Overhaul × Izuku Sister!Reader: Found

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I almost made it end in an angsty cliffhanger but I didn't so you're welcome <3

Happy Valentines Day!

You stood outside the large stadium, waiting to suprise your little brother, Izuku, once he got out. He had just taken his licensing exam, and you knew he would pass. You hadn't seen the little bean in a while, with work and school being so hectic, not to mention his class schedule, it was hard to find time with him.

Unlike your brother, you never wanted to be a hero. You much prefered the regular life and freedome to travel and do whatever you pleased. Yes, you had a quirk, but seeing your little brother succeed in his dream was a thousand times better than what you would ever accomplish with your gift.

Students began filing out one by one, you searched the crowds for the UA uniforms and once you saw them, a smile grew on your face. Izuku chatted with his friends, you were happy he was getting along well with everyone as that he seemed to get a spark back in his eyes.

Walking over, a few students recognized your uniform from a prestigious university, stopping to stare as it was very rare for anyone to attend the school, due to the acceptance requirements being so high.

What could you say, you were a smart cookie.

"Zuku! Is that anyway to react to your sister?" The boys eyes snapped over to the sound of your voice, all of his classmates turning to stare as they have finally seen the fabled sister Midoryia always went on about.

"(Y/N)!" He cheered, running up to you and taking you in a hug. You squeezed him tightly, suprising everyone when you lifted him off the ground and spun him. "Can't. Breathe...(Y/n)-"

"Oh! Sorry!" You apologized, setting him down and shooting him a smile. "I'm just so excited to see you!! I feel like it's been forever, part of that is my fault." You exhaled, seeming dissapointed in yourself.

Izuku rapidly shook his head, "No! It's my fault too! OH! Come meet my friends, I have told them all about you!"

You chcukled as he tugged you over to meet his classmates. You appriciated the fact that he never went through a phase of being emberassed of you. Izuku looked up to you, almost as much as All Might, and to say he envied your confidence and self-sustaining attitude was an understatement.

You always had a leveled head and never did anything without considering all possibilities first. However, he knew that any guy woukd be lucky to have you and all he wanted to do was see you happy.

"Guys! This is my sister (Y/n)!"

All of them bowed as greeted you, a small smile still resting on your face as you looked over them all. "Zuku you have told me about them before! You looked over to a girl with short brown hair and quickly you remembered who she was. Not only that, but the loud curses that came from afar told you exactically who was coming.

As he appeared in your line of vision, you addressed him. "Bakugo." His eyes snapped toward you, air lodging in his chest as you looked at him with a devilish smile. "Good to see you again."

You tucked your arms behind you and closed your eyes. The blond was unable to move and everyone took noticed of how paralized he seemed as you stepped closer. "I know that you are being nice to Zuku like I told you to..."

Your eyes opened, glaring at him with a demonic undertone as you finished. "...right?"

Izuku frantically interjected, your whole demeanor softening once you he appeared. "It's o-okay (Y/n)! Really! Right Bakugo?" You galnced behind him at Bakugo who was still watching you with fear in his eyes. "Right." He managed to croak out, a small smile coming to your face whike you clapped your hands together.

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