ᴘᴀʀᴛ 39

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We've gone hybrid, so I've had more time to write. Enjoy, and don't forget to vote.

Disclaimer: Molesting



"So, what was that about?" Pansy asks as soon as you return to your trio.

"I'm going on a date," you grin, beaming.

"With Draco?" Tracey pops her head out from the side.

"Yeah," you nod, biting your bottom lip with excitement.

"Who knew he's such a romantic," Tracey jokes, flashing a smile to a Ravenclaw boy who had just waved at her.

"Who's that?" You ask Tracey, looking the Ravenclaw boy up and down, she shrugs.

"Adrian's the most romantic," Pansy runs ahead of you guys, twirling as she proceeds forward. "He got me a knife."

"Terence got me a photo-book."

"He did?" Pansy, perplexed, halts her twirling.

"I can show you later."

"And Draco got me this necklace," you add, pressing the silver gem that sits on top of your tie.

"Wait, is that the necklace?" Pansy runs up to you, admiring the gem. "Let me see."

"It's the necklace," you affirm, grinning as she adores your present.

"Me too," Tracey joins Pansy, complimenting your necklace. "What's so special about it?"

"It has a special meaning,"

"Are you going to tell us?" Pansy asks, still dazed on your jewelry.

"Nope," you smirk, sarcastically flipping back your hair. "It's just between Draco and me."

They groan with disappointment, knowing you won't tell your secret.

"Do you know what you're doing for the date?" Tracey asks, letting her gaze go of your necklace.

"No, he just said meet up on Saturday," you reply, tucking your hair behind your ear as you turn the corner.

"So it's a surprise," Pansy presses her lips together while flipping off a seventh-year Slytherin who whistled at her.

"What a romantic," Tracey giggles at Pansy, who flashes a smirk.


As you brush your teeth, you run your fingers against the hangers in your closet. You stop at a cream linen oversized button-up. You throw it on your bed, then you go through the drawers of your dresser for bottoms. You decide on light wash straight-cut jeans.

You spit out your toothpaste before changing. You adjust your outfit, looking into your mirror, tucking in the right tail of your button-up into your jeans. You then center your necklace, unbuttoning the top three buttons.

While you tie your hair half up, half down, Pansy enters the dorm in an oversized sweatshirt and pajama pants.

"Are you ok?" You ask, turning away from your reflection.

"Yeah," she replies distantly, sinking into her bed.

"You're sure?" You reiterate, looking her outfit up and down.

"I just had a nightmare," she rubs her eyes before laying her hands on her stomach. "It's whatever, though. I'm just, really, tired."

Just as you're about to respond a knock, knocks on your door.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now