before shaking her head and scolding her girlfriend "Jade!" 

"Be quiet Tori!" The Goth hissed "I don't want Detective Vega to bring me in!"

"For the last time my dad isn't going to arrest you! He likes you!" Tori told her

"I know, and I'd like to remain on his good side" Jade said

"Just don't worry!" the Half-Latina giggled "Anyway, why are you here Jade? Sex wasn't in your original plan and I doubt you came all this way to talk about my dad."

"Very perceptive Vega." The Goth said dryly "I actually came to give you this."

Suddenly Jade got a wrapped present out of her back.

How did I not notice she was hiding something?- Tori thought

"Merry Christmas Tori."

"Aww Jade that's so sweet." The tanned girl gushed "But you know you could've given this to me later tonight."

"Yeah, I could have." Jade replied "But this is for your eyes only Vega."

Tori raised an eyebrow "It's not a sex toy is it?"

"Really you dork?" The Goth laughed "Don't worry it's not a sex toy. I know you don't like anything... penis-shaped" she smirked

Tori rolled her eyes "Yeah, you know me, I'm like... so gay, dude!" 

Jade laughed "You and me both... Dude!" 

Tori also chuckled while Jade continued "Anyway, this is actually something less... My style. So I only wanted you to see it." Jade continued

"Really? Are you sure it's not like... Something dangerous or that will scare me?" Tori asked her

Jade faked an hurt expression "How can you believe that? Where's the trust in your girlfriend, Tori?"

"Well, excuse me if I'm a little cautious after your present for me for our 6 months anniversary was to kidnap my sister and leave her in a nearby forest just so we could have the house to ourselves." Tori said

"I didn't hear you complain Vega." Jade smirked "If anything we ended up having a pretty good time, just you, me and your bed."

The Latina blushed "Well yeah, but Trina didn't quite like what you did. And neither did Beck since, you know she is his girlfriend now!" 

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised they are still together" Jade observed

"Well I also had my doubts but I have to say they seem perfect for each other" Tori said

"I think the only thing those two find perfect is what they see when they look at themselves in the mirror... Maybe that's why they ended up liking each other, they are both so vain" Jade replied

"Jade, you're so evil!" Tori scolded her girlfriend but laughing "Anyway promise me you won't kidnap her again. Even if I enjoy being alone with you, I don't want to hear my sister whining for the next few weeks"

"Fine, I promise" Jade replied with an eye roll

"Thank you baby." Tori said gratefully before giving Jade a peck on the cheek.

"Yeah, yeah, now open your present!" The Goth ordered "I don't have all morning!"

Tori mischievously took her time getting around the wrapping paper just to spite her very anxious girlfriend.

"Such a pretty choice in decorations Jade." The Latina grinned "Jack Skellington, really?"

"It was either that or some snowmen and I wasn't about to put my present under some grinning ass guys who will melt by the end of winter!"

"You have a way with words baby" Tori said dryly, continuing unwrapping her present.

Tori gasped once she was done and to make sure she was seeing right age rubbed her eyes.

To say she was surprised was the understatement of the century.

"Oh, Jade, it's so cute."

"Ugh, don't say that." Jade muttered in disgust "I think I'm going to puke."

"Oh don't be so dramatic," Tori replied jokingly "I mean it's not every day I get a photo of my scary, sexy girlfriend on Santa's lap."

"It was Cat's idea." The Goth said "After who knows how long trying to find something that you didn't already have, eventually I had to accept defeat and pose for this abomination!"

Tori held the photo over her chest. "It's still cute, I'm gonna treasure this forever Jadey."

"What is it with people calling me that!" The Goth bellowed "My name is Jade not fucking Jadey!"

The Half-Latina gave her a kiss, not a very long one but still filled with both love and devotion, and after a few breathless minutes, they parted lips.

"Ok, new rule, you can call me Jadey only if you give me five of those a day."

Tori giggled happily, her fingers moving affectionately across her girlfriend's pale cheeks "That could be arranged."

She then looked again at the photo.

"So, what did you ask Santa this year?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, grinning

"I think you already know the answer" Jade replied smirking and lowering one hand between their bodies and between her girlfriend's legs

Tori giggled "But that's already yours!" 

Jade smirked "That's for damn sure. But it's still what I desire the most" 

Tori kept giggling while Jade continued 

"Anyway, don't forget that this thing is for your eyes only, Tor." Jade reminder her seriously "If anyone else sees that pic of me sitting on Santa's lap, I swear I'll bury you alive!"

"Who's burying who alive now?"

Jade stiffened at the sound of a voice she would know anywhere, both her and Tori look up the stairs to see Mr. Vega in his robe, giving the pale teen a warning stare.

The Goth gulped before getting closer to her girlfriend, holding her in her arms "I wasn't finished, I'll bury her alive in love and kisses!"

The grin that was on her face had to be the most pathetic thing that Mr. Vega and Tori had ever seen.

My girlfriend, a lioness to the outside world but a kitten in front of my dad... And me


Later that night at the Christmas party, Jade made sure to avoid the cop at every turn. 

But once Tori managed to get the goth to herself... Well, she wasn't very happy by the sweater she was wearing.

"Jade!... What the hell?"

Said girl smirked evilly "You like, Vega?"

"No I don't!" Tori snapped "What could possibly possessed you to wear that!"

The piece of clothing in question was a green and red sweater with the words "HO HO JODETE!" In big, bright red letters.

"Do you want to get banned from my house?!" Tori hissed "Because if my dad sees you in that, then it's a sure thing!"

"Relax Vega, he's not going to say anything if he sees me."

"And you know this, how?"

"Because Cat made this." Jade explained pointing at the sweater.

"I fail to see where you're going with this."

"It's Cat, Vega, she's the embodiment of sweet and innocent and I can just claim ignorance on what this really means because you and I both know that our clueless friend isn't very good with Spanish."

"Ok, I'll give you that"

"But if you really want me to wear something else, just say the word Vega."

Tori grinned "Actually, I think you earned a peak on your Christmas present."

"Oh Goody." Jade smirked "And what, pray tell may that be?"

The Latina grabbed the Goth by the hand and led her to the second floor.

"You'll see."


"Merry Christmas! You like?"

Tori said laying in a very provocative position under a small Christmas three which was on a nightstand.

She was wearing a red bra with matching panties with full-length white gloves and tight high stockings on. The gloves and stockings had green ribbons attached to their trims that made her look even more Christmasy

Jade's eyes went wide with lust "Tori... Woah... You're stunning. I think Christmas just became my favorite holiday, thanks to you" 

Tori giggled "I'm glad to hear that, love! Remember when Sikowitz made you my secret Santa last Christmas, before we got together?" 

Jade smirked "How could I forget that time I came to your house and you started touching me all over my body, with the excuse that you were searching for my scissors" 

The Latina chuckled "Yeah, well can you blame me? I didn't know we would be together one day so that could have been my only chance to actually do that" 

"I knew you were feeling me up... That's why I told you to not be shy while you were at it" Jade was grinning

"I remember!" Tori giggled "Anyway this Christmas I wanted to be your Santa. And after you told me this morning that I was the one thing you desired the most, I think I chose the right present... Oh, I almost forgot." Tori muttered, putting a bow on her head. "Here I am Jade, your present for the night. Want to open me up and play with me?" she asked winking

Jade smiled "Ohh I can't wait, trust me! But... Are you sure? In the middle of your family's party?"

"So?" She asked "The music is quite loud and I doubt anyone will hear us."

"What if your folks start looking for you? Your dad already caught us in bed once awhile back, remember?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. Anyway don't worry. Right after you left this morning, Trina came back from Beck's house and I helped her get in her room without being seen. So now if she doesn't want my parents to find out that she spent the night at her boyfriend's house she will do anything to stop them if they get near my room tonight." Tori explained grinning

Jade raised an eyebrow smiling "So you blackmailed your sister? Nice one Vega!" 

"Thanks!" Tori replied giggling

"But are you sure no one else will start looking for us while..." Jade was asking but Tori interrupted her

"Baby... Don't worry, I know my family, and it's Christmas. They will all be busy chatting and celebrating. So wanna play with me or what? I'm getting cold... Please?" Tori said pushing her bottom lip out at her girlfriend in a sexy pout

"Well then, time to enjoy my present!" Jade grinned hungrily, crawling over to her lover so they could be eye to eye.

"I'm all yours for the night." Tori smiled

"Hell yeah you are babygirl!" Jade exclaimed

Tori kissed her lover passionately "This is a thank you for your wonderful Christmas present."

The Latina pointed the said photo which was next to the X-Mas tree.

"Don't stop thanking me yet Vega!" Jade said removing her sweater and revealing her big boobs in a black lacey bra

Tori giggled licking her lips excitedly.

They didn't returned to the party for the rest of the night. 

Best... Christmas... Ever!

Was what they would have both thought after that night. 


A/N: Happy Holidays everyone! Since it's Christmas I thought to include this one shot written by Invader Johnny to my fanfic, with some changes made by me just so it could have been adapted to my story. Hope you like it! ;) 

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