ᴘᴀʀᴛ 44

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Out of all the parts I expected this to be the shortest but it's actually quite long. Enjoy and don't forget to vote :)

There's also an important message on my message board, so if you don't follow me, please check it out. It's pretty lengthy, so I didn't want to put it in my A.N. If you're from the future, hello there.


Draco Malfoy

I apparate back to Hogwarts, finding myself in front of the Room of Requirements, where I had first left. I tuck my wand in my pocket, surveying the corridors, making sure nobody has been watching.

I walk the corridors towards the Astronomy Tower. Ascending up the stairs my blood runs cold, and my grip fastens around the railing. I never hold the railing. At the top of the staircase, I push the tower doors open. Staying in the shadows, too afraid to step forward. Light chatter, almost whispers emit from the top floor, descending down on top of me, almost suffocatingly.

With uneasy promptness, I walk up the inner spiral staircase of the Astronomy Tower, feeling for my wand. At the top step, I raise my wand threatening anybody who nears. Though, I doubt I look intimidating as my hand trembles in front of my eyes.

I immediately spot Dumbledore by the balcony. He looks right at me, directly. I stay standing behind the large globe that sits in the middle of the tower.

"Good evening, Draco," Dumbledore speaks steadily. Not a hint of fear is detected in his voice. That I envy. "What bring you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here?" I swallow, feeling as if my blood was rushing upwards, feeling lightheaded. "I heard you talking."

"I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. That which sounds sane at a whisper can seem utterly mad when said for all the world to hear." Dumbledore tilts his head, then proceeds to whisper. "Haven't been whispering to yourself, have you, Draco?"

I don't reply, feeling the air escape my lungs. My jaw clenches as he continues to stare at me, waiting for my response.

"You are not an assassin, Draco," he sighs, almost disappointed that I had nothing to reply with.

"How do you know what I am?" I grit my teeth as I speak. "I've done things that would shock you."

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping she would, in turn, bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison. Forgive me, Draco, but these are attempts so feeble I cannot help but question if your heart has been really in them. I'm curious. When Voldemort gave you this task, when he asked you to kill me, was it in a whisper?"

"He trusts me! I was chosen!" I snap, feeling a rush of vengeance as he lists off my many failed attempts.

I push my sleeve up, displaying my mark. Though, Dumbledore seems the least bit interested. Glancing down at my forearm only for a split second, proceeding to look back up at me.

"Then I shall make it easy for you," Dumbledore draws his wand, slowly raising it higher in the air.

In reaction, I flick my wand, "Expelliarmus," the curse leaves my lips instantly at his slight movement.

I watch as his wand slips out of his grasp. It flies free, clattering a good ways away from him. My expression remains cold, but on the inside, wrapped and coiled around each other are fear and the smallest amount of awe. The wand rolls until it comes to a stop, completely still.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now