Inasa Yoarashi × Reader: Flirtatious Misunderstanding

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I am so sorry this took so long! I wrote half a story and then hated it so I re-did it all, because you guys deserve the best.

Inasa is a precious bean who deserves more love🌪❤

"I-NA-SA!" You cheered running up to the tall male, watching him turn around and look above you. "Who called my name? I could have sworn I heard someone." Your eyebrows flattened as you looked up at him. "Asshole." You commented with a monotone voice, his eyes trailing down to your height as a smirk played on his lips.

"I'm just jokin! What's up shorty?" You pointed your finger to the large board. "I passed!" You screeched doing a little victory dance in place as Inasa chuckled. "That's amazing (Y/n), you deserve it!"

You looked back up at him, knitting your eyebrows together. "I didn't see your name on there it because you were fighting with Todoroki the whole time?" You crossed your arms as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Weeeellll a bit of that. But I was being too narrow-minded. It caused Todoroki to fail as well, I still hate him though." Air puffed out of his nose like a bull while grin coated his face. You patted his chest, looking behind him as you noticed the familiar monochrome hair that was fighting with your friend earlier.

Inasa watched as you stepped around him, going up to Todoroki and introducing yourself. "Todoroki Shoto?" His mulitcolored eyes looked over to you, seeing the smile that rested on your face as you offered up your hand. "(L/n) (Y/n), pleasure to meet you."

He nodded grabbing your hand and shaking it gently, Inasa approaching behind you. "So Todoroki, you pretty much have two quirks huh? That's really cool!"

"Ah, yeah. I still need to figure out how to improve them better though." You smiled, "We all have stuff to improve on, don't be so hard on yourself! Your quirk is awesome, you just need to have patience!"

As he was about to reply, Inasa landed a firm hand on your shoulder. Technically, his hand was so large his thumb rested on your upper arm as his fingers lightly curled into your skin. "(Y/n)! They are handing out scores and making an announcement."

Your attention turned to the stand as the older man began to speak, your score was handed to you and you were pretty pleased with yourself. But what pleased you more was knowing that Inasa would get another chance to get his license if he went to an extra training course.

"Did you hear that Inasa! You can get your license!" He looked down at you with a smirk, "I'll get to protect you then tiny temper!"

"Quit insulting my height!" You challenged back and flared your nostrils. "Yoarashi. I will see you there." Todoroki said nodding at the tall male before looking back down at you.

"It was good to meet you (L/n)." He said bowing his head for a moment. Your scowel at Inasa instantly turned to a lightbulb in your head. "Hey Todoroki, can I have your number? I mean I think you're pretty chill. No pun intented." You laughed, Inasa going wide eyed as you pulled out your phone and handed it to him.

"Okay." He said with a small smile, transfering the number into his phone.

That will teach him to call me Tiny Temper. Get his enemys phone number to get back at him. No one calls me short that easily.

Inasa gritted his teeth together, but for a completley different reason then what you thought. While he mostly contained himself on the outside watching the interaction, on the inside he was tossing Todoroki a thousand miles into the sky.

What is she doing?!? She literally just met him... it took her weeks to ask for my number when we met! Is it becasue he is a Todoroki?! I swear if he steals her away for me I am going to snap his-

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