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"now everything's grey "


third person

-the next morning-

"Jack, I'm trying okay? I'm trying to keep my cool but how can you not expect me to be scared?" Lanie said, her head in her hands while she was sitting by Miley on the couch.

"I know it's scary Lanie but the least you can do is support it. This is my dream, you know this would happen eventually right?" Jack said while walking towards the couch, leaning in front of Lanie.

"why are you suddenly laying this all on me? We were all roses and soft music yesterday and today it's just screaming" Lanie said, a tear rolling down her face.

"because the management is considering us going on the road again and I don't want to stress you out later. I want you to be prepared baby" Jack said while wiping the girl's tears away.

"what if you're not there for me? how am I supposed to bear with that?"

"Lanie, this is my job, I can't just leave it because I can't make time for you"

"you know what, I'm being inconsiderate"

"yes you are"

"hello? you're supposed to console my words against me. you're supposed to tell me that it's just a phase"

"but you are being inconsiderate"

"what's wrong with you Jack? you're not like this"

"because I have to choose between the 2 things that I love. I love you Lanie but I love music too. what am I supposed to do?"

"you know what, maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe giving us a chance was a bad idea"

"please don't tell me this is going where I think it's going"

"we should break up. I'm getting in the way of you and your dreams"

"baby no, please no. I love you and I want to pursue music but with you by my side"

"It's Lanie now Jack and maybe you should move out as well"

"no baby please don't, I love you"

"Jack don't make this hard, we're over"

With that the girl picked her daughter up and walked away from the broken boy. His eyes blurry from tears, the boy found himself running. He was running away from his problems, running away from all the worse happenings of life. Maybe god was with the boy in his emotions, the clouds started letting the water fall on the ground the same way as the boys tears fell down his face. Nature was trying to help him in his pain, trying to wipe away his tears.

On the other hand, the girl was miserable too. She was backed up by the door, tears falling out like streams. She had fallen to her knees, her eyes were red and puffy. Miley tried to hug her mom and wipe away her tears but Lanie just hugged her tighter and cried louder.

The boy ran and ran until he reached a familiar door. He was drenched and panting from all the running. He knocked on the door and it opened, while he saw Gabbie and Lavender on her hips. The boy immediately fell to the ground in front of Gabbie and started sobbing. Gabbie put Lav down on the ground and picked Jack up from his shoulders.

"Jack, what happened?" a worried Gabbie asked.

"she broke up with me"

The girl brought her ex-boyfriend inside and made him sit on the couch while she gave him a towel to dry off and made him some coffee. The boy was still sobbing, drinking the coffee and trying to keep himself warm. Lavender just kept looking at her dad while he was trying to stay strong but he loved Lanie and it hurt. Gabbie tried her best to calm him down, she tried to give him the best advice she had. The boy had now stopped crying and had his head in her lap, he'd fallen asleep. Lavender crawled up to the sofa and was sleeping beside Gabbie. The girl just looked at Jack.

"I'm not going to be your rebound Jack, I won't let my heart break twice. Just because our story didn't end well, I won't let you and Lanie go through the same. You guys are perfect for each other and I will get you two back together"

No matter what happened, what mattered was that what's about to come. Lanie loved Jack and Jack loved Lanie but maybe fate had it's own story for the two. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be Lanie and Jack and maybe they just needed each other for a while, to find themselves. God always has his own way of working everything and we just have to accept it. Jack and Lanie were still in love with each other and wanted to be together but circumstances differ. Whatever it was, this was a beautiful chapter of both of their lives and never would they wanna forget such a beautiful time. If they could, they would wanna cherish this time forever.

the end.

𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬,  𝗃𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒Where stories live. Discover now