"I was just joking Ron, don't just start insulting my friends."

"Sure didn't seem like," he mutters under his breath. 

"Why are you trying to pick a fight with me right now?" You ask slightly frustrated. 

"Well, I just think it's dumb that you think I'm self-centered, but your entire house is full of people full of themselves."

"I second that," Ginny says as she raises her hand.

"I can't believe you believe in the stereotypes." 

Ron scoffs under his breath.

"What's so funny, Ron, do you think this is funny?"

"Well, you sure are making a fool of yourself," Ron says as he stands up from his bed. "Not all Slytherins are evil, bullshit every Slytherin I've met is."

Your eyes began to well up, but Ron just keeps going.

"I  mean, Draco's a bloody git, he called Hermione a mudblood. Snape picks on us non stop during potions. Tell me one Slytherin that isn't an arse Y/N."

"Me. If you had this many problems with me Ron, then should've let me know before you invited me to your house." You begin to grab your things and stuff them into your bag. "The past five minutes, you've done nothing but ridicule me. I've known Draco my entire life, and you know that. To have the arrogance to insult my friends, my house, and me is entirely ignorant."

"And the fact that all of you agree is mental, and I cannot believe I've associated myself with you guys for this long." You shout and point to Hermione, Ginny, and Harry. 

"Wait Y/N I-" Ron begins, but you cut him off, enraged. 

"If you all seriously have nothing to say, then I think I should leave."

 You stalk down the staircase, grab the floo powder, and angrily mutter 'The Y/L/N Estate'. As soon as you land in your fireplace you run to your room, throw your things at the ground, and begin to cry into your pillow. 

"Let's just say we had a disagreement that spiraled way off the radar." You try to joke, shoving the conversation to the side.

"You know you can tell me, right? After all, those are my siblings." 

You bite your lip before the words start spilling out, telling Fred the entire story.

"Did Ron ever apologize?" You shake your head no, suddenly very interested in the tart. 

"Well, I apologize on his behalf, what a bloody git." 

"If he truly did care, I think he would've apologized by now."

"Don't worry Y/N, he's just a stubborn arse. He is quite full of himself, so you're not wrong there." He says, slicing you another slice of the tart.

"Merlin, I'm full. I don't need another slice." You say, giggling.

"Right, then we can split it," he responds, staring at the slice on your plate.

The two of you both go in for the same piece at the same time. Fred looks at you, trying to push your fork away, decidedly you won't lose, so you push his away, as well. Unfortunately, he's much; stronger, so with a final blow, your fork goes flying in the air. You both watch as it flips in the air. 

"You know what, just have the whole thing." You say, defeated, burying your face in your arms due to the embarrassment. 

You feel something push into your arm, and you look up. Half the tart rested on the plate with a new fork laid next to it. You give Fred a look, and he nods back, to which you respond with devouring the tart. 

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora