Chapter 3

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Kasey's POV

August 20, 2014

My stomach was twisted with anxiety and excitement, just as it had been for the majority of the past month. Here I was, outside the tall, drear, building that would mark the beginning of my journey. I knew this could either go incredibly right or terribly wrong. Before going inside, I sat down on a bench to think for a minute and calm myself down. I had Starbucks in one hand and my dance bag in another, and I stared down at my white converse. Pulling out my phone, I had a stream of new text messages showing up.

Amber: I miss you already. Wish i could give you the biggest hug

I smiled at the text. I'd spent almost everyday until I had to leave with her, just like we'd promised. This was the first time I'd spend so much time apart from her, and I missed her already. We were so suddenly on different paths.

Mom: Break tons of legs, see u soon!! Love you so much

Bryce: We accidentally switched Starbucks

I looked back at my drink, realizing it wasn't the peach iced tea I ordered. I silently laughed, but I didn't mind ice coffee.


I got out of the elevator, and walked down the hall. The email had said room 212A, so I kept walking, scanning the doors as I went. The number appeared next to a door, so I took a deep breath and walked in. This is where it all starts. People were sitting on the floor chatting and laughing while stretching out. Pieces of set and props were all on one side of the room, and the director and producer were discussing something important among themselves. I felt so intimidated, I didn't know what to do or where to go. I had no experience, I didn't know how this kind of stuff usually went.

 The thought of having to meet so many new people was overwhelming, honestly. But also, the thought of becoming a ginormous family was appealing and something I'd always dreamed of having. Once again, my anxiety was giving me conflicted signals. The knot in my stomach twisted harder. In the back corner of the room, my eyes spotted a random box of Capri suns. I wasn't sure why they were in a rehearsal studio, but I guessed a little kid's dance class had been here previously. This building was home to a lot of different activities. Weird, though.

"Capri Suns? Hell yeah. This is what I signed up for," I quietly joked to myself. A voice started laughing behind me, and I turned to see a blonde boy that was kind of cute had just come through the doors, leaning against the door frame. I joined in on his laughing, and dorkily remarked "seize the Capri sun!" which made him laugh again. I started blushing and I internally cringed. That was so lame. Great first impression. I was about to say something else, until I took a step and physically bumped into a redhead.

"I'm so sorry!!" I apologized.

"You're fine! Actually, you owe me big time, Miss Clumsy," he joked. I laughed, and turned my head to see if the blonde boy was still there. He wasn't, and I found myself disappointed.

"What's up, I'm Sky."

"Ewww you have a girls name!" I teased, obviously kidding. He laughed. Again, I internally cringed, but Sky didn't seem to think it was stupid, so I let myself relax a bit so I could try to be myself.

"Well you do too!"

"What? That's so rude, don't just assume I have a girl's name!" I fake gasped.

"'So what, is your name like Bob?" Sky showed fake confusion.

"No... it's Gerald."

"Nice to meet you Gerald," He enthusiastically shook my hand.

"But for real, I'm Kasey," I laughed. Okay, that wasn't so bad. I think? I hoped everyone was just as nice as him. We both walked over to our other cast mates, and I sat and stretched near the girls. This was all uncharted territory for me, so I decided to just sit and be silent until one of the girls talked to me.

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