First Day

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I'll tell you when to play the song above

Time skip to your first day back
No one's POV
It was your first day back at UA and your Neko quirk was activated. You had been training all week with Aizawa and Shinso after school though and had training again today, you were getting ready for school and packed your mental health journal and music book. You never know when you may want to use them. You were nervous for today but you had many people that weren't mean to you, so things should go okay today...hopefully. You had everything sorted for the day and quickly headed out of the dorms, little did you know that Shinso was at the front waiting for you. 'Little weird but okay!' Y/N thought and ran up to him, "since when do you wait for me?" you joked, "since today" Shinso responded, that just made you all happy and warm, he could male you happy with the most simple comment, unless it was about your height, he teased you but in a good, funny and friendly way. You both walked to the school and then you realized 'we're not in the same class!' Y/N whined in her thought, "what's wrong with you?" Hitoshi asked, "we're not in the same class" you told him, "well at least we're in the same school" he spoke while walking with you to class. You both arrived to your separate classrooms and said bye to each other, you were hesitant to walk into the classroom but manage to work up the courage and go inside. 'No one's here!' Y/N thought, no one was literally here, not even Iida! "Hey, Y/N!" someone yelled from the classroom, you didn't know who it was at first but then you realized that someone has an invisibility quirk, "oh hey Toru" you spoke up and sat in your seat, which was still at the back. You and Hakegure were just talking with each other for the morning until Iida showed up with the others. Iida was yelling orders like normal, Mineta was hovering over girls but he didn't really hover over you anymore, (fun fact Mineta isn't my least favourite, my least favourite is Yaoyorozo). That's something that gave you a bit of relief, after a while Aizawa finally came into the class, late of course. He said that we had some guests coming into the class this morning, 'right off the bat I'm scared' you thought to yourself. Not too long later, the door to the class was opened by a tall figure and three teenagers entered the classroom. "The Big 3" Aizawa answered, there was a tall confident blonde male, a tall female with confidence and long pastel hair and another tall male with dark blue hair and didn't seem to have as much confidence with him. "These three are the top students of UA and are here to tell you about all the strengths of getting to the top" Aizawa explained, Aizawa said for them to start introducing themselves, "let's start with Amajiki" he said, Amajiki gave an intense and fearful stare. All you could see was the similarities between you two already, he seemed to be very anxious and you have a huge problem with that now.  (BTW, Author Chan has to have wellbeing cards with her at school now, figured I should tell you for some reason). Everyone in the class seemed to have a little bit of fear when Tamaki have the stare, "come on Amajiki, you need to have the heart of a lion not a kitten" the female spoke up, you then realized something 'where the fuck is Katsuki?' Y/N thought in confusion. The other two introduce themselves, Mirio Togata and Nejire Hado. Then Hado began to ask a lot of questions about us, she asked about Tsu's frog species and why Shoji wears a face mask all the time (my man Shoji, you look amazing with out the mask!), "Shoto Todoroki how did you get that burn on your face?" Nejire asked, 'my girl, never ask about the burn it's a very emotional talk with him' you thought, "hey aren't you that kid who just came back from being a villain?!" Hado asked in excitement, "H-Hado, don't assume these things" Amajiki spoke up a little. She then didn't question you after that, they then explained their quirks and Mirio suggested a training idea, Aizawa agreed and now we were heading to the training area. Everyone had got into the sport uniform and now we were inside the gym with the Big 3, 'wonder-fucking-ful' you thought in annoyance, "Y/N do you want to stay out of this one since you still need help with your quirks" Aizawa suggested, you nodded and sat against the wall, turns out Shoto wasn't joining either. "Why aren't you joining Sho Sho?" Y/N asked, "well I didn't get my provisional license and it's a little complicated" Shoto explained, 'wait licenses, I have been gone for a long time then' you thought in shock while your tail was still and ears were slightly flopping around, Amajiki and Hado were just watching also so it was just the class vs Mirio. His quirk allows him to warp and phase through any type of matter, even the ground. So now the class is either in danger of their lives or just normal danger, they started attacking Mirio and he quickly used his quirk already to get on the other side of the group and attacking them to the ground. "With Mirio having this kind of power, he's able to surpass some of the most strongest heroes...that's including All Might" Aizawa explained as Mirio broke down the class, "all though with Y/N's quirk and with it all controlled, she might be able to actually surpass Mirio" Aizawa spoke up again, 'is he trying to intimate me?' Y/N thought as her teacher spoke about her powers up against the older teen. "I doubt a little shrimp like that would be able to defeat me" Togata spoke up while the class was defeated to the ground, 'bitch'. "Well you never know, her quirk is one of the most rarest and is pretty strong, it is possible for her to have that capability" Aizawa explained, "well let's try and see of that little guess can actually come true then" Mirio suggested, 'I got asked to sit out and now I'm about to kill someone, still a little insane people. Can't just let a villain fight one of the strongest' you thought to yourself. Aizawa agreed and then had the class get away from the area because...shit's about to get real! You were already nervous for this because your power is dangerous and isn't completely controlled, you slowly walked up to the other side of Mirio while shaking, Aizawa gave the sign to start and Mirio quickly warped behind you, but you had high quirk senses and quickly pivoted away from him as he punched the ground that was originally aimed for you. He looked at you in shock and saw the bloodiest red and purest white smoke flowing from your eyes, when two emotions were triggered the colours would blend with each other and still flow. You then used your Solar Impact to push him away from you and he didn't see it coming, since he doesn't know what your quirk is. Mirio then collided into the wall, "uh Mr Aizawa isn't this all ready too much" Denki asked, "if I know Mirio then he won't give up this easily nor will Y/N as long as she stays focused and confident" Aizawa explained while watching the fight carefully, Mirio then quickly moved out of the wall and warped towards you, once again he failed at attacking as he was then attacked by your Alpha Ice quirk, as he felt the quick sense of a low temperature, he warped out of his position. Togata then managed to hit you, "finally got a punch in" he spoke proudly, that's when your high strengths of the your Demon's Will quirk activate and then the feeling of extreme heat erupted all over you, they group saw your purple flames all over you and was cautiously watching you, 'I don't care of the fire burns me, it's better than feeling numbness' you thought to yourself as the fire slowly began to burn your skin again. You then surrounded yourself with flames, so Mirio couldn't come as close to you, but that didn't last long since you felt something trickle down your head. You then felt what it was and then saw specks of blood on your hands, Aizawa saw the red liquid and then quickly took action at this point, he erased your quirks and stopped the fight. He saw a lot more blood flow from your head and quickly took you to the infirmary, you were slowly feeling dizzy due to the blood loss and began to stumble. Aizawa quickly noticed and helped you walk a little faster, he got you to the infirmary in time and quickly sat you on the bed. The blood was still pouring from your head and Aizawa grab a cloth and pressed it against the wound, there was a giant cut just at the top of your forehead. Soon enough Recovery Girl walked in and healed after Aizawa explained what happened, now you just had a couple of bruises, small purple burns and a bandage on your head with a soon to be scar. 'So much for a good first day back' you thought in annoyance while walking back to the classroom, Aizawa had to go back to the class a bit after he got you into the infirmary. So you were now alone in the halls walking back to the classroom, well that's what thought. You thought you were alone in the halls until someone decided to punch you in the back of the head and let you hit the ground head first, you looked to see who it was and guess who it was...Monama! Who else would it be? (Other than Ochako and most of the school). He began taunting you and then raised his hand again, you closed your eyes tightly and waited for the impact to hit you, but that never came, you opened your eyes and saw a large hand above you holding back Neito's punch and it was...Tamaki! (Oh! Po po got ya number bro bro, that is what you get! That is what you get, HOMEBOY! What is wrong with me?), "what gives?!" Neito questioned Amajiki, bit Tamaki didn't answer him and moved you behind him. Amajiki used his tentacles to push Monama away but not hurt him (because he is a bean!'), then helped you up to your classroom, 'for an anxious guy he really does stick up for people' you thought to yourself, 'also, he's so freaking tall!! Why do I have to be this height?!' Y/N thought while comparing her height again, Amajiki got you to the classroom and explained to Aizawa what had happened. Aizawa got everything and let Tamaki leave, you sat down and let the class continue, it was normal and it felt like you never left, other than feeling numb. It's all you felt now, there were so many mistakes and problems happening that you slowly lost the feeling of things and just felt numb, slowly enough the first day ended and you were walking to the dorms. You were with Mina, "hey, turns out that there are some fire works near here this weekend, what do you say guys?!" Mina yelled out, you hadn't seen fireworks before. The class agreed and even Bakugou did...with a huff, "do you like fireworks Y/N?" she asked you, "I've never seen fireworks before" you answered, "how have you never seen them before, they're like giant colourful explosions in the sky!" Mina spoke loudly, "that sounds terrifying" you said, "relax, you'll love them" Kirishima spoke up, you then agreed to going this weekend. It was your day off of training with Shinso and Aizawa so you had some free time today and tomorrow, you go into some comfy clothes, (since I can't be bothered drawing here is a picture)

(The jumper is still oversize for you) you then decided to write some new lyrics and think of a new song, the first thing you do is think of a beat and what kind of sound you want from the guitar

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(The jumper is still oversize for you) you then decided to write some new lyrics and think of a new song, the first thing you do is think of a beat and what kind of sound you want from the guitar. Doing things like this would always find a way to stimulate yourself, the one thing you dreaded doing in the dorms that relate to your music was finding the right sound and we all know that the class can be very nosy when it comes to talent. Around half an hour later found a good beat to go with and you began to think of lyrics. You were constantly listening to the beat and began to think of lyrics, it wasn't much but you liked it a lot. (Play the song above). Thankfully you locked the door, in case anyone would walk in on you singing out loud, but still people have this thing called hearing and boy was Bakugou good at hearing you.

A/N hey guys, sorry if this was a little bit deflated but it's here now and tomorrow I start school again but not for long because after a few weeks I have holidays again and it will my birthday soon! Officially 13 years old on the 6th if July.

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