1 year ago

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"if it's all a dream don't wake up"


3rd person's POV

"Girl try to calm down"

"You try to fucking calm down when the labour pain hits"

"Just take deep breaths, we're here only"

"Where's Cameron?"

"He is on his way. Let's get you to the hospital"

"This is fucking unbearable ugh why did I fucking have sex"

"Dude seriously take deep breaths"

The 2 girls quickly ran to the car and took their best friend in it. She was screaming the whole way because the pain was so bad. When they got to the hospital, the staff put the crying girl on an emergency bed and hooked her up. They ran to run some tests while the girl just kept crying.

"Where in the good heaven is Cameron? That fucking bitch"

"Okay let's not swear right?"

"He is on his way bub just relax"

The girl's pain was so terrible at this point that the doctors thought to go ahead and get the baby out of her.

"Keep pushing. You got this bub"

"Almost there"

That's when they heard crying and all of them had tears in their eyes. The one who just gave birth passed out for about 5 minutes but then she was up again with tears in her eyes.

"Can I hold her?"

The doctors gave the baby to the girl.

"She has Cameron's green eyes"

"I know"

A nurse came running inside the emergency room.

"Does anyone over here know Cameron and Jayden Rian?"

"Yeah we do"

"I'm sorry to tell you but they got into a terrible accident and died on the spot"

The girl heard about her boyfriend, her baby daddy leaving her alone and passed out. So did one of her best friends hearing about her boyfriend.

Meanwhile with the other half of the unknowns

"Cheers to 2 years of the journey of the band. Cheers to WHY DON'T WE" Jonah said with a shot of tequila in his hand.

"Cheers to 2 years of the band" a sober Daniel said.

"Thanks guys for being in this with me" Jack said changing the mood to an emotional one.

"Your gonna make me cry Jack" Zach said while wiping away fake tears.

"Man up Zach. Quit being so sensitive" a half drunk Corbyn mumbled.

Daniel got up on the table and cleared his throat.


"TO THE BAND AND THE FUTURE" everyone said in sync.

The drank up and got drunk till they all passed out well all except Zach but his high energy made him pass out quicker than the ones drunk.


476 words

Shit's about to go down also this was just a little backstory enjoy the book

also triple update 

i won't post a new part until it's like 6th march

edited: 27th february 2021

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