I opened my eyes to find the one who tried to approach me, sprawled across the floor with vines engulfing him.

"What the fuck" I whispered confused seeing sparkly green dust around me and in my palm.

That's all that happens before a flash appeared and bright purple flashes came in my eyes as all the men disappeared.

A girl stood there in place, facing me.

She had long brown hair, really pretty too. Her eyes alluring in a sense but still had a sense of power and intimidation as she stood there tall despite her actual height.

"No need to be afraid. Nice to meet you. I'm Jennie. Kim Jennie" she started.

I gave her a questioning glance as she offered her hand to stand up.

I looked around to see no signs of harm so I took it and she pulled me up, as I winced in pain.

"That must hurt" she said chuckling as she held my hand again.

Suddenly purple glows started appearing on my veins as I widened my eyes.

"What the..." I started trailing off.

It didn't hurt for some reason. I had a feeling I should trust this. It didn't feel as if I was going to be in pain.

She let go of my hand as smiled at me. Still for some reason Intimidating to say the least.

"Try walking on it" she said as I raised my eyebrow before she pointed to my leg.

I nodded and walked a few steps before I looked back at her.

"The pain... it's gone" I said and she gave a slight nod.

"Rosé am I right?" She asked and I nodded.

"Welcome to the world of magic." She said and I looked at her confused.

"You are one of the few lost magic keepers left on earth. It's time you leave this life, and start anew with me. In another realm of magic. You, have the magic of nature." She said and my eyes widened.

"How do I know I can trust whatever you're saying?" I asked her and she sighed.

"You just used your powers on that guy. I just healed your foot and haven't attacked you in the last 4 minutes 47 seconds we were talking. If I wanted to hurt you or knock you out, trust me I would have" she said and that did make sense.

"Here watch" she said as she put her hand out.

"Do the same" she said and I repeated after her putting my hand out.

She put it flat on the ground, as flower grew from near her hand.

I did the same and a green glow appeared before the same happened.

"Whoa.." I said speechless.

"Pretty cool huh" she said as she stood up again.

"It feels so, so, wholesome" I said not finding other words and she laughed before replying.

"You have nothing to lose here Rosé. Why don't you come with me. I promise if you don't like it, I'll drop you back. But from the looks of it, you're less safe here. Especially with uncontrolled magic. It's not me you should be afraid of. If anyone finds out you have powers, the lords will definitely kill you here. Over there, this is normal. And they can train you to embrace this. You'll have full support from me as well and free housing and meals. Better than what you have here. What do you say?" She asked and I thought about it.

The Elementalist | BangpinkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя