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So I'm taking two weeks off, I'm not saying the full reason but I do need some advice. If someone you love almost passes away or does pass away how do you cope? My dad is in his 50's, he smokes a lot and I'm scared of losing him, my great grandparents are gonna die soon and I love them a lot so I'm scared of losing them. I have a fear of death yet I'm suicidal, that's confusing to me, main thing is that I just want to get Christmas done this week and next week I'm seeing my dad for the first time in over a year. I most likely will still write some stuff but I'm not sure if I'll upload anything but we'll see, I'm also having a lot of insecurities again because I get a lot of stretch marks and some are starting to go below my elbows. So I'll see you guys in a few weeks and enjoy the holidays.

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