ᴘᴀʀᴛ 36

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For everybody that doesn't follow me, wow. Must suck to suck. Just kidding, the news is the new cover :) But yeah, it must really suck to not follow me, so you should go ahead and do that.

I hope you guys like the new cover as much as I do. Can you see the boys in the back? No, but they are irrelevant anyway. The only people that matter are Tracey and Pansy, and that was my priority, of course.

Now vote. Please and thank you.



"You're awak-" You begin, but Draco pushes himself off his elbows, your breath hitching as he lightly grabs your chin, pulling you in close. Your lips meet his, connecting. An inexplicable tug refuses to let you leave his grasp.

The kiss breaks, but your lips remain hovering over his. You look up at Draco's eyes, slightly moving your chin up as you gaze. As you tilt, Draco's hand grazes your chin, bringing you back for round two. It feels just as beautiful as it did before, feeling his lips against yours.

His warm touch on your cheek, his soft lips, it was all so pure.

"Draco, you're allowed to leave now," a sharp voice rasps from behind you. "Just, take this dose, please."

You turn to see Madame Pomfrey with one hand on her hip, glaring at the two of you. She hands Draco a paper cup before whirling around; you stifle a laugh as Draco smirks before downing the medicine. He makes a sour face as he swallows the fluid.

"Help me up," Draco pleads, pulling on your hoodie sleeve as you stand up from the chin.

"You can't get up yourself?" You ask, raising your brow.

"I'm not too sure I can," he sighs, falling down dramatically onto his pillow.

He stands up, grabbing your arm, fake staggering and cursing, leaning all his weight against you, causing you to stumble backward.

You smack his shoulder lightly as you struggle under his weight, "Get off, Draco, I'm serious."

"You're not Sirius, you're-" He smirks, wrapping his arms around your waist, keeping his eyes on you.

You raise your gaze at him with a cold glare, which gets him to shut up, but he pulls you in close, leaning his chin atop your shoulder.

You allow him to hold that position, leaning your cheek on Draco's shoulder, taking in the moment. Eventually, he lets go and takes your hand, cupping it tightly in his. Walking down the corridor hand in hand towards nowhere specific.

"Where should we go?" He asks, swinging your arm around in.

"The Common Room?" You suggest, tilting your head to face him.

"It'll be really crowded since everybody is waking up," he mutters with a dark face but instantly lights up within a second. "Follow me," he grins, lets go of your hand, and begins sprinting off.

"Draco, you shouldn't be running," you call, slightly worried while also refusing to run. It's way too early for that, and Draco should be recovering.

"Adrenaline rush," he shouts sarcastically, motioning you to follow him.

You roll your eyes before sprinting after him doing your best to catch up. Following him as he runs through the corridors, with Draco looking back every so often to make sure you aren't too far behind. Up the stairs, you jump up every two steps, knowing exactly; where Draco is taking you.

Draco opens the large Astronomy Tower doors, a cool spring chill whirring around in the air. You step out onto the balcony part, leaning against the railing inhaling the clean breeze.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now