Chapter 39

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Kasey's POV

April 30, 2019

I'd just finished up one of my last shows ever, and I was now taking off my pointe shoes. There was only a few more shows left and I was kind of sad. Romeo and Juliet was our last show of the season, and I'd really gotten to enjoy all the choreography. But also, I was getting more and more excited to leave and forget everything that had happened here and start filming for West Side Story. Oh my god. I can't believe I'm going to be in a movie. It still hadn't fully sunk into my mind. As I thought about all this, I noticed my phone was ringing. It was Charlotte, and I felt my stomach turn.

"Hey Charlotte!"

"Kasey! Thank god I caught you. So listen, it's time. The story's going into the paper tomorrow."

My stomach turned even more. I knew it was going to come out soon, but I was still so scared.

"Oh! Wow..."

"Also, I think I'm kind of being blackmailed or something? I don't really know, but that's why we need to get this out now."

"You think you're being blackmailed?" I chuckled.

"Got a really threatening email claiming they'd release my article if I didn't pay them $1,000 or something? I don't know how they got my article but that is very concerning. I thought everything was secure. Password breach, maybe? Anyways, Marvin's working on pretending like we're gonna send them the money, and right now I'm currently fighting my editor while we change the layout of the entire paper the night before it comes out," she rambled.

"Oh my god!" I was stunned at everything she'd just told me, but Charlotte didn't seem phased at all.

"Don't worry, we've got everything under control. I just wanted to give you a heads up, prepare yourself for all this. This is going to get a lot of attention." We finished our conversation and I hung up and took a deep breath. This is really all happening. I quickly took off my costume and changed back into normal clothes, and started walking backstage to find Addie. I froze when I saw Zane walking down the hall, not paying attention. He had no idea what was happening tomorrow. I was so scared of what was going to happen, especially because of what Charlotte said about his parents and the other situation. He couldn't really do anything because I wasn't taking anything to court or tying my name to this, but he was going to know it was me. I quickly moved out of his sight, and almost ran right into Addie.

"Geez, where you off to in such a hurry?" Addie chuckled, but when she saw the panic on my face, she became serious.

"Let's just go," I mumbled. I quickly walked out of the theater and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You okay?" Addie asked as we started walking down the street.

"The article's coming out tomorrow," I said as I adjusted my dance bag I was carrying.

"Oh. Oh wow. Tomorrow?" Addie widened her eyes, and I nodded. "That' Oh wow. It's happening. Are you okay?"

"Yes and no. I don't know, this could go really good or really bad."

"What could go bad?"

"I don't know... I don't know what Zane is capable of. Hopefully nothing."

"I think it's going to go good," she put an arm around me assuringly. "And if it doesn't, it's okay. We'll be gone in about a week." I smiled at her lovingly. I wasn't going to be the only one leaving, Addie had been accepted into the American Ballet Theatre, which was incredible. It was basically the best dance company in the world, and any kind of involvement with them was an accomplishment. It wasn't just my time to move on from the company, it was her time too I guess after everything that happened here this season. I'd miss all the memories we had together but we'd see each other in New York.

She Will Be Loved- Ben Tyler CookWhere stories live. Discover now