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I've been going back to listening to Billie Eilish and Conan Gray non-stop lmfao. Also I love her new hair it's so pretty and HER VOGUE COVERS AHHHHHHH

Vote if you want, but it'd be greatly appreciated if you did :3



"What?" You ask, feeling a heavyweight drop right on top of you. Like the world was crashing down, and you were the only one who was in pain. Draco didn't look as you did, heartbroken. Draco seemed like this was something on his list he'd been meaning to cross off for days, and he was resentful because he'd held it off for so long.

"Whatever we have is done," Draco repeats, looking directly into your eyes. His piercing glare goes through your heart, shattering it into millions of pieces.

This cannot be happening right now.

There's no way.


"Wha- why...?" Your voice comes out small and helpless, "I love you so much, I just- why? Why are you doing this to me? I've been waiting all summer and- and- then we finally have a- have a moment to ourselves, and- and- and you break up with me?"

Draco doesn't say anything. He doesn't move, though his eyes flicker. Every painful second of his silence pierces into your shattered heart. You begin to lose yourself, and the world around you quickly turns to grief and despair.

"Why? Just why?" You crack, your breath escaping into your words, "Draco, the least you can do is tell me why you're leaving me. I love you so much, and you love me so-"

"I don't," he replies harshly, and much too quickly for your comfort. With every word he speaks, he drags your heart deeper into darkness, but you didn't want him to stop speaking. Not when every second that flickers by is becoming your lasts.

"You... you don't love me...?" Your voice whimpers, your hands squeeze your robes tightly, feeling for the only comforting thing around you. "Say it then- look me in the eyes and say that you don't love me." You demand loosely. The words don't come out strong as you had intended. Instead, they linger around, suffocating your every breath.

"I don't fucking love you, Y/N," without hesitance, he replies, shrugging it off like it has no meaning to him; to you.

Your breaths run too fast, your words not being able to catch up. You feel like crumbling to the ground, but you keep your stance, trying to stay strong, "No, you're lying, you do, I know you do. Please tell me you're lying. I can't lose you, I can't."

"I don't care, I already told you, I don't love you. I haven't and I never have," Draco snaps, dismissing your fragile state. He looks stone-cold. His expression is so painful his words begin convincing you.

The little voice in the back of your head whispers their taunts. Each whisper pushes you forward, believing Draco's words, believe the whisper in your ear. You don't want to believe it. You want to believe Draco's loved you and that he stills does, but with every whisper, you turn farther and farther away from your truth.

You didn't think Draco actually loved you, did you?

You're so fucking pathetic.

So fucking hopeless.

You really expected him to love you?

You really thought cold-hearted Draco would change just for you?

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