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"when you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath"


Lanie Philips

"Corbyn? Hey!"

"I assume you both have met?", dad said.

"We did, on the flight", Corbyn replied.

At that moment, a guy of about 20 years, with blonde hair and lavender hair, walked up to us. I think this was Jack, because of the lavender hair.

"Hey Corbyn and Randy! Hi....."


"And who may this pretty girl be?", he said crouching and smiling at Miley. 

Miley came closer towards me.

"This" , I picked up Miley in my arms, "is Miley. Miley say hi to Jack." Miley waved her hand.

He looked at me, surprised.

"Dad told me about one of the band members having a daughter named Lavender whose name was Jack, and well, you have Lavender hair, so I assumed you were Jack." 

I looked towards Dad who nodded his head.

"Smart. So your Randy's daughter?"


"How about me and Corbyn go meet the other guys and you both get to know each other?"

Typical dad, always gets what he wants.

Him and Corbyn walked away while me and Jack were left there, an awkward silence between us. I was the first to speak.

"So, how's Lavender?"

"She's doing great. Wait, let me show you a picture of her."

He pulled out his phone and on his lock screen was a picture of him and his daughter Lavender.

"Oh my god, she's so cute!"

"Yeah, I love her more than anything on the world."

"You and your girlfriend must have the best time in the world spending time with her all day."

"Me and Gabbie actually broke up."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"No it's fine. Nobody really know except our close friends and family. It unfortunately didn't work out especially with me being in the studio and on tour a lot, but respect to her for now raising Lav on her own."

"She still in LA?"

"Thankfully yes. Atleast I get to see Lav. Enough about me, so tell me something about yourself."

"Me? Okay, so I'm from Virginia and I came to LA for my new job."

"New job?"

I smiled and took out the camera in my bag. I always kept my camera with me so that I could capture whatever I wanted whenever and wherever. 

"Miley, honey, can you go stand there next to Jack?"

She stood there. Jack walked up to her.

"Hey buddy, don't worry, I won't do anything. You know, I have little girl just like you. Her name is Lavender", he showed her a picture.

"Lavender?", she said pointing towards the picture.

"Yes. Will you come with me now, like momma said?"


It brought back all the times Miley called me mom and took me back to when my sister held Miley. A tear rolled down my face.

"Earth to Lanie?"

"Sorry, I just zoned out there for a moment."

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Ok now, get into position."

Jack got down on his knees and held Miley as the both of them smiled. I took a few pictures.

Jack came up to me and I showed him the pics. 

"Wow, you definitely have a career as a photographer. We have only one, he's good but if when we're at different places, it gets a bit difficult."

"Well then, say hello to your newest photographer."

"No way!"

"Yes way sir."

"Wow. I'm really happy to be honest. Let's go give the news to the other boys?"


We went to where the other boys were there along with dad. Jack went and sat down next to a blonde hair and blue-eyed guy while I went and stood next to dad. 

"Did you tell them yet?"

"Not yet. We can tell them now."

Dad first introduced me to all the boys and then we told them.

"Okay boys, as of tomorrow, Lanie will your second official photgrapher."

All of them clapped and cheered while Jack sat there smiling towards me, which I returned. 

Suddenly Miley started tugging at my dress. 

"Momma, I'm sleepy."

"Your sleepy? Okay then, guys it was nice meeting you. Guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Lanie wait, you can put her to sleep in my bedroom for now. That way you won't have to worry about her and you can talk to us as well."

"Ok then."

We went to Jack's room which was dimmed with purple lights and piano on one side, a table with a pc on the other and at the centre of the room the bed. Jack helped me tuck Miley in and we went back and we all just chatted along, them asking me quite a lot of questions about me. I told them about Miley, A LOT, and they all loved her. It was good first night in LA.

838 words 

heyo i'm back

it's the end of exams, almost but i won't post other parts after this in a while

so until then ciao people of mother earth

edited: 5th march, 2021

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