ᴘᴀʀᴛ 10

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Hello everyone! Last part; I forgot to mention the new cover. Took me forever, but I'm really happy with the way it turned out! Don't forget to vote and enjoy this part. Disclaimer: Slut-shaming


Terence Higgs

Shit. Marcus is going to kill me.

I lay in the hospital wing, contemplating the best way to lay this down on Marcus.

"Terence, what the fuck is this?" Marcus asks coming out of nowhere, while pointing to the cast on your right arm.

"Let me explain I-," I begin, but Marcus interrupts me.

"How do you break your fucking arm, the day before the Gryffindor game?"

"Look; I realize this looks bad bu-"

"You didn't even break your arm on the pitch; how do you break your arm in the fucking library?"

"Well, when you say it like that," I sigh.

"What's your plan?"


"If you're not going to play seeker, who is?"

"Right, yeah, I have a plan; Y/N said she'd do it for me."

"Y/N? She agreed? Even after what had happened last year?"

"Yup, she already agreed. She's perfect, right?" I ask while looking down at the ground.

"Fine, fuck, just get better." Marcus sighs while leaving.


"Absolutely not," you reply, looking up from your homework.

"Please, Y/N, I already told Marcus you'd do this for me," he begs.

"You what?" You respond gritting your teeth.

"Marcus is already angry about what happened last week." He continues, "and if you don't do it, Marcus will be angry with you."

"No is no Terence, not after what happened last year."

"Please, Y/N, I'll do anything, just please play."

You sit staring at Terence, who was making his best puppy eyes.

"Fuck you, guilt." You think to yourself.

"How'd you break your arm anyway?"

"I was in the library when somebody on the bloody ladders fell down on top of me."

"Why were you in the library in the first place?" You grin, "were you meeting a special someone?"

"That's not important," He reddens. "So, will you do it for me?"

"Merlin, you're annoying."

"Thank you, Y/N." He responds, grinning, finally leaving you alone.

You pack your things, leaving the courtyard for your next class. As you turn the corners, you swear you see a blonde-haired girl trailing behind you. But, who would follow you? It couldn't be Paloma, could it? No, the Paloma incident had happened a week ago. You were over it, and she surely was over it. You pushed the Paloma thoughts away as you enter Transfiguration.

"Hey Draco," you exclaim, sitting next to him; he nods. "Where were you today; you missed breakfast."

"I slept in." He responds curtly.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora