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"but that's the only question"


third person

-3 days later-

It was currently 1 am and all the boys were at Lanie's house. Randy had gone on a business tour for some work purposes for about 2 weeks and the boys were bored out of their heads. They all decided to drive up to Lanie's considering the girl sleeps at 2am anyway. When they knocked on the door, to their surprise Brennen opened the door and they all just put their stupid smiles on and Brennen realized what was up. He slowly moved out of the way and let all the guys in.

Lanie walked out with Miley on her hips and Daniel's face immediately lit up.

"this angel is awake right now?"

Daniel and Zach both made their way to Miley and picked her up, playing with the little girl as Jonah and Jack sat down on the couch along with Brennen and Corbyn walked over to Lanie.

"hey how are you Lanie?"

"good but have been better"

"why what's up?"

"nothing, it's just Miley has been a little cranky in the past few days so it's been rough"

"oh, you need any help?"

"no it's cool, I have Brennen. I like the thought though"

The boy and girl then walked over to the couch where all the boys and Miley were and then decided to what they wanted to do for the night.

"how about we have a movie night?" Zach insisted.

"we can, we haven't had those in a while" Daniel added.

"okay so do we have the appropriate snacks Lanie?" Jonah asked.

"i don't think so, we might have to drop by the store" the girl responded.

After voting on who goes to the shop with Lanie, the boys decided to chill scrolling through Netflix while Jack and Lanie got some snacks from the nearest store. Lanie quickly went and changed into some sweatpants while Jack went out and started the car. As soon as they reached Target, the boy pulled out a cart and Lanie went and sat in it while bot of them laughed and went to the snacks isle. Jack started going through the isle while Lanie grabbed whatever was in her reach that she wanted and ended up with 7 bags of chips and 10 packets of Air heads in her lap while Jack pushed a little further trying to balance himself onto the cart as well. The duo decided to get over to the drinks next and decided to pick up some baby treats for little Miley. The duo got a full box of Red bulls along with some apple juice for the small baby Miley and the big baby (all jokes here) Daniel Seavey. Both Lanie and Jack were laughing at a joke that Jack had cracked right before they entered the checkout. As the co worker was helping them check out, she couldn't help but smile at the two.

"you guys are really cute" the girl said.

"umm thanks" Jack said almost immediately.

"we aren't dating though" Lanie added in.

"oh the way you guys were laughing and enjoying I just assumed. I'm so sorry" the girl apologized.

"no it's okay" Lanie said.

"you don't need to be sorry" Jack added.

The duo quickly finished their errands and drove back to the house.

Lanie Philips

The whole movie, I was thinking about what the girl at Target told us. Did me and Jack really look like a couple? Why does everything around here just make me feel closer to Jack? Currently, the movie is about to end and Zach, Jonah and Daniel have already passed out on the couch. Corbyn is holding Miley as she is sleeping and Brennen went up to his room half way through cuz he was tired. Corbyn asked me where to put Miley and I was about to take Miley with me but he insisted to tuck Miley in bed and take the guest bed room for himself. Jack came and helped me get blankets for all the guys and drape it over them before he went to crash for the night with Corbyn in the guest bedroom.

Of course my mind was so occupied with everything, I couldn't sleep even though it was 4 am. I decided to get some coffee, but a blanket over me and  head over to the balcony.

Jack Avery

The bed at Lanie's place is really comfortable but sleep just wasn't there for me tonight. Why had I been thinking about the girl at Target today? Shut up Jack, you shouldn't be bothered by that, you have a girlfriend for god's sake. But were me and Lanie actually cute together? Oh my god stop brain, just fucking stop. Maybe I just need to clear my head a little, I just just get some fresh air. I quietly walked over to the balcony to find Lanie sitting there with a blanket over her shoulders and mug of coffee in her hands. I decided to go sit next to her and talk.

third person

The boy and girl talked for hours about everything that was on their mind that night. There was so much the knew about each other in a way they never thought they would.

"so Jack, how are you and Gabbie?"

"we're doing fine as of now but I really doubt we'll be able to fix this"

"no no don't lose hope, it'll be okay"

"i don't want to but I just am"

"no matter what Jack, i'll be there for you" (A/N: see what I did there? hehe i'm done now)

"thanks Lanie"

With the amount talking that had happened throughout the night, they caught themselves watching the sunrise before they both decided it was time to go to bed.


980 words

Jack and Lanie are cute no cap

anyway have a nice day

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