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"I can leave if I'm bothering you." You say, mustering up nonexistent courage. You back out and shrink into shadows.

Coincidentally your stomach grumbles loudly, and your cheeks turn a shade of red you've never reached. 

"You don't have to leave," Fred replies, grinning, slicing you a slice of the treacle tart. "Especially after that."

"Merlin, you have no idea, thank you." You say as you slide into the barstool next to him.

Fred hands you a fork, which you take and thank him for. You take a small bite of the tart, which melts on your tongue. You close your eyes and take another bite of the heavenly dessert. When you open them, it looks as if Fred has something to say, but he can't seem to say it.

"You look like you have something to say," you say, waving the moment in front of his face. 

"I just," Fred then props his elbow on the counter and rubs his forehead. "I want to apologize about Angelina; what she did was way out of line."

"Ah, it's ok." You whisper, recalling the sudden sting you felt when Angelina slapped your cheek.

"But it's not is the thing," Fred stops but then continues stuttering out every word. "She shouldn't have called you a whore."

"I wish she hadn't, but she did." You pause, thinking through every word. "Don't blame yourself for what happened to me; it's my fault I shouldn't have agreed to it knowing you had a girlfriend." 

"Don't say it's your fault when it's not; I shouldn't have agreed either. I'm the one who has a girlfriend." 

"Instead of playing the guilt game lets, both agree to blame Harry." You suggest as you slice yourself a third slice of the tart.

"Deal," he replies, sticking out his hand, which you shake. "You really like the tart?"

"I have a little bit of a sweet tooth," you giggle. "But, I'm also starving. I skipped lunch and dinner." 

"Remember, during the summer when the birthday cake went missing? And it happened to be you that ate the entire cake." Fred laughs, recalling the memory.

 "I didn't eat the whole cake; I ate most of it." You pout.

"Not the whole cake?" He questions sarcastically.

"Fine all but one bite, and that one bite was Ginny, so she is also partly to blame."

"Right, it's all Ginny's fault you ate the whole cake."

"Correct, you are very smart." You grin.

"What exactly happened the night," he looks down but then back up into your eyes. "You left."

You take another bite of the tart as the memories flow back of what had happened over the summer. 

The Weasley's graciously invited you to stay the summer. You had grown quite close with the Golden Trio and Ginny, so it only made sense that you accepted their invitation. It had started out fine, brilliant even, however as the summer pushed on, disagreements became more common. The last button was pushed when they began to insult your friends, and that's where you drew the line. 

"You're so full of yourself, Ron," you scoff as he stares at himself in the mirror. 

"Says the girl that's friends with that git Draco." 

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now