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This is almost 4k words to make up for last weeks update haha

enjoy and voteeee mwah


Pansy Parkinson

I lie on Tracey's bed as she does homework. I can't stop thinking about the letter. I haven't told Tracey, or Draco, or rather anybody.

Even though I told myself I wouldn't do anything about it, it continues to bother me.

"Pansy, are you ok?" Tracey asks, turning in her chair.

"Just thinking," I mutter, picking at my nails.

"What are you thinking about," she presses. I know she's doing it for my own good, but could she not?

"Nothing," I sigh, pushing myself up from slouching down into her mattress. "It's not important."

I wish I could tell Tracey the truth.

She already knows almost everything.

The mark.

The lies.

The cheating.

But every time I considered telling Tracey, something held me back. If I ever tried, the words would struggle, and then it would all end in a mess.

"You don't have to lie," Tracey presses her lips together, staring right at me.

"I'm not," I reassure, brushing my bangs aside.

Tracey turns back to her homework, and I return to my thoughts.

What would be the worse that could happen if I didn't follow the Dark Lord's orders?

Actually, a lot, now that I think about it.

I could die.

That wouldn't even be the worse.

I would suffer. That's inevitable.

But it's worth it.

I'd rather carry the burden than Y/N. She doesn't deserve it, not after what I did to her.

What scares me is deep down; would I follow through with my own promise? If the right moment came and she was standing right in front of me, would the words come easy?

Half of me wants to tell her so badly, then she'll know what's coming to her. The other half wants to keep quiet and pretend it never happened. But you can't keep anything from the Dark Lord. He'll find out soon enough.

And worse enough, a part of me wonders if she'd agree.

She wouldn't.

But she could.

"Pansy, ready for lunch?" Tracey asks, and I blink, forcing myself out of my daze.

"Yeah," I huff, sliding off her bed, and we both leave her dorm.

I hate my dorm.

It's empty and sad.

Though the possibility of Y/N being there is slim nowadays, that isn't what's keeping me from entering. Being in there makes me feel unbelievably lonely, and I start thinking things I hate thinking.

As Tracey sits across from me in the Great Hall, the rest of the 'group' is nowhere to be seen. Terence has to eat second lunch since he has class at this hour. Y/N and Draco were self-explanatory. The same goes for Adrian. Adrian sits with Marcus Flint and that Quidditch three tables down. Blaise, I never know what Blaise is up to.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now