Katsuki Bakugou × Depressed!Reader: Not Alone

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Requested by: Birdybirbb

Some sensitive topics such as self harm and suicidal topics are mentioned. If you are sensitve to this topic and do not handle it well, please skip this chapter.

I struggle with depression myself, but nothing major along these lines, if you ever need help do not be afraid to message me or talk to someone, there are people out there who understand and want the best for you.

I love all of you guys<3

Lots of soft Katsuki ahead....you have been warned!


That was all you could hear and feel.

A constant, overwhelming, pounding..

You stared at yourself in the mirror. Most of the muscle you had gained was now gone, as you had felt weird eating these past few months. You felt weak, physically, mentally...a dark hole consumed you but your mind just wouldn't stop.

A pulsing headache, shakey breath, it felt like there was one thing keeping you going...but it was slipping from your grasp. Everyday you felt like you were going to lose it but tried to convince yourself it was just made up and it woukd never leave...HE would never leave.

Waking you from your trance was a knock at the door. "(Y/n) are you alright? You've been in there for 30 minutes." You wanted to speak, but you were just so tired, you weren't even sure if you had thought you answered or actually spoke.

"I'm coming in."

Before you could protest your loving boyfriend came into the bathroom to find you sitting on the floor all dishevelled. You couldn't even muster the strength to look up at him right now.

"(Y/n), what the hell is all of this?"

He looked around wide-eyed at the supplies scattered across the floor. You were luck that you restrained from the blades today. You don't want to make Katsuki feel like he did something wrong.

That was always the downside wasn't it? Whoever finds out blanes themselves and then you feel worse and living hurts more becasue deep down you know that they did nothing....it was all you.

"(Y/n)?" Katsuki was now crouched in front of you. "Babe are you okay?".

No, I'm not.

That is all you had to say. But what came out was the oh, so familiar lie: "I'm fine Katsuki, I promise."

You weren't fucking fine. Why can't you just tell him? Let him help you for once?! No....it would distract him. You are a distraction, does he really need you? That was the only question now.

"(Y/n) I am taking you to the hospital."

Instantly your glazed eyes flashed open and your ears cleared. "Katsuki I am fine really!" You bartered with him like your life was on the line, which it pretty much was.

"No, You have been acting like this for two weeks, I am worried about you."

Katsuki lifted you up dispite your complaints and drove you to the hospital. The night was cold and dark, how ironic. You zoned out and began to feel dizzy as Katsuki signed you in to the hospital.

You weren't sure how long you waited, minutes, maybe hours. All you knew is that when your name was called your heart raced in fear. Katsuki walked beside you as a nurse led you down the hall to your room.

You managed to get comfortable on the bed but the lights were burning your retinas. The nudse made sure you had everything as Katsuki held your hand and rubbing it.

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