TenkAngie oneshot

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Just a fluff oneshot bc im tired asf and i broke my phone charger

Tenko groaned in annoyance and pain as she sat up in bed. Her head was pounding and she had a thought on why.

She was hungover.

"Does it hurt baby?" Angie asked from beside her lover.

"Yeah... like hell.." Tenko muttered as she rubbed the side of her head. 

"I'll grab some painkillers and water, you'll have to eat before you have them though so I'll grab some break- ehhhhhh.. lunch." Angie stated as she got out of bed, checking the clock.

"Thanks Angie.. love you.." Tenko whispered as she rested her back on the pillows whilst sitting up. 

Within ten minutes, Angie was back to Tenko with a cheese toastie, glass of water and a couple painkillers. She placed them on Tenko's lap and sat beside her, kissing Tenko's cheek.

"Thanks sweets.." Tenko thanked her as she started eating the toastie.

"SO, what's drunk Tenko like?" She asked, mid-chewing.

"I got some videos, you were super clingy to me and kept on quoting Shakespear!" Angie replied with a snicker as she pulled her phone out.

"Jesus christ I need to see this-" Tenko started as she heard a video play and saw Angie place her phone infront of the two.

"Angieeeeeeeeeeee..... kiss meeeeee....." Tenko drearily asked, sprawling out on top of her lover. 

"No, Atua doesn't want Angie's mouth smelling like beer!" Angie yelled back, laughing.

"To be? orrrr nott to beeeeee... thhhatt is the qquestion.. butt you sayy noottt to beee???????" Tenko blurted, looking like she was gonna cry.

"TenkkoooOOOO!! Stopp fuckingg Angiee and help me get myy toysss away from Kokiiichiiii...!!!!!" Miu yelled, making Tenko shoot up and run over to her, almost stumbling. The two of them disappeared into the room beside the sofa, being able to hear the drunken yelling of themselves and Kokichi. Angie started laughing like mad, Maki snickering as she sat down on the sofa beside the one Angie had layed on.

"No more I swear to god-" Tenko said, reaching out and pressing pause on the video. 

"Atua*, missy." Angie corrected with a jokingly sassy tone. The two laughed a good minute or two before Angie played another video. 

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngiiiieeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tenko yelled, chasing after said girl. 

"Atua does not want to do unholy things whilst you are drunk, Tenko!" Angie scolded, trying to sound serious but laughing right after as she ran.

"Buutt-" Before Tenko could finish, a drunk Maki charged into her, making her fall.

"Maki!!" Kirumi yelled, running to retrieve her girlfriend that had run off to charge into Kokichi. Angie's laughter was clearly audible behind the phone camera.

"Alright, no more- it's making my headache worse." Tenko said, turning off Angie's phone.

"Awww baby.. don't worry the painkillers will help - Atua says so!" Angie says as she hugs onto Tenko, making her smile as she drank water to down a painkiller.

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