Chapter Thirty~ My Hands Are Cold!

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A/N: Boo! Gotcha. But srsly, listen to the song. Love you guys! Happy reading! Thanks for 1.6k reads...ya'll are amazing.

                                        "I'm proud of who I am

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                                        "I'm proud of who I am

                                            No more monsters, I can breathe again"

"I can't believe you're letting her do this, she can DIE! Do you even care for her life?" Lilly exclaimed in exasperation, wildly glaring at Kayden. She's been here for less than five minutes and I already regret inviting her and telling her the plan. I groan and Kayden just stands there looking amused.

"Lil, I'm going to be fine. But... we do have to let him get one punch in, just one." I add quickly preparing myself for the chaos that was going to wreak.

"What? We did not discuss this Valeria." Kayden said in a strict tone, clearly confused. I cringed knowing how upset he was going to be.

"See I told you," Lilly shouts at him. I motion for both of them to shut up for a minute and let me talk.

"Kay, it's going to be fine. One punch can't hurt after everything that I've been through with this man. Besides, I'm not looking for your approval, I'm going to do it." I add confidently. Lilly glares at me before saying bitterly,

"Fine, but if we see more than a tiny bruise on you we will end him." I give her a small smile as she walks away giving me some alone time with a really quiet Kayden. I've always been good at reading him but today all I see is worry. He isn't even angry, he's just concerned. Because his back is facing me, I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist causing him to turn around in my arms and look down at me.

"Valeria" he only says my name and sighs before resting his head on my shoulder. My fingers mindlessly run through his hair as my mind runs wild into the memories engraved into my head.

Everything that I've been through with Jason I never once thought how hard it would've been for him to lose his son and wife at the same time. I remember the first night he came to the orphanage smelling of alcohol.

I was thirteen and about to go to bed when I heard the door open. I think that day was the first day I also realized how much I loved my family. The family I made with the girls was one I never wanted when I first came to the orphanage yet now I was willing to do anything to protect them. They were and are my everything and that's why I need to put a stop to this before any of them get hurt.

If I lost any of them, god, I couldn't even think about it without sobbing. Each and every single one of them were a part of me, my heart divided equally and they all possessed one piece. How could've Jason gotten through that all by himself, without anyone by his side? He had threatened to finish me because he had been in love with my mother but what if hurting me was his way to cope with the pain of losing his family.

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