ᴘᴀʀᴛ 28

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Hello everybody, I hope you enjoy today's part, don't forget to vote if you do. Thank you so much for 17k. Very exciting on my end. Beginning next week, I'll be uploading only twice a week. Three times is just too much, and I feel like I'm always writing, and I don't want this to become a burden. If you follow me, you'll figure out (soon) when those exact days are. That's all luvs <3



You watch as Ron gawks at you in terror, Harry focuses on adjusting his glasses, George looks like at any moment he'd burst out laughing, Lavender just seems confused, Hermione glances nervously between fidgeting her fingers and the bedpost. And Ginny, Ginny just goes pale, very pale.

Suddenly George's bubble pops, and he erupts laughing, grabbing a pillow attempting to stifle his laughs.

"I'm sorry, what's going on?" Lavender asks, realizing that you're you.

"I think, I think I'm just gonna-" you reply, your stammering echoing in the silence. "-go," you let out a painful laugh, walking backward through the door.

You book it, bolting out of the Gryffindor Tower. You run through, strangely, empty corridors with the pounding of your footsteps ringing in your ears.

You stop to take a break, huffing, and puffing.

"Y/N!" Fred shouts after you. "Y/N!"

You look over your shoulder to see a tall ginger haired boy bounding towards you at a frightening speed.

"Y/N, I swear, I have no idea what that was," he says once he's close enough for you to hear him, without having to yell. "There never usually in there all at once, I swear I only know as much as you do."

You let out a sigh before cracking a grin, "That was so unpleasant."

"Yeah, I know, it was bad. Really, bad, bloody hell, and then George just laughing like that," he replies in disbelief, rubbing his forehead while smirking at the thought of his twin brother.

"And, did you see Ron's face? It looked like he's seen a spider or something," you add, giggling from his expression. "Merlin, and Ginny, she got pale so fast. I mean, she's already so pale, I don't even know how it's possible."

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen my siblings that shocked, minus George."

"George was basking in our pain."

"Oh yeah, definitely, I won't hear the end of it when I go back," he says, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "But, when I say I didn't see that coming, I'm serious. I promise I didn't plan that. They wouldn't even listen to me if I had asked them to."

"Don't worry, Fred, I believe you," You reply with honesty. "I'm gonna head back, now."

"Ok, I'll see you later, Y/N," he pulls you in for a kiss, his lips grazing against yours. "Love you, Y/N."

"I love you as well, Fred," you say, grinning, as he pulls away.

You give him a small wave as he walks backward, refusing to turn around until you're entirely out of sight.

Fred Weasley

I crack open the dorm door to see who remains, everybody but Lavender.

"We know it's you, Fred," Ginny snaps. In return, I jump on top of her as she lays on my bed. "GET OFF ME, FREDERICK GIDEON WEASLEY!" Ginny shouts, attempting to push me off.

"Not after the middle name Ginerva," I reply, pushing her off of the bed with ease.

Hermione helps Ginny sit up straight. Ginny glares at me as she seats between Harry and Hermione. Hermione uncomfortably shifts aside, scooting closer to Ron. Ron absentmindedly moves over, the expression of terror still stamped across his face.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now