Chapter 26

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Ben's POV

March 25, 2018

"Alright, I think all we need is one more take. We just need you to perfect the end," I called out to Sky over the music as I propped up my phone to film. He nodded and restarted the music, and we began the choreography we'd just planned out.

(the quality kind of got killed on this one, sorry:( but i enjoy including their dances bc they're so talented so i hope u enjoy watching regardless <3)

"Perfect!" I high fived him, and we took a look at what we'd just filmed.

"This looks sick," Sky said before taking a large sip of water. We realized it was getting late, so we decided to leave the studio and head back to Sky's new apartment. I'd spent the beginning of this year traveling- after Hawaii, I went to Mexico with Jenna and then to Scotland with my sister Kate. Now, I was back in NYC and back to "normal" life after going to so many places. We'd had our first Mean Girls preview a couple weeks ago, and so far everything was going great. 2018 was off to a great start. Sky and I ordered takeout and ate it while we edited our dance video. The final product was done shortly after.

"Lemme send this to Kasey. She's gonna love it." I texted Kasey the video, and she sent me a string of texts full of excitement and hyping us up, making me smile as we texted back and forth. After I put my phone back in my pocket, I looked up to see Sky staring at me, grinning.


"You really miss her, don't you?" he observed, causing me to blush.

"Well, yeah," I smiled. "I miss her everyday. It's hard not being together. Our 3 year anniversary is in 3 days and we can't even spend it with each other. And it sucks, I don't want to treat it just like any other ordinary day. But there's not much I can do when we're 190 miles away," I sighed. We were both silent for a minute.

"Well go see her then."

"Oh sure, let me just hop on a plane real quick," I said sarcastically.

"I mean, why not? It's not like you to turn down something spontaneous," he threw both of his hands up. He had a point. Could I really just hop onto a plane and go see her? I considered what he'd said, and he looked at me for a second before getting up and heading to his closet around the corner.

"What are you doing?" I called out.

"I think I'm about to blow your mind!" he came back with a Build-a-bear box, smiling like he'd just won a million bucks.

"What is this?" I squinted at him, confused.

"Open up and I think you'll remember," he boasted and sat down on the couch, crossing his arms. I began to open it up, and pulled out a Build-a-bear with adidas sweatpants, and the realization hit me. The bears we'd created for each other on our date, the night we broke up. A wave of emotions hit me. Nostalgia overwhelmed me for a second as I pictured us laughing together as we were dressing the bears. It was a good memory, but the result of the night made me sad. But this was still so special to me, because here we were now. 3 years in, and this was something from so early on in our relationship. I had no memory of what had happened that night after the breakup, so I had no clue this bear still existed.

"Oh my god. I can't believe you have this. How do you have this?"

"When you came into our hotel room that night you shoved that bear in the closet. But I decided to keep it because, well... I just had a feeling you guys were gonna make it. And I was right. I didn't know how long I was gonna keep it, but I feel like now's a good time. You're lucky, I almost left this little guy in Jersey," he explained.

She Will Be Loved- Ben Tyler CookWhere stories live. Discover now