Shouta Aizawa × Reader: Flowers II

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Lets go!!!!! (I may make a part three if you guys request so, I'll ask again at the end.)


Three weeks.

It had been three weeks since Bakugou had returned, and 4 long weeks without you by his side. Shouta was an absolute wreck. Not only did his students notice it, his friends and faculty members saw it as well.

He always looked tired, but now his whole demeanor was shifted. He would barley talk and was completley shut down especially when you got in the room.

As he sat in the teacher lounge silently by Yamada, he listened to the chatter of the other staff that were eating their lunch. His head shot up as the door opened, eyes landing on you.

You greeted everyone normally, but avoided the dark eyes that bore through you. He watched as you grabbed your lunch and sat next to Toshinori and began to eat.

"Don't stare that makes it worse!" Hizashi exclaimed, but his normal voice being washed out from you ears.

Shouta looked at him for a moment before looking at the smile that rested gently on your lips. The corners of his lips melted into a small frown while he lowered his head.

"I can't help it. I love her." He ran his hands through his hair as his forehead was planted firmly on the desk. Hizashi let out a small sigh at his friend patting him in the back.

"Hizashi." Your voice rang through Shouta's ears softly. He glanced up to see you talking to the blond that sat leaning back next to him.

"How can I help ya (Y/n)?" He said back to his usual self. "Nezu said he needed you, Toshinori and I to meet with him after school. I am guessing it has to do with security patrols."

Hizashi smiled widely. "Alrigggght listener!!" He gave you some finger guns (which you returned), and then watched as you left.

The dark-haired male watched as you left the room and tightened his fists. He stood up out of his chair and stormed out of the room.

You turned around when you heard the door slam, making brief eye contact with Shouta's tired figure. He watched as you shook your head lightly and turned around, heading to your class.

Once lunch was over, class 1-A piled in the room, quietly taking their seats. The clock ticked more and more, soon the students had realized that their teacher was late.

Never had Aizawa been late for class EVER. Even when he was in a full body cast.

"Do you think he is okay? Something bad must have happened between him and Ms. (L/n)..." Ochaco said quietly to Kirishima.

"I guess. He has looked pretty rough latley." The class exchanged a few whispers before the door opened. Shouta marched in and put his books on the desk before immediately starting the lesson. Usually he was more laid-back in his own sort of way, but he seemed to be functioning like a machine.

Truth be told he hadn't eaten that much and had barley slept. He usually spent his nights on his couch because he couldn't sleep in his bed without you there.

Words flowed out of his mouth like a muttering river. He couldn't hear himself, all he could hear was a muffled voice and a heartbeat. HIS heartbeat.

"Mr. Aizawa we can't hear what you are saying!" Deku spoke up with his hand in the air. The teacher stopped rambling and lowered his head.

"Mr. Aizawa?" Momo questioned with a rasied hand.

He glanced back at her over his shoukder, giving her permission to speak. "Are...are you alright? You don't look well."

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