Iida Tenya × Reader: Anything For You

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Art by Myself cause I am locked inside and bored.

I can't stop listening to UP by Cardi B and it is a problem.

Anyway, this one was supposed to come out yesterday but I had to stop got writing cause I got in the rut where I started to hate it.

I came back today and finished it and I honestly love it a lot more then I thought I would.


You sat next to your boyfriend of two and a half years on the bus. It had been three wild years of high school and finally you were only a few months away from graduating.

Iida squeezed your hand, your eyes shifting over to meet his own as he sent you a small grin. "Are you excited for this class trip?" You eagerly nodded, looking behind you as Mina and Denki viciously played UNO on the seats.

Many of the classmates were watching and screaming with every 'draw four' that was thrown down, but some others were just sitting and talking or listening to their music in silence.

"I can't believe we are almost full time heros....it's weird to think about. It feels like yesterday we were first years."

Iida nodded at your comment, watching as you put your head on his shoulder gently. "I am the luckiest man in the world to have spent so long with you by my side." You chuckled and traced his bicep with your fingers, "I would have to say I'm the lucky one."

The blue haired boy pressed a kiss to your temple. You had really gotten to know eachother after you started miserably failing in your math course. Iida, being the smarty-pants he is offered you some tutoring so that way you didn't flunk out.

He had a crush on you long before your sessions began, Iida found you extremely sweet and hardworking, not to mention eye-catching. You loved every ounce of him, he was docile and protective by nature but always encouraged you to do your best.


You turned to look out the window at Minas words, your eyes widening at the soft white fluff that was coming down slowly from the sky.

The class was on a trip to a nice hotel in the mountains. It was a beautiful place and the school figured they should treat your class especially all you had been through.

A shiver ran down your spine as the temperature began to slowly fall down. You looked over at the sound of a *zip* to see Iida pulling out his duffle bag from under the seat and taking out a blanket.

"I figured you would get cold." He sweetly said, wrapoing it over your shoulders and watching as you curled into a ball and cuddled into it. You looked to your boyfriend and opened your arms, offering Iida in which he happily accepted.

Despite you heading up into the snow, you looked over Iidas sharp winter outfit. He had on work-boots and dark jeans, his white-woven turtle neck peeking out from under his thigh length coat. You had stolen his scarf a while back, which he obviously didn't mind.

Iida might have been made of money....just a bit.

The boy greatly accepted your offer and leaned over so you could wrap your arms around him. "You're so warm Iida...!!" You gasped, pressing yourself into him as he chuckled.

"I told you to wear something warmer (Y/n)."

You groaned and looked up to him, "But sweatpants and your sweaters are so coooozzzyyyyy!" Iida pressed a chastè kiss to your lips, "You look adorable in them as well. But still, I don't want you to get a cold."

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