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#i have the plot(ish) for the whole rest of the story and TGCR !!!

please vote if you can <3



You sit cross-legged on one of the larger stone planters in the courtyard, a good way off the ground. Beside you is your bookbag, and you work on your day's homework. The light fall breeze plays with your hair, and you were almost positive the air smelled like pumpkin.

You didn't like staying inside anymore, not with the Carrows. Defense of the Dark Arts had been miserable, a class you had enjoyed beforehand. After watching them crucio a third year on the first day of classes. Your stomach always coiled when you saw them.

Snape being Headmaster didn't bother you as much it did other students. Though it could be your Slytherin advantage, for some reason, life seemed to be easier. Not easy, but easier. You weren't entirely too sure why.

As you do your homework, a joyful ambiance advances towards you. When you look up, you see Luna skipping over your way. She sits beside you, moving your bookbag to on top of her lap. She holds a big smile. You blink at her skeptical optimism.

"Hi Y/N," she grins, playing with the strap of your bookbag.

"Hey Luna," you reply, looking up from your books.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to this party at the end of the month since we never had one last year after NEWT's," she says, peppy as always.

You had completely, forgotten about NEWT's. You never even received your grades. Probably because the cottage had been off the map, you'd have to ask Snape about that later.

"I'm not supposed to invite anybody, Ravenclaw party only, but I don't think anybody will really mind if you came."

"Who'd you invite? Blaise?"

"Blaise, You, Ginny, and Neville," with every name mentioned, she counts on her fingers, each time nodding thoughtfully.

"They're going to be so mad," you smirk, thinking of a mob of angry Ravenclaws for inviting non-house peers.

"It'll be fun," she glows with her continuous cheeriness. "Besides, if you come late enough, everybody will be high and won't even notice," she giggles with an alarming glimmer in her eye.

"But if I come late, I'll miss all the real fu-" you get interrupted by the ringing of the clock. You ignore it until you check the time, remembering your promise to Madame Pince that you'd return one of the books that had twenty-three holds from other students.

Quickly, not wanting to be caught under Madame Pince's wrath, you hop off the stone edge, "Shit, I gotta go Luna. I'm so sorry, Madame Pince and her books," hastily, you take your bookbag from Luna's lap. "But I'll be there. Count on it," is what you say while walking backward, assuring Luna of your presence at her party, before turning around and running to the library.

When you return the demanding book to Madame Pince, she says nothing but does give you a glowering glare, up and down.

Tired from the running that had been required earlier, you walk around the castle worn out. So worn out that when you turn the corner towards the Slytherin Dungeons, you walk right into Ginny.

Even though the two of you had seemed to make up at the wedding, it was obvious she had been intoxicated. Another reason you were a bit jumpy about it was because the last time you had bumped into her, it did not go very well.

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