"Do you all know the Elementalist personally?" Jin asked us.

"I know her since her original realm was Sirenia. We were kind of close" Jimin said taking a bite of his sandwich.

"She helped me get here" chaeyoung told them.

"She was my best friend. Don't ask how honestly we only talked over the Internet due to separate realms and met once in a moon" I said.

"The rest of us don't know her I guess" Namjoon said.

There's a hierarchy of powers in this realm as well.

It's basically which realm magic is the strongest.

Although if you're one of the strong realms yet have a weaker level, your opponent will probably beat you.

It's just if it's the same level, who would be stronger.

                                 Dark magic comes from Lunix, the realm of the night while light magic comes from Solaris

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Dark magic comes from Lunix, the realm of the night while light magic comes from Solaris.

Fire, water and Wind are known are the Element magic and nature,strength and shape shifting are known as defence rather than offence.

That's the power chart.

We continued talking about whatever honestly before Tzuyu walked in with her friends.

Well out since it's an outdoor cafeteria.

"She must be in a bad mood today" I said taking another sip of water.

"I know. Especially with the Elementalists return." Jin said looking out as well.

As we were discussing the topic I looked over Jimins shoulder to see her agitated and shooting a blast of fire in our direction.

"Jimin! Watch out" I yelled immediately standing up but before I could do anything a wave of purple surrounded it and held it back.

I gasped looking at the colour.

"She's here" I whispered.

In the distance, everyone turned their heads to the direction of the colour of the light.

We could see her palm open and then close, basically dissolving the ball of fire.

"Offensive magic is not allowed in school grounds unless regulated for a class. Ms.Tzuyu please keep in line" she said basically humiliating her.

All the students gasped looking at the returned Elementalist.

"Consider this a warning. Don't try to hurt me or my friends or even come in my way. Keep
To yourself and we won't have any problems"
She said and visible a few students could be seen gulping.

She started walking forward as her eyes turned purple and a portal opened to which she stepped through and disappeared from sight resulting in the other students visibly releasing their muscles.

Tzuyu who was humiliated clenched her fists before storming out, followed by her entourage behind her.

"Jennie unnie is back...." Rosé said sighing.

"She's way different from when she was 13" Jimin said getting up as we packed up for our next class.

"Nah she was a little like that back then too. If you really think about it" I said getting my things together as well.

"Well 7 years ago or not, she still did defend you" Namjoon said as we started walking.

"True that. She still recognised you guys" hobi said and we nodded and split for the next class.

Rosé joined at the beginning, around a week later. She's in the first year classes while the rest of us are in the second year classes.

Other than Jin and Suga their in third year.

Rosé is 19. I'm 21 along with Namjoon and hobi, just a few months younger.

Same age as Jimin but for some reason a lot more mature.

"Did you hear about the new students?" Jimin asked as we walked through the halls.

"Hmm yeah. The crowned prince of Zenith and the prince of Riverix right?" Namjoon replied.

"Yeah. They're apparently really good looking. Also cousins. The crowned prince is joining this month while the prince is joining a week after he does" hobi said looking at his phone.

"Dang so many royals." I said in return as we finally reached the classroom and headed in.

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