Eijiro Kirishima × Reader: Connection

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I relaized I promised Denki but I finally finished watching season 4 and CRIED over Kirishima (also Shoto and Bakugou making kids a slide?!?! Ughh mah heart!) So here we are.

"I am here! Sorry I am late!" Fatgum cheered catching the fleeing villian in his stomach. You calmed your heart as the man squirmed in his belly, wriggling around as Fatgum absorbed his torso.

Your hands shook as you dropped to the floor, the near death experience shaking your body. "What's your name?"

"Red Riot!" Your ears perked up at the familiar voice. You rasied your head as the others thanked him him bowing firmly in respect. "Thank you!" He replied to their praise.

"Let's go, we don't want to keep Suneater waiting!" Fatgum gave the boy a thumbs up as they began to walk away. "Wait!" You spoke standing up and rushing to the red hero, grabbing the strap of fabric that ran across his back.

He turned and looked at you, freezing in his place. "Eijiro Kirishima." You whispered almost in disbelief., the corners of your lips turned up for a moment. You lightly nodded your head, looking in his red eyes.

"There is no mistake. It is you." He pulled you into a strong hug as his eyes were still open in disbelief. "(Y-Y/n)..." he whispered as he held you. "It's been a long time huh Kirishima." You patted his back as he pulled away.

"Red Riot. Do you know this girl?" Fatgum asked pointing toward you with a smile on his face. "Yeah, uhm...she helped me through some personal stuff before I came to UA."

"Well in that case, anyone who is a friend of young Riot here is a friend to me!" He stuck out his hand to you. You shook it, shaking it as best you could with its size. "(Y/n) (L/n). Pleasure Mr. Fatgum!"

"(Y/n)...I thought you left Japan?" The red haired boy questioned. You waved your hand dismissively. "Psshhhh, only for a couple months. I couldn't take the place that they sent me to. Plus I missed Japan too much."

You gave him a closed eyed smile. "I guess technically I did leave for a bit but I am back now!" You threw your hands up in the air. "Even though it has only been a year, you have changed." He said pleased as he watched you.

"Oh really? I am not the one who dyed my hair before going into highschool and then getting SHREDDED! Not to mention, you are a hero now!" Your eyes gleamed as you looked at him, your demeanor completely changing from your cowering meer moments ago.

He rubbed the back of his neck, slightly becoming emberassed. "This is just hero training for now. I just haveba license, I'm not a pro or anything."

"You just saved me though and all those other people! I told you that you would make a good hero!" Fatgum watched his 'apprentice' become flustered at your display.

"Ah! Did you want my number so we can talk? I know I am probably keeping you...sorry." you bowed respectfully. "Here." You said grabbing Kirishima's hand and taking out a pen.

"And there!" You said clicking it and throwing it back in your bag. "Let me know if you want to talk and thank you so much for saving us!" You turned on your heel and waved walking in the opposite direction.

Fatgum nudged Kirishima who was standing in place, his hand still as he read your number over and over. "You like her." He said with a grin.

Kirishima sighed. "I always have, but I just felt like she would never go for someone like me." He began to walk, his mentor following behind. He slapped his back making him jolt forward.

"Ahaha! You never know till you try. Plus you two seemed close."

"Yeah, she helped me through a really rough time in my life. Convincing me to go to UA when I was doubting my abilities. So in a way she is kind of my hero." He shrugged as people began to cheer as they ventured more into the public eye to find Suneater.

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