[END] Enji Todoroki × Reader: Two Roads

Start from the beginning

"Did I not do enough?" You questioned, Enji's eyes trailing back toward you as you stared at the floor. "I mean, I tried to make you to understand and get along with one another but it still ended up like this anyway."

Enji exhaled out of his nose, "Sometimes people just can't be friends...it isn't anything you did." You dropped your hand and looked over to the redhead. "I'm sorry." You whispered, Enji sucking in a breath through his nose before he turned more toward you.

"I was supposed to be the one apologizing you shortass, don't steal my thunder." The nickname made you smile, a small laugh emitting from your throat as the corner of Enji's lips turned up just a touch.

"My bad fireboy...continue."

"Echem, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted." You smacked his arm and rolled your eyes, making a quick smirk appear on his face.

"Like I said, it was my fault. I egged him on because I wanted to prove I was better, he needed to know he isn't the only damn person who wants to be number one."

"A lot of people do Ji...."

Your sudden use of his old nickame took him by suprise, it had been years since you called him that. "...I wanted to be number one too, I think almost every kid does. But I realized that I still got to do what I loved no matter the number that was plastered on my face."

"Thats the thing, is I can't separate the two." He admitted, leaning on his knees. "I look at it as my strength and value is on that scale. If I'm not number one then I am number two and that isn't okay. I can't have that."

"You can't have that, or your dad can't have that?"

Enji fell silent. Everything he did was for him, every breath and accomplishment was for him. No matter how old he got, it seemed he would never gain his fathers respect, this was the way he was taught how to be respected. By being the best, never less.

"I-....I don't-"

You put your hand on his, soft eyes looking up at him as you sent him a small smile. "You aren't your father Enji. You are what you make yourself."

"It will take a while before I believe that."

"Well we hopefully have a while left on this planet, so I will help you believe until you know it for yourself."

Enji stood as you did, taking you in a hug which suprised you. "I'm sorry
(Y/n)...please forgive me and my stupid actions." You patted his back, "I forgive you, but only if you pay for my dinner after our exam on Thursday."

He let out a breath of a laugh, "Fine, you have a deal."


"Enji! Got your back!" You yelled, flipping off a roof and onto a student, tackling him the the ground as Enji fought off two boys.

It was the midst of the exam, now on the final strech, every man for himself. You decided to team up with Enji, helping him and yourself make it to the end and then deciding it from there.

If you were on the ground for 20 seconds without moving, you were out. The longer you stayed in, the more points you got. You knocked the boy out cold, eliminating him from the 'game'.

"(Y/n), rooftop!" Enji warned, allowing you to duck just in time before a man came from the rooftop and tried to pull a fast one on you. You ducked and dodged as he tried to hit you full force at every swing, he just wouldn't give up!

After a few minutes, you were really done with this guy but his hits were almost a certain K.O. for you if it landed. His hits stopped for a moment allowing you to catch your breath as he began a very powerful swing.

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