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Everyone had came out to the oval and listened to what they had to do. The first one was a speed test for 50 meters, so far a teen named Iida has been the fastest. You were up against three teens named Todoroki, Bakugou & Kaminari; you waited for the mark to move. Your speeding quirk allowed you to move at the same speed as a lightning strike, if you went any faster your legs would start to burn; the timer went off to start and you striked to the other end. "2.32 seconds" a speeding robot calculated as you panted with energy, everyone gave a shocked and amazed look. Todoroki was 2nd, Bakugou 3rd and Kaminari last. "How did you get there in less than 4 seconds you blind kid!?!" a male teen shouted while rushing towards you, Y/N raised her arms quickly as she surrounded herself with a thin opacity of a galaxy glow. It was a force field quirk. It covered her and the two boys before Bakugou could hurt them. You felt your eye mask loosening and you quickly put your hands down and tighten it before everyone saw your scars. "What's with the masks!?" Bakugou asked loudly, of course you didn't answer him and walked away, "and for your information, I'm not blind" you said to him bluntly, finally the last event was here and it was a ball throw. "Bakugou what was your score in the ball throw in middle school" your teacher asked "67 meters I think" he replied, "try using your quirk to throw it further" the teacher told him. The student took the ball and stood in the circle, Katsuki threw it with shouting 'DIE'. You didn't really want to question this guy since he already seems like a pain. The score revealed '801' meters. Almost everyone seems amazed and thought it seemed fun, everyone had done their throw and you were the only one left to try, Y/N shyly walked up to the circle with ball in your hand. While preparing to throw, you had bottled up every ounce of anger everyone that had teased and bullied you and then released it as fierce energy, pushing the ball further away. Your teacher stood there shocked by your score, he held it up revealing '1023.2' meters, "woah, that's gotta be like a record if something" a teen female yelled in a joyful accent. Y/N just tried to brush off the compliments and continued with the last bit of the lesson. The leader board showed the scores and Y/N was at the top. Aizawa told everyone to get back into their uniform and head to lunch.

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