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"we can all be friends"


-a few weeks later-

Lanie Philips

Dear Lanie, 

We all love you and are so thankful for you that we wanted to give you a gift but it wouldn't be our way if it wasn't different. So, we set out a scavenger hunt for you all across the house starting from this paper which is your first clue.

You shall go to that place where a giraffe lays it's head,

if he finds out we said that we're all gonna be dead

Okay so a giraffe and head that means a place where giraffes prolly sleep. Now umm where do they sleep? Oh dammit, it's Daniel's room cuz we call him giraffe. I ran upstairs to Daniel's room which was wide open. I looked over at his bed and there was a piece of paper there which said Clue 2. I opened it up and started reading it.

So we see you've found the second clue

but the next one is where the top and bottom both are blue

Umm what's blue on the top and the bottom? Oh right the pool. I ran to the pool to see that there was a paper inside a container that was in the pool. I opened the paper to see the clue.

It's not where we wrote our song hard,

just put a smile on your face and come to the backyard

I walked over to the backyard to see a tall figure standing next to the boys with his back facing me. He truned around and I almost started crying right there.

It was Brennen, I couldn't control myself and threw myself in his arms crying. We hugged for a while rocking back and forth.

After I regained myself, I looked at the boys.

"Whose idea was this?"


I looked over to see dad standing behind me.

"But how?"

"I have only one son, till when can I really hate him?"

We all went in for a hug, a while later the boys joined too. And we all went inside and watched movies for a while as Miley was in the other room sleeping.

third person

The 2 siblings went back to their place and Lanie almost immediately dragged her brother into her room to talk about everything that's been on her mind since the past few days. Brennen, being the person he is, listened carefully to what his sister had on her mind.

"Brennen I really need help, I can't think about anything properly"

"Isn't Jack the one who was the short one with brown hair?"

"Yeah, and before you ask me, he recently died his hair back"

"It's like you read my mind but anyways, tell me exactly how you feel around him"

"I don't know B, he just makes me feel safe and comfortable. It's like he understands me even when I don't say anything"

"Okay, now do you feel anything physically like nervousness or butterflies or anything?"

"Nervous sometimes yes but no butterflies. He just gives me this safe feeling, a feeling Jayden gave me"

"If I told you my judgement, don't hate on me okay?"

"That's the major reason I needed to talk to you in the first place, for advice"

"I think you have feelings for him and don't get me wrong okay. I mean the way your describing everything it just feels that way"

"There's no way Brennen, he's Jack and I'm Lanie. I mean we are as different as we could be"

"I am not saying it's confirm, it's just a possibility Lanie"

"But why would you possibly think that B? He has a girlfriend, I can't feel that way for him"

"Why can't you bub? He is a guy after all and feelings are just something that happen, you don't know anything about them or they don't tell you and come"

"Okay listen, let's take for a second that I do have feelings for, which I'm not saying I do but just an assumption"

"Take a break Lanie, I'm not accusing you of anything"

"Leaving that aside, what would happen if I like him though?"

"No one knows bub, it's just the way it is"

"Okay now I'm kind of scared, what if I do have feelings for him? What if I ruin everything for me and for Miley?"

"Lanie, take deep breathes. Now tell me, which one of the boys are you closest with that we can talk about this whole situation to?"

"I don't really wanna put anyone on the spot like this B"

"Look, it's really up to you okay, I won't force anything on you and you know that very well"

"Okay wait I'll call him and see if he has a moment to talk"

The brunette then dialed a number to which she got the response within a minute.

"Yo what's good Lanie"

"Do you have a moment Corbyn?"

"Yeah I do, I was just driving back home, what's up?"

"Are you alone? Like no boys are with you right?"

"Only Jonah"

"Call me back when you reach home"

"Okay cool"

None of the siblings knew if Corbyn would be any help but Corbyn was sure worried for his now girl best friend.

Unknown's POV

Watch yourself, I got my eyes on you


890 words

edited: 19th march 2021

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