Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: You're Too Innocent

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*Lil' Bit O' Lime*

The world is beautiful, and every so often you get an innocent angel like (Y/n). Not only was she a pure bean, but she always wanted to see the best in people.

No matter how much the explosive fireball threatened you, you were never scared. You just smiled and told him to cheer up. The first time you said it he got even more pissed. But after you kept persuing the angry boy to to get him to be happy he slowly started falling for you, and you returned the feelings toward him.

Now you are here, reading a note at your desk written by Katsuki, that is asking you to meet him on the roof top after school.

The paper is slightly wrinkled, probably from him crunching it in frustration. There are multiple lines scratched out and re-written, you assumed he asked Kirishima to help him out becasue the word manly was written at least twice.

You looked back at Katsuki who was sitting at his desk directly behind you and staring at you with a hint of red on his cheeks waiting for you to reply. You looked back down at the paper and on the bottom it said 'yes or no', and in parentheses 'circle one or the other brat'.

You laughed to yourself and folded the paper back neatly, handing it to him. As soon as you turned around you heard him almsot rip open the paper, making it hard for you to stifle a laugh.

You heard small explosions come from his hand, assumedly from excitement. "Bakugou, keep your quirk for outside use only." Aizawa said sternly looking at Katsuki. You laughed causing Katsuki to smirk.

You turned around slightly once Aizawa resumed teaching and looked at Katsuki. He gave you a smug look and you smiled turning back around.

Once class was over you saw Kirishima approach Katsuki and gave him a fist bump. You rolled your eyes playfully, grabbing your stuff and walking past them. Katsuki's eyes follwed your figure like a hawk.

You walked up the stairs and to the roof and put your bag down by a bench. You stood by the railing and looked out at the lowering sun. A soft breeze whisked through your hair as you smiled enjoying the rays of the sun.

"Do you like the sun?" You heard a gruff voice frim behind you. Turning around, you were met with crimson red eyes. "Ah, Katsuki." You gave him a toothy grin. He walked up beside you as you turned back around putting your hands on the rails.

He found his way beside you. His hands were still stuffed in his pockets as he looked at the sunset. "You're too inoccent (Y/n)." You looked at him raizing a brow. "What do you mean?"
Katsuki looked away from you as his hand slipped on top of yours.

You blushed looking up at him. "My point is, is that you don't see the bad that lurks out there.....I want to protect you idiot." He mummbled the last part, but you still understood him.

"If I don't something might happen to you, dumbass." You smiled, becasue you knew what he meant. "Then I will let you protect me." You laced your fingers with him as he gripped your delicate hand and pulled you into a hug. You were shocked by Katuski's sudden action.

"I get jealous easy, just so you know." You laughed. "I know Katsuki. I have seen you almost murder Mineta.". "Well who wouldn't murder that little grape fuck!!" He yelled. You playfully shoved him as he calmed down from his anger.

You grabbed your bag and nudged your head toward the door. Katsuki followed behind you. Once you were out of the school you felt Katsuki brush his hand against yours. You lightly touched his fingers telling him it was okay. He completed the action by taking your hand, suprisingly gentle for his rough nature. You smiled walking home with a skip in your step.

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