Chapter 8

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Kasey's POV

June 5, 2015

A couple months had passed, and everyday was quite eventful on tour. Almost everyday, I talked to my family on the phone. Mom liked to update me on what happened at work everyday, in quite some detail. Chase told me how he scored the winning point for his soccer team. Russell liked to brag about his skateboarding skills and his new girlfriend, and since the increase in my followers on Instagram, he'd also pester me constantly to give him a shoutout. Bryce told me all about the college he was gonna go to, and all about his major. I told them all about tour, the fansies, all the cities we went to, how amazing my friends were, and I eventually told them about my new relationship with Ben.

"Aww chickedy I'm so happy for you! Ben was nothing but sweet when I met him. I can't wait to talk to him more in Boston," was my mom's welcoming response.

"Kaykay stop growing up too fast. But seriously, that's awesome. Ben seemed pretty chill," Bryce had told me.

"Woahhh no way. Just don't let him break your heart. Oh, and use protection when you-" Russell was cut off by me screaming at him, but him and Bryce had just laughed in the background. I also talked to Amber, but our conversations were short and kind of choppy if I didn't keep talking. I talked about tour and Ben, but as soon as I asked her about her life, she'd dismiss it and change the subject. It worried me, but I figured seeing her in Boston would make things better. If something was really wrong, I knew she would tell me. As the days passed, me and Ben spent a lot of time together. He made every moment with him feel like nothing else mattered, like Ben and Kasey were the only people to exist. There was nothing better than dating your best friend.


June 10, 2015

Later today was the day we had to say goodbye to Ginna Claire and the Rosenthals, among a few others. I'd miss them a lot, but I knew we'd keep in touch. It was currently noon and I was sitting in the hotel lobby, biting into a slightly bruised apple. I was wearing adidas sweatpants and my blue newsies shirt, and my hair was in a messy bun. I scrolled through my Instagram, and liked some photos I was tagged in. My follower account has increased a lot since tour started, and I was tagged in numerous photos everyday from fan accounts; I loved going through them. The fansies were so sweet, and never failed to make me laugh or smile everyday.

"Orange you glad that's an apple?" I looked up to see a grinning young boy who had a newsies lanyard around his neck, and his mom following him.

"I'm guessing you're Jonathan Fenton? If so, we're gonna be good friends. I love lame jokes," I laughed and smiled warmly. He nodded, and I introduced myself and asked some questions about him. He seemed like a good kid, and we were bonding quickly.

"Johnny, I think it's about time for rehearsals. Maybe Kasey can bring us there," Mrs. Fenton said cheerfully.

"Of course!" I stood up and gathered my belongings, and me and Johnny chatted all the way there. As I got there, I was introduced to Nick Masson and Anthony Zas, who were kind and easy to joke around with. Nick and I were both Red Sox fans, so we got along well. Before rehearsal started, a familiar set of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"I know it's you Oprah," I sighed sarcastically, and Ben laughed and turned around to kiss me quickly.

"Woah, I don't remember this part of newsies." Our short kiss was interrupted, and we both turned around to see Josh smirking. Ben tried to slap him, but Josh was too quick so Ben chased after him, and I just laughed. After he successfully slapped Josh, Ben came back panting and laughing.

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