Thank You Guys

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First things first, I am not leaving so don't worry, lol. But I really felt like I needed to make a chapter about this.

In July of 2018 I was going through a rough time in my life. There was a bunch of stuff going on and my only escape was school, art, dancing, and what would soon become this book.

Some of you may may or may not have noticed that I like to stray away from the more conventional character that we seem to be portrayed as 24/7.

(Y/n) has a few main personalites that people like to put them in: Shy and Quiet, Unrelentingly loud and annoying, Flirty hoe, or Stone-faced machine.

I don't like this. I always read them and though, but no NORMAL person should react like this (not to say if you do you aren't normal, I love you 😘). But they over exaggerate these personality types and play them completely wrong.

I started off this book for fun, but realized that I could have little messages in them while still allowing you guys to enjoy them.

The most recent example would be the Katsuki Bakugou × Reader: Grow Up. The message there was that you can't change people. You can try to moderate what they do, but ultimatley it is on them as to if they want to become a better person.

Katsuki is often put into this light where he is in love with the reader, but still hates everyone else. I feel like that is just wrong, no one should only like YOU. They should have other things they want to do and allow you do other things (such as play wall ball).

Now I know I just went off on a little rant and thank you guys so much who have read this far. But I really want to use these fictional characters that everyone enjoys in order to spread messages about positivity and maybe be able to help someone who is currently struggling.

You guys have made this book keep running, I took a huge break and was super scared that no one would come back but you guys did and it means the world to me.

You all make a difference here, as well as in this world, but I want you all to know that I see all of your weird and fun comments. I love seeing the conversations and the discussions you guys have, nothing makes me happier then knowing I got people to smile (or cry in the case of Aizawa).

That all being said. I see all of your requests, I know I may not reply, but I am trying to sort out some stuff with this story right now.

And if I am being 100% open? I don't want to take requests that I feel like I can't give my all too. You guys deserve so much better then a 2000 word shitpost that has no meaning and isn't well thought out.

You guys are the core of this and without you this whole thing would mean nothing and be fruitless.

I love you all. Everyone who votes, everyone who comments, and everyone who reads my stories.

Thank you and please, feel free to message me at anytime if you need to talk. I will get back to you ASAP!


BNHA × Reader [Oneshots!]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن