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"make me a promise, tell me you'll stay with me"


third person


She gave him a small peck on the lips while he went to grab a bottle of water while the girl went to check on Miley, who was currently watching tv. She'd been procrastinating for hours on whether or not it was the right time to break the news to him. Jack had recently been so busy with the album promoting and shoots and stuff that there was so much on the boy's mind and Lanie didn't wanna give him more shit to think about. Lanie switched the tv off and carried Miley on the side of her hips and placed her on the couch with Jack. While the duo was playing on the couch, Lanie got some pasta that she had just made for all 3 of them while Jack bought Miley back to  the table. After finishing the food, the both sang to Miley and tucked her in bed properly before going to the couch again.

Soft sounds of music was heard in the background while Lanie was thinking again on how to tell Jack what she had to tell him. Jack was currently hugging Lanie's waist with his head on the girl's stomach as Lanie was lightly running her hands through his brown hair. Before she even knew, tears were streaming down her face. If even the thought could bring tears to her face, imagine what could the actual thing do. The back rubbing was so relaxing that Jack was about to fall asleep when a drop of water fell on his face. The boy was dumb in general but when it came to the person he loves, there were no boundaries to the boy. He quickly got up and hugged Lanie, wiping her tears away as Lanie lightly sobbed into his chest.

The boy was beyond worried for his girlfriend but he knew that whatever it was, was bugging Lanie a lot because the girl wasn't a crier no matter what it was. Jack was trying his best to calm her down but wasn't succeeding as greatly as he wanted it to. Lanie's sobs had now turned into louder cries and she was just completely hugging Jack. The boy slowly got up, gently picking his girlfriend with him and walked all the way to their bedroom and laid her down on the bed. The girl immediately curled into a little ball and hugged her knees. Jack walked over to his closet grabbed his hoodie along with a hair tie and tissues. He walked over to his girlfriend and made her wear his hoodie while he tied her hair in a bun as best as he possibly could and sat down beside her with the tissues. He gently picked the girl's face up and grabbed a tissue, he wiped her tears away and softly kissed the girl's lips. Even though the tears had made the girl's lips salty, that didn't seem to bother Jack.

Right after the two pulled away from the kiss, Lanie started crying harder. The boy had had enough. If Lanie would let another tear out, he would start crying too. He gently held on to the girl's face and turned her around so that they were face to face.

"baby you gotta tell me what's wrong"  

She just wrapped her arms around Jack's neck and slowly shifted herself onto his lap, placing her head deep into his shoulders.

"angel tell me what's wrong"

The girl started wiping her tears away and sniffed.

"c-can you ju-just kiss m-me"

The boy wiped the tears off her face and softly kissed her lips again and pulled away, making them make eye contact.

"baby I can't help you if you don't tell me what's bugging you" 

Lanie took a deep breath and spoke, "no it's okay Jack I'll be fine. I know you had a rough day today, just go sleep" 

"how can you expect me to sleep when my angel is upset?"


that word meant so much to her, it held a special place in her heart. This made her tears come back all over again.

"no no no, baby we're not crying again. If you let one more tear out Lanie, I'll start crying"

No matter how much she wanted to stop she just wasn't able to. She had to tell Jack, there was no hiding it.

"ok-okay I will tell you everything"

Jack stood up suddenly and ran outside the room. 2 minutes later the brunette walked in with a glass of water and some oreos. He knew her too well, Lanie drank the water and sat up straight. After she finished about 2 oreos, Jack looked at her and smiled.


"you're too cute angel"

The girl just giggled in response.

"but I am not letting any of this go, tell me what happened Lanie"

"okay but Jack please hear me out with an open mind"

"I didn't get you pregnant did I?"

"dimwit! why would I be crying then?"

"I don't know, hormones?"

"nope you didn't get me pregnant, this is just bad"

"you're making me not wanna hear this, spill it woman"

"dad is resigning from the management which means we might go back to Virginia"

A tear came out of the boy's eye without him even knowing, he was in tears.

"no baby, now you don't cry please"

The boy just went and hugged the girl while crying into her arms.

"bubs I am not going anywhere, I am 21 I can make my own decisions"

"but I don't wanna lose you angel"

"and you won't"

The rest of the night went by, both of them cuddled into each other and a small round of comforting every now and then. It was the fact that this was just a thought which made them cry so much, imagining if this could happen in real life was way too terrifying for the duo.

"baby make me a promise"

"what promise?"

"that you'll stay with me as long as we can be together"

"I promise to stay with you as long as I can Jack Robert Avery"

The boy was now a little relieved and rested his heed on the pillow. After a while, Lanie thought the boy fell asleep so she kissed his forehead.

"I love you"

Little did she know he was awake.

"I love you more angel"


1126 words

oh please, i live for this chapter

can someone get me a Jack?

also according to Tia here, this is the best chapter i've written so far like it's perfect to me

𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬,  𝗃𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ