Chapter 22

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Kasey's POV

"I hope you realize how happy my feet are to not be on pointe right now," I remarked, and Sky laughed as he propped his phone up to film the dance combo he just taught me. 

"Bam, one take," Sky gloated, and high fived me. He noted that he'd post it on Instagram later. It was around 11 pm, and we'd just finished our Newsies Variety Show at 54 Below earlier that night. I sang "Burn" from Hamilton, along with the group numbers we'd done with the whole cast. It was the first of hopefully many more Newsies reunions, it was great to see everyone again and to meet so many lovely fans. Even though it was late and we were tired, Sky and I had promised to get a quick dance session in before I went back to Boston in a couple days, which was why we were currently in the studio. The past 2 months had been a little crazy. After tour ended, I went back home to see my family for a little bit. I went back to my dance studio, and we worked out a plan to get myself ready to audition for the BBC in the upcoming year. I was training almost everyday for several hours, which was draining, but at the same time energizing. It'd been a little tough (and painful) coming back to pointe after not actively training for so long, but once I got back into the groove of things, the free feeling dancing had always given me was back. It felt incredible to be back in the dance world, and I had a good feeling about getting into the company. On top of all this, I was still trying to finish high school, it was my last year. I was also spending some time in NYC, staying at Ben's apartment and spending time with him and all our friends. He also would stay with me in Boston, we made it work. If I made it into the company, that would mean more long distance. It would be hard, but I knew we were both strong enough to endure it. After turning all the lights off in the studio, we said goodbye and went our separate ways, as he was going back to New Jersey tomorrow. 


Ben's POV

"I'm hommee!" I smiled as I heard her voice and turned to see her come through the door wearing sweatpants and carrying a pizza box. I went to meet Kasey at the door and took the pizza box, then kissed her quickly. 

"How was dancing?"

"Super fun. Did you guys decide what we're gonna watch?"

"I was thinking high school musical," Josh piped up from the couch, causing Dan to groan. 

"Wait, that's a good idea. I vote yes," Kasey said.

"Well I'm in too. Sorry Dan, Forrest Gump will be for another night," I shrugged. Kasey forced me to give her a piggy back ride to the couch. I dished out the pizza, and poured some wine for Josh, Dan, and I. Kasey didn't drink, which was understandable. I snuggled up next to her, and we spent the rest of the night watching high school musical, laughing and singing along to our favorite parts. Kasey rested her head against my shoulder, and I gently played with her hair. These past couple months had been tiring going back and forth between Boston and NYC, but it was all worth it if I got to see her. I was proud that she was pursuing something she was so passionate about, and Kasey was obviously so talented. As long as I got to be in her presence, it didn't matter where I had to travel to. I was so excited to see where we'd both end up. The next couple of months and the coming year were going to be fun. Josh and I were taking a trip to Europe, starting in London. The Law and Order episode I'd filmed last month comes out in a few months, and of course the premiere of our Newsies movie does as well. I loved getting to see so many of our Newsies family thrive and work on their own projects after tour ended, and soon we'd all be able to see the one we'd created together. I noticed Kasey was now asleep against my arm, I smiled and gently wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer. 

She Will Be Loved- Ben Tyler CookWhere stories live. Discover now