Chapter 37

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Kasey's POV

February 24, 2019

I waddled down the street with Addie, laughing as we both almost tripped. in the heavy snow. There was almost a foot of snow on the ground and there were still snowflakes falling down. February snowstorms meant snow days, which were my favorite in Boston. There was always a magical energy in the air on snow days, everyone seemed so much happier despite it being cold. I liked seeing college students have fun throwing snowballs at each other, couples walking through the snow just enjoying each other's company, and families making makeshift snowmen. And most importantly, there was always somewhere to sled with random strangers, which is what Addie and I just did. There was good hills to sled everywhere, but we'd chosen Anderson Park for today. After a couple of hours of sledding with a variety of people- college students, families, kids- we'd decided it was time to head home before the snow got too deep.

"Thank god, I didn't think I'd make it back. It's time for a long shower and a big mug of coffee," Addie noted as she adjusted her coat and then started dragging her sled towards her apartment building. "Bye Kasey, text me when you get home!" I waved to her as she headed inside, and then continued my walk home. Unlike Addie, I enjoyed the snow so I took my time walking. Fall and Winter would always be my favorite, I liked bundling up and feeling cozy. I liked seeing the leaves change colors and the snow pile onto the ground. Even if it was cold, I still found there was a familiar warmth in these seasons. As I felt myself comforted by my surroundings, I stopped for a second and snapped a picture to put on my Instagram story.

 As I felt myself comforted by my surroundings, I stopped for a second and snapped a picture to put on my Instagram story

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The snow would be shoveled and dirty by tomorrow so I wanted to enjoy my view while I could. I continued on my walk and finally made it to my apartment, so I sent a quick text to Addie letting her know I'd made it home before taking a hot shower like Addie had suggested earlier. It was still afternoon when I had gotten out of the shower, and I noticed my phone had an incoming call from a phone number I didn't recognize.

"Hello?" I answered hesitantly.

"Hi, is this Kasey Hartley?"

"Uh, yes. This is her."

"Hi Kasey, this is Charlotte from The Boston Globe. You gave me your information in one of your emails awhile ago, is I thought I'd reach out. I hope this is okay!"

After I'd told my mom my whole story and she suggested I bring it to the press, I took that into consideration. I thought it over a lot, and I finally decided I would do it. If there was any way I could the company to actually fire Zane, this would probably be it. I wish there was another way, but I'd already tried the most obvious solution and it completely backfired.

"Yes, of course! It's great to hear from you," I started to pace around my apartment.

"Likewise, I'm a huge fan of your dancing. So, I ran the idea by my editor- don't worry, I didn't give any name, of course- and he thinks it'll be a great story and he thinks it will cause enough attention for the company to take action. We're all completely on board for this."

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