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We have 1.7k reads almost 1.8k asdkjfhjlkadh; I'm crying. Thank you so so so so much guys, wtf. I cannot believe this is happening right now. Also, if somebody wants to explain why the Wattpad rankings are being evil to me, please private message me <3 Don't forget to vote (we have 350+ votes too eek tysm) and enjoy the part :)

New(ish) Character

Tracey Davis

Tracey Davis

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"Why am I here again?" You ask as you sit next to Terence in the library.

"Studying together," he groans in response, dropping his head onto the book in front of him.

"Why did I agree to this," you complain, pulling out your books.

"You're the one who suggested it," he exclaims, popping up his head. "You asked me to be here."

You pause, trying to remember the conversation."Right, I definitely don't remember that."

You pull out your parchment and quill, beginning to work on your Transfiguration essay as Terence lets you know he's going to grab a book. Quickly you become distracted, and you begin looking around the library, neglecting your work.

The rows of dark hickory tinted bookshelves repeating themselves over and over again. Billions of colorful spines of books resting one after the other on the shelves waiting to be read. Around you, tables of other students studying for whatever it may be. Behind you was a large window that looked out to the garden and a path that lead to Hagrid's hut. The sun shone onto your back, brightening up the atmosphere, leaving a golden glow everywhere you looked.

As you scan around the room, you notice Terence leaning awkwardly against one of the bookshelves keeping his gaze fixed in its direction. His eyes staring in awe at his subject. You turn to see who he's looking at, a girl with long hazel locks stopping only a couple inches below her shoulders. You get a better glimpse of her face when she tucks her hair behind her ear, revealing her dark brown eyes and rose-tinted lips that matched her cheeks.

Tracey Davis

She really was pretty. You could see how someone like Terence would be interested in her. They'd be a cute couple, you weren't going to lie, and for some reason, in an unspoken manner, they both complimented each other, in each and in every way. In one swift motion, you sit up from your seat and grab Terence's arm, pulling him behind bookshelves.

"Don't lie," you threaten. "Do you like Tracey Davis?"

Terence runs his hands through his hair, tapping his heel nervously, looking back and forth between you and Tracey.

"Do you like Tracey Davis?" You repeat, grabbing his shoulders, forcing him to look into your eyes.

You watch enthusiastically; as you see a glimmer of fear run through his hazel tinged eyes. He flutters his eyelids a multitude of times and swallows his nerves before he stammers out a sentence.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now