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225 views. 225 views in one week. AHHH, I'm so happy we're almost halfway to 500 views. Also, I'm 45 in the Cedric tag??? This isn't even a Cedric based fanfic lol, but I'm still elated. Don't forget to vote and enjoy the story :)



"Then get the fuck over, Cedric," he says, and as they come out, the words suffocate my heart.

This was too much. All too much, you just couldn't handle it. All the emotions you had been bottling up exploded at the sound of the six words.

"YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT," you scream, punching his jaw with all your power.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT FEELS LIKE," you screech, anger rushing through all the veins in your body.

"TO BE BETRAYED BY YOUR CLOSEST FRIEND," you shout, pushing Draco harshly away.

"You've got some fucking nerve Y/N." He scoffs; eerily while brushing his finger against his lip to wipe the blood. "I'm built on betrayal."

"That's a lie; I have been here for you ever since the beginning. We all have Blaise, Adrian, Pansy, and Terence," you reply out of breath.

"You think you know me better than myself, Y/N?" He scoffs, "you are sorely mistaken. I'm not the same person you think I am."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You sneer.

"I think, Y/N, you live with this fantasy that I'm this nice guy." He walks closer, centimeters away from your face. "But this is the real me, and it's time you realized that."

Abruptly he turns, and you watch as he walks down the corridor until he disappears.

"But you aren't; I know you aren't." You whisper to yourself, clenching your fists.

Draco Malfoy

As I leave Y/N, I go to the nearest bathroom. My head is pounding, and my body feels like it can't take it anymore.

I lean against the sink staring at my reflection.

What the fuck did you just do.

Why do you keep fucking yourself over?

I punch the mirror, making cracks spiraling out from the center.

I rinse myself with cold water and take one last glance at my broken reflection.

Why do you keep fucking yourself over?

The statement repeating itself in my head is the only thing I can think about.

Pansy Parkinson

The last several weeks have been awful. Y/N and Draco refuse to speak to each other. It's draining and so fucking annoying. Honestly, I can't handle it anymore, but they're both stubborn as hell.

"I can't be the only one annoyed, am I?" I ask Adrian while I lay in his bed as he gets ready for the quidditch match.

"We should be used to this by now; I mean fourth year they didn't speak the entire winter. And for what? They were too nervous to ask each other to the yule ball, but then got angry when neither asked each other, and they went with other people."

"I remember that; who caved in?"

"Who do you think?"

"Y/N, ugh, but she's more stubborn than ever. They better be back to normal soon. I'm giving them a week, or else I'm forcing them to apologize."

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now