Chapter 64- EPILOGUE

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Kasey's POV

July 30, 2032

I began to stir awake as I heard noises from the kitchen. I stretched my limbs out a little, and opened one eye to see sunlight streaming through the blinds. I sat up and yawned, and looked out the window again as I hugged my knees to my chest. The perfect sunny day, I thought to myself as a feeling of peace went through me. Lazy summer mornings were my favorite- it was warm, the room was bright, and I could sit in bed for as long as I wanted to reflect. And that's what I did- I stared at the ceiling, smiling as I thought about how thankful I was for life recently. 

After a few minutes, the noises in the kitchen were growing louder so I finally decided to get up and see what was going on. I tiptoed out of the bedroom and into the hallway where I could hear The Cure playing on a speaker and some giggling happening. 

"Woohoo!" I heard Ben and then some more giggling. 

"Oh this next one is one of your mother's favorite songs," Ben clapped as 'Just like Heaven' started, and I smiled to myself. I poked my head into the corridor, and this is what I caught sight of- Ben measuring from a bowl of pancake batter, wearing his ridiculous apron that says "kiss the cook". He was humming to himself as he poured the batter onto the hot pan. Measuring cups were in the sink, and flour was on the floor. Our daughter, Lucy, was standing on the countertop, dancing in her pajamas. Ben turned back to Lucy after the batter was in the pan.

"Alright, you ready?" Ben bopped his head, pretending to play an air guitar. 

"Show me show me show meee how you do that trick, the one that makes me scream she said," Ben sang into a spatula. 

"Go daddy, go!" Lucy giggled as Ben went into air guitar again after the first verse.

"You try!" he grinned, and Lucy attempted to copy Ben's move. Ben then gave Lucy a pair of sunglasses to wear, and he laughed delightedly as she continued her air guitar with a way-too-large pair of sunglasses on her head. He grabbed his phone to take a video, and my smile widened as I saw how joyed he was. 

"Yeahhh, looking like a rockstar!" Ben grinned, and then he went over to flip the pancakes. 

The best feeling in the world is waking up and falling more and more in love with your person, everyday. 

I walked into the kitchen to finally join them. 

"What are you two goofs doing, hmm? Causing chaos in the kitchen?" I teased. Ben turned around at the sound of my voice and his eyes lit up.

"Mommy's awake!" Ben cheered.

"Mommy!" Lucy practically lept into my arms and I hugged her tight and spun her around, then gave her a kiss on the cheek before putting her down. 

"Good morning," Ben embraced me and gave me a quick kiss. "We may be causing chaos, but guess who's idea it was to wake up early and make pancakes for the whole family?"

"Who's was it?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Miss Lucy herself," Ben gestured towards the toddler who was hopping up and down. "I'm just helping her make the plan go through."

"Aww, Lucy! You wanted to make breakfast for everyone?" She nodded happily. "You're too sweet," I bent down and squeezed her again. 

"Mommy!" Another small voice called out, and I turned to see our son, Cam, running towards me from the living room.

"Cammy! Good morning," I laughed as he excitedly hugged me. 

"I missed you," he said after letting go.

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