Edgeshot × Pro-Hero! Reader: To Us

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I did the art but it was redrawn from an actual picture on the internet.

*LEMON* (one of the most tame lemons I have written. More sweet than smutty.)

Your eyes peeled open as the sound of your alarm blared through your ears. "God sometimes I hate this job..." You grumbled, rolling over and smacking your phone completely knocking it to the floor but still turning it off successfully. "You have to get up (Y/n), 4 a.m. meetings mean no soul is left behind." Sitting up, you swung your legs over the bed and trudged your way to the bathroom.

"I hate this new shift...they don't even give a me an adjusting period...bullshit." You spoke only to yourself. Upon entering the bathroom, you did your routine but this time it was pitch black outside and all you could see were the lights of the city.

Your schedule had been changed after the retirement of All Might, and so had your rank. You were now #5, finally with the big boys (we will be yeeting Miriko for plot convenience shhh). This meaning, not only had you magically gone up three places by vote of the people, you also got fucked every which way by the system itself. You rubbed your eyes, trying to get yourself to look less like a walking corpse and more like an alive person.

Walking down the stairs, you quickly threw on your hero outfit before grabbing a banana and heading out the door. Stepping in the elevator, you went to the bottom floor of the complex and quickly shuffled to the doors and began to walk to the meeting complex. "Try not to kill anyone (Y/n), should be simple enough." You luckily lived only a few streets down and it took you no time at all to arrive. Walking in the building, you were directed upstairs to the top floor.

"Jesus, the top 5 get the fancy room huh?" You said jogging up the stairs to the large double doors. You walked in to see Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Christopher Skyline and Naomasa Tsukauchi. Best Jeanist walked over to greet you, Endeavor dismissing your presence with a huff. "Pleasure to see you too Enji." You remarked, beginning small talk with Best Jeanist who was the only person you really knew.

"How was the getting up process? It can be killer." He commented, your eyes said volumes as they looked dryer then the Sahara desert. "Hated it, 0/10 would never do again if I had a choice without quitting my job."

"It is awful the first few weeks, but it gets easier."

"I'll keep that in mind as I try not to die inside a little more each morning."

"You're so dramatic and stubborn." He added, a smirk rising to your face. "But of course, I am the only female in this room. I have to have some resilience and charm." He playfully shook his head as Naomasa began to speak: "The time now is 4 a.m., the meeting is starting. Everyone please take your seats."

You sat at the large table, keeping one chair between you and Best Jeanist for personal choice. Naomasa passed out weekly files of your assigned districts to everyone, sliding the thick folder in front of your eyes. You stared at it for a moment, enthralled at how much paper was shoved inside this poor little folder. "Should have expected this (Y/n)..." You mumbled under your breath. A deep chuckle came from Enji, but not one of enjoyment, it was purely condescending. 

"Bigger than what you usually deal with?" You snapped your eyes up to his, "I bet you've never had to say that to a girl." Hawks snorted, quickly covering his mouth and pretending not to notice. Enji huffed and read through the documents as Naomasa and Skyline began to speak.

Their words trudged on and on. Essentially, it was the same thing as when you were a smaller hero but multiplied by four. The folder held your assigned districts and what cases you were supposed to handle, except now there were forms for "emergency cases", in which case you should always report to them and be the lead on any fight. You tapped your pen as you listened to the stream of words when the door suddenly opened.

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