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Disclaimer: death


Pansy Parkinson

I lie in bed staring up at the ceiling. I feel like I sink deeper into the mattress with my every breath until I'm falling, lost in a sea of thoughts. It's like I can feel the words of death at my fingertips, binding and turning at my command. I don't want to kill anybody else, but now that I have, the curse tempts me.

Adrian flashes in my mind, and that's when the curse tears me apart.

I don't think that I miss him. He'd been gone for too long in my life for me to really know. A part of me does feel empty, a hole that can never fill. Killing him is a guilt that will never be taken off my shoulders. The burden of being the reason he's gone is heavier than him not being here at all.


But I wish he was here.

Blaise Zabini

The door to my room is knocked. My eyes flicker to it, I don't respond, but the door opens anyway. My mother walks in, dressed in black. She's always dressed in black.

"What do you want?" I ask bitterly, she looks down at me but reply's with nothing. "If you have nothing to say, just get out."

Her eyes narrow, and for a second, she continues to stay silent until the moment she doesn't, "I'm sorry."

"You've said it a thousand times," I reply snarkily, sighing loudly.

"I mean it, Blaise," she snaps. Her subtleness is now gone. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I ask, standing up, pushing away from my desk.

Again she goes silent.

"What about sorry for ruining your childhood? What about sorry for never caring? What about sorry always putting me last? What about sorry for never paying attention to me and only chasing after men and money?" My voice rises the longer I speak. I can't control it.

"Look where that got you? Where it got us. You always claim that your 'apologies' have meaning, but I know you've never meant it." I love my mother, I mean she's my mother. But I'm selfish. "You've always been a liar. It doesn't surprise me that you've been lying to me all my life."

"Blaise, do not speak to me like that," my mother snaps once I've finished, but her voice is shaky. Her nose flares and a flame flickers in her dark brown eyes.

She can't handle the truth.

Terence Higgs

"You may go," Snape sighs, glaring me down as I leave his study.

The hallways are silent as I walk down them. Every time after my seer lessons with Snape, I get the worse headaches. My head pounds as I try and find my way to my room. You'd think I'd know where I'm going considering the number of times I've been to Draco's house. For some reason, it feels like it's not the same place anymore. This isn't where I grew up.

I collapse into bed as soon as I get to my bedroom, the world around me still spins, but my headache lessens. It's always the scariest feeling when I forget about my mark, and I look down, and it's there. Whenever I see it, the memory of how it all happened plays perfectly in my mind. I hate how accurately I see it all. Every detail is never missed.


"Are you sure it's ok that I stay with you again?" Tracey asks as the two of us walk up the path to the front door of my house.

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