8.Is that you?

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Jimin's pov

I couldn't believe my ears about whatever Jin hyung told me. Taehyung, my bestfriend, he did all those things to Jin hyung. Anyone else would assume that it was a kind of harassment and I am actually grateful to hyung that he didn't report him to the school authority but I can't let this slide away not when Taehyung is going to be the pack alpha and one mistake can cost him dearly. I parked my car near Taehyung's penthouse and went in.

Ringing the doorbell continuously, I found no answer from inside. I called him but he didn't pickup. Few minutes later as I was about to leave, Taehyung called me, which I instantly picked up.

"Jiminah, is everything alright?" Taehyung's hoarse voice came out from the other side of the phone. "No Taehyung nothing is alright. First tell me, where are you? Are you not at home? Why aren't you answering the door?" I raised my voice as I replied to him. "I am at home, but I can't let you come inside because I am on my rut." Taehyung sounded apologetic as he answered. "Taehyungah we are like brothers, your rut or my heat would never trigger anything inside us, I thought we both knew that." I replied to Taehyung. "I know Jiminah, but today I did something so bad that I am ashamed of myself , I don't know if I am that same Taehyung anymore. I lost my control today Jiminah, I could have done something worse.." Taehyung sounded like he was going to cry any moment. Very less people knew this side of Taehyung that how much of a softie he is. I replied, "I know Taehyungah, I know it all. I also talked to Jin about this. Trust me it's not that bad, we can resolve this. We just need to talk about it properly". Taehyung sounded fidgety as he replied, "You know? Does that means everyone knows? Did he tell everyone about this? . "Calm down Taehyung, everyone doesn't know it's only me and I got to know because I could recognize your smell on him, now if you could please open this fucking door I would like to come inside and talk with you about this". I finished saying and hung up.

The door clicked open and Jimin went inside to a sad and confused Taehyung.

The Next Day

Seokjin's pov

I took my car and went straight ahead to Yoongi's house. Yoongi is my soulmate. He dropped out of college to become a music composer. Although he was struggling initially, he is doing good now. I continuously pressed my horn when I reached his gate so that he comes out. He screamed out "Give me a damn second bitch" and came running to the car door. As soon as he got in he hit my hand and said "Why are you such a pain in the ass? And what's up with this sudden meetup?". "The only pain in the ass that you will get is from Hoseok when he will fuck you hard and yes I have things to tell you". I replied . "Fuck off loser, Hoseok ain't fucking me in this lifetime. Stupid werewolves." Yoongi retorted and crossed his arms. I said, "Hey Yoongi, what if such things doesn't matter to Hoseok? I mean there are tonnes of human and werewolves couples nowadays". "Dude Hoseok is from Kim clan. They are the most powerful and influential clan in Korea. Even humans are afraid of their power. Kim clan owns the biggest share in the stock market, their enterprise is the top ranked enterprise in the country. But they are known to be extremely backdated and strict to the rules. They won't accept someone from their clan who mates a human and immediately banish them from their group". As Yoongi was talking about Kim clan, chills ran down my spine, and automatically my mind drifted off to Taehyung. Was Kim Taehyung going to adhere to these rules?

"Jin, Jin, are you zoning out again?" Yoongi shaked me. "No, listen I have things to tell you, let's go to our favorite cafe?" Yoongi nodded and looked outside as I drove us to the cafe.

At the cafe

"So you are telling me that not only the guy scented you but he also licked your neck? Sounds kinky but it's a straight hand harassment". Yoongi spoke casually as he sipped on his latte. "I know it is but Yoongi even I didn't push him away. I let that happen. Do you still think it's a harassment?" I tried to not look at Yoongi as I spoke. "Yes it is, because he might have used his alpha dominance to make you submit to him" Yoongi answered. "But I am not a werewolf, why would that work on me?" I replied. Yoongi started speaking, "Look , Jin.." but suddenly the waiter slipped on something and spilled a smoothie on my dress. "What the fuck? Can't you see where you are going? Do you know how expensive his dress is? It's a fuckin Balenciaga!", Yoongi cursed out. "Hey Yoongi , calm down" I spoke in an attempt to calm him down. Yoongi is very strict about monetary things. He doesn't like wasting money neither buying expensive shits, so if I spend on something he is always asking me to take proper care of it. No wonder he got so triggered when my shirt was ruined. I spoke to the waiter, "Please be more careful from next time, now would you please show me where the washroom is?". The waiter who kept apologizing replied, "Yes, sir sure, please come this way".

I followed the waiter and went inside the men's washroom. As soon as I got in, my breathe hitched as I came face to face with none other than


A/N : Guys Taehyung and Jimin are platonic besties here. They grew up together so it was common for them to see each other during their ruts or heats. They didn't necessarily do anything.

Also some might wonder that how is Jung Hoseok a part of Kim Clan. Well in this world, every werewolf needs to be under a clan. The higher clan you belong to, the higher your status is. Jung Hoseok happens to be under Kim clan.

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